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Israeli warplanes bomb Syria

lol, this is like the 10th thread on this...

I suggest the mods combine all the threads
Necessary? Ain!!!! :blink:

What you wanted to say was, they have been caught with their pants down. Well... whatever....I don't like either of them. The more they all bomb each other to kingdom-come, the merrier.

Syria is not in any necessary position to respond. :coffee:
Necessary? Ain!!!! :blink:

What you wanted to say was, they have been caught with their pants down. Well... whatever....I don't like either of them. The more they all bomb each other to kingdom-come, the merrier.

It's so funny when you rejoice over others killing each other while you are being killed on daily bases. It's a shame man.
Necessary? Ain!!!! :blink:

What you wanted to say was, they have been caught with their pants down. Well... whatever....I don't like either of them. The more they all bomb each other to kingdom-come, the merrier.

Chaar baar phir paarliya hai aab taak mujhe huudi nai samaj aaya kya kairah tah main. :what: :D

I think I meant to say even if they wanted to respond they are not in any position to do so. The zionazis occupy Golan heights which is recognized Syrian land and so Syria actually has legitimate grievances with them. If they weren't busy with a civil war Assad would be pressured to respond.
So the payment for hezbollah to kill Sunnis in syria was a shipment of sa 17's

Israel canceled the payment

No grizzlies for you

Dude, our people are also being killed by the same arab lunatics and their disciple. What we are doing is we are cleaning up. No time to talk, too many more people to bomb. :D


It's so funny when you rejoice over others killing each other while you are being killed on daily bases. It's a shame man.

We will solve the Taliban menace, in the meantime you solve the identity crisis you're suffering from.


First make Kebab of the Pakistani Taliban
We will solve the Taliban menace, in the meantime you solve the identity crisis you're suffering from.

I don't have an identity crisis.

Its people like you who have one.

You are so obsessed with Arabs that you think Pakistanis and Arabs are one and the same and thus any enemy of the Arabs is an enemy of Pakistan.

Get a life bro.
Dude... have you ever even read a single post of mine?

@BLACKEAGLE, my friend, please clarify my position on such matters. :P

I don't have an identity crisis.

Its people like you who have one.

You are so obsessed with Arabs that you think Pakistanis and Arabs are one and the same and thus any enemy of the Arabs is an enemy of Pakistan.

Get a life bro.
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Assad and his regime is deteriorating but slowly, who knows how many chemical weapons Syria has manufactured and where they are located wouldn't surprise me if the Israeli's want to play whack-a mole
Hyperion, you know I can throw provocative stunts, but I won't because it's not funny. I am being realistic while you are trying to alleviate the sad reality in your country by throwing it on others who are enjoying peace and prosperity. A Pakistani rejoicing over killings going on in Syria is pathetic.

And when did I rejoice?
Dude, ever heard of the word 'Karma'? There is no sad reality in my country, whatever is going on is called adjustment, soon it will be a footnote in the history of a proud culture.

Hyperion, you know I can throw provocative stunts, but I won't because it's not funny. I am being realistic while you are trying to alleviate the sad reality in your country by throwing it on others who are enjoying peace and prosperity. rejoicing over killings going on in Syria from a Pakistani is pathetic.
With pleasure, A Pakistani trying to take the high moral ground while he and his people live under ground going through hell. I would advice you to act real my friend.:smitten:

My people living under ground?

The only people living under ground in Pakistan are the Taliban and foreign Arab terrorists avoiding US drones.

sorry bro, we kicked fazlullah out, you guys gave him safe heavens, now he is in kunar enjoying his honey moon with america

Then please send the Army into North Waziristan and take out the rest of the scum.
Nah he is referring to me, and is deflecting the real sad story, story of arab-nation being held hostage and *****-slapped on a daily basis by a minuscule state called Israel. I love those guys. :D

And when did I rejoice?

LMAO.. mate you seriously got to take that sock off that ostrich head, cumulatively as a nation. Through eons, your people have been stomped upon by anyone passing. :P

With pleasure, A Pakistani trying to take the high moral ground while he and his people live under ground going through hell. I would advice you to act real my friend.:smitten:
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