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Israeli warplanes bomb Syria

Yeah you don't have to fight, you have your own proxies in Syria fighting for you FSA... heck even your iron dome is not Israeli, it is American...
In 2007 when we destroyed ur reactor there was not FSA, yet Assad did nothing.

Iron Dome is 100% Israeli.
In 2007 when we destroyed ur reactor there was not FSA, yet Assad did nothing.

Iron Dome is 100% Israeli.
And i already answered you why.... read my posts...

and about the Iron Dome... the source are inside Wikipedia...

With the United States on track to greatly increase funding for Iron Dome, there have been calls for technology transfer and co-production of Iron Dome in the United States. Just as the US and Israel share co-production of the Arrow III missile system, with Boeing manufacturing 40–50 percent of the production content, there has been support in the U.S. Congress, media and think tanks in favor of co-production.[40] The U.S. House of Representatives included report language in its FY-2013 Defense Authorization Act supporting Iron Dome with $680 million but also instructing that the Director of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency, Lt. Gen. Patrick O'Reilly, "should explore any opportunity to enter into co-production of the Iron Dome system with Israel, in light of the significant U.S. investment in this system."[41] There are media reports that the Pentagon is requesting similar language in the Senate Defense Authorization Act as well as the respective House and Senate defense appropriations bills for 2013.[42] Adding Iron Dome to the list of high-tech military programs built jointly by both nations would help further strengthen ties between Israel and America.[43]


Any official FSA reaction to this Israeli Air Strike?
celebration... Israel helped them... FSA have been trying for days to get to the research center, Israel did it for them...
Iranian regime is terrorist? :woot: Just because they've shown two
They are terrorist because they support and arm terrorist groups who blew up embassies in Lebanon, buses in Israel, Jewish centers in Argentine. Iranian regime is the inventor of suicide terrorism. All Muslims who were killed by suicide bombers should thank Iran.
In 2007 when we destroyed ur reactor there was not FSA, yet Assad did nothing.

Iron Dome is 100% Israeli.

Do you like the news?))
say "profitable" "Assad regime"?
-so you bombed?
Hmm ..

They are terrorist because they support and arm terrorist groups who blew up embassies in Lebanon, buses in Israel, Jewish centers in Argentine. Iranian regime is the inventor of suicide terrorism. All Muslims who were killed by suicide bombers should thank Iran.

Lol)) and Iran must thank Israel for the supply of arms from Israel - against Saddam Hussein!
They are terrorist because they support and arm terrorist groups who blew up embassies in Lebanon, buses in Israel, Jewish centers in Argentine. Iranian regime is the inventor of suicide terrorism. All Muslims who were killed by suicide bombers should thank Iran.
Listen. You're from Israel, which is my favorite country. We are fast friends. But since you mentioned the 'terror' activities of Iran, then MOSSAD and other Israeli intel agencies are not lily white either! Nuff said!
IN INDIA. :yahoo:

#73 Caucasians-Aryans! :bounce::pop:
celebration... Israel helped them... FSA have been trying for days to get to the research center, Israel did it for them...

yeah..Celebrations for Assad...this was an event Assad dreams to be took place in order to use that for his and iranian psycological warfare againist FSA to discredit them in the eyes of public.. but it is too late for everythings..
so you should curse israel for his delaying attack if that news true..
They are terrorist because they support and arm terrorist groups who blew up embassies in Lebanon, buses in Israel, Jewish centers in Argentine. Iranian regime is the inventor of suicide terrorism. All Muslims who were killed by suicide bombers should thank Iran.
first of all Muslims fight fairly, in our religion goal doesn't justifies the means, our prophet even didn't allow to burn trees in fights or do anything that terrifies civilian of captured towns. in Iran Jewish live peacefully with Muslims and we all hate Israel as a symbol of racism, (government) terrorism and mass murders. those group you referring to as terrorist are fighting for their occupied land and country, you should remember 60 years ago there was nothing as israel. speak of suicide missions: it's really funny, while almost all of these missions are done with Wahhabi and bahai religions and both of them are under support of israel government, even they have bases in israel. you should remember saba and shakil village which were mass murdered by israel government, and finally you should know when you use your high flying airplanes to bombard girls schools, there are people who would take revenge and there would be people who would help them.
Russia 'Concerned' Over Israeli Air Strike in Syria

Moscow is “deeply concerned” over reports of Israeli air strikes on Syrian territory on Wednesday and is seeking confirmation of what could be a serious violation of the UN charter, the Foreign Ministry said on Thursday.Moscow said it is looking into reports that Israeli fighter jets carried out an air strike on a military research center near Damascus on Wednesday.


If the reports of “unprovoked strikes” hitting a sovereign country’s territory are confirmed, this would constitute a violation of fundamental United Nations principles, the Foreign Ministry said.

Such attacks are ”unacceptable, no matter where their motivations lie,” the Foreign Ministry added.

Syrian state media, citing the army’s general command, said the strikes killed at least two people. Western media reports said Israeli jets had bombed a convoy allegedly carrying weapons destined for the Shia militant group Hezbollah, which has previously fired rockets into Israel from Lebanon.

The Associated Press quoted an anonymous US official saying the convoy was carrying Russian-made Buk M-2 (NATO: SA-17) anti-aircraft missiles.

In March 2012, Israel’s Haaretz daily reported Syria had supplied Hezbollah with advanced Russian-made anti-aircraft missile systems and was training operators how to use them, in a move which could threaten Israeli air supremacy in the region.

In 2007, Israel carried out another air raid on Syria, hitting what it said was intended to be a nuclear reactor site. It also destroyed an Iraqi nuclear reactor in a bombing raid in 1981.

Israel has not officially commented on the reported incident. Earlier this week, Israeli officials voiced alarm over Syrian chemical or biological weapons possibly falling into the hands of Hezbollah or other militant groups which might use them against Israel.

The Russia Foreign Ministry also called on for peaceful dialogue without foreign influence in Syria, where over 60,000 have died according to the UN in almost two years of civil war.

Russia 'Concerned' Over Israeli Air Strike in Syria | Russia | RIA Novosti
NO WAY, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, is this real?​

Arab League slams Israel over Syria raid
The Arab League on Thursday lashed out at Israel over its airstrike on Syria, saying the act was a "flagrant aggression and a glaring violation" of the Arab country's sovereignty, dpa reported.

"Silence of the international community about Israel's bombing of Syrian sites in the past encouraged it to carry out the new aggression, taking advantage of political and security deterioration in Syria," Nabil al-Arabi, the head of the pan-Arab organization said in a statement.

Arab League slams Israel over Syria raid - Trend.Az
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