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Israeli warplanes bomb Syria

Google Elie Hobeika. I hope Google is not banned by your mullahs yet.
as i said, Palestinian doesn't need Google, CNN, fox news,BBC,... to realize their enemies, you keep these propaganda system for yourself.
Well said.
there are many on this thread who love to f~rt. Off course if and when the time comes to face Israeli airforce they all will run with their tails behind you know where (like Mullah umer and his talib-bozo lackeys).
big words for a citizen of a country which it's people are murdered with US drones everyday.
one time US decided to send it's most advanced stealth drone inside iranian border and we not only detect it, but also captured it, what no other country in the world had done before.
israel is a small poppet which cant fight a small region for 22 days or even 8 days ,a so called regime that won't survive a year without US yearly financial and military assists.
even US doesn't dare to throw one bullet toward iran, you think why US is escaping and moving it's troops to Yemen ? to fight alqaede ? :lol:
it's been so many years US and Israel talking about attacking iran, we attack next season, next moth, next day, if they build that ,if they do this, it's obvious who is f~rting.
FaujHistorian said:
Well said.
there are many on this thread who love to f~rt. Off course if and when the time comes to face Israeli airforce they all will run with their tails behind you know where (like Mullah umer and his talib-bozo lackeys)..

big words for a citizen of a country which it's people are murdered with usa drones everyday.
one time US decided to send it's most advanced stealth drone inside iranian border and we not only detect it, but also captured it, what no other country in the world had done before.
israel is a small poppet which cant fight a small region for 22 days or even 8 days ,a so called regime that won't survive a year without US yearly financial and military assists.
even US doesn't dare to throw one bullet toward iran, you think why US is escaping and moving it's troops to Yemen ? to fight alqaede ?
it's been so many years US and Israel talking about attacking iran, we attack next season, next moth, next day, if they do that ,if they do this, it's obvious who is f~rting.

USA drones are bombing tribal areas for sure all thanks to our Mullah Hullah terrorists.

Who can deny that.

But these Mullah Hullahs are not too different from the Ayatullahs of Iran.

These Mullahs make big statements.

But when the American bombers show up on their heads, they run with their tales behind you know where.

I kid you not, Iranian ayatullahs will do the same. Just like Ayatullah Khomeni who ran away from Shah and took asylum in the same bloody West that the current Ayatullah f@rts about.

We as Pakistani nation do not have any fight with America or Iran or Israel.

Our wrestling match is only with one country that is India. So we do exchange lovely lovely sweets with them every so often.

So just remember how Ayatullah Khomeni ran from Iran.

The new Mulalhs will do the same.

And you the ordinary Iranian will be left holding a bucket full of $hit.

Still this thread is about Israel and Syria.

Have your say please and let's stick to the topic.

International and Arab Condemnations of Israeli Aggression on Syria

Russia expressed deep concern over the Israeli warplanes' violation of the Syrian airspace and shelling a scientific research center in Syria, describing this act as 'an unacceptable violation of the UN Charter".

"Moscow received with deep concern reports on an Israeli air raid against sites in Syria near Damascus," Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

"If these reports are true, then we are facing unjustified assaults on the territories of an independent and sovereign country, which constitutes a blatant violation of the UN Charter whatever the justifications," the statement added.

The Russian Foreign Ministry highlighted the need for taking "prompt measures to clarify the situation in all details," reiterating call for halting to all forms of violence in Syria and foreign interference in it and starting the Syrian national dialogue on the basis of Geneva Statement.

China Urges Maintaining Regional Peace and Stability aftermath of Israeli Aggression

China urged maintaining regional peace and stability in the wake of the Israeli aggression on a scientific research center in Jamraya in Damascus Countryside.

Chinese News Agency Xinhua quoted Spokesman of Chinese Foreign Ministry, Hong Lei, as saying in a regular press conference " China hopes that the relevant parties evade taking any moves that would escalate tension in Syria."

Iran: Israeli Aggression Flagrant Violation of Syria's Sovereignty

Iran strongly condemned the Israeli aggression on the scientific research center in Jamraya in Damascus Countryside as a flagrant violation of Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"The Israeli aggression came within the Israeli and western policies to escape forward and put down the achievements of the Syrian government and people in preserving sovereignty and restoring security and stability to the country," the Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi was quoted as saying by Al-Alam TV channel.

He added that the aggression proves the right of the Syrian people and government to resist the Israeli entity and stresses that the practices of the armed terrorist groups to destabilize security and stability in Syria go in line with the Israeli goals.

The Iranian Foreign Minister called upon the countries in the region to show prudence to confront the continuous crimes committed by the Israeli entity against their people.

Ban Ki-Moon Deeply concerned over the Israeli aggression

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon expressed deep concern over the Israeli aggression, calling for strongly committing to the international law, particularly the safety and sovereignty of states.

AFP quoted deputy official Spokesman for the UN Eduardo Del Buey as saying that "the secretary general referred with deep concern to information on Israeli air raids in Syria."

Lebanon Stresses Israeli Aggression on Syria Violates International Conventions

President of Lebanon, Michel Sleiman, condemned the criminal Israeli aggression on the scientific research centre in Jamraya, adding that the Zionist entity exploits the current circumstances in Syria to implement its hostile policy , regardless of international conventions and humanitarian norms.

In a statement issued today, Sleiman said that Israeli boycott of the UN Human Rights Council session is a firm proof on Israel's disdain for the human rights.

In turn, the Lebanese Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Adnan Mansour, strongly condemned the Israeli aggression on the scientific research center in Jamraya, describing it as a "flagrant" act.

Mansour said in a statement the aggression indicates the reality of the approach Israel has adopted since 1948 till today "which constitutes a permanent threat to Arab peace and security".

"This demands that we the Arabs have a decisive stance to confront [this threat] with all legitimate means," Mansour added.

For his part, the Lebanese Minister of Sport and Youth, Faisal Karami, denounced the Israeli aggression on Jamraya research center, stressing that it comes in the framework of targeting Syria's role, sovereignty and people.

Egyptian Foreign Ministry: Aggression on Syria Is Violation of the UN Charter and International Law

The Egyptian Foreign Minister, Mohammed Amr, condemned the Israel's military aggression on the scientific research center in Jamraya in Damascus Countryside.

The Minister said in a statement reported by Middle East News Agency today that such aggression against an Arab state is completely rejected, adding that it is a clear violation of the UN Charter and the International Law.

Amr called upon the International community to hold Israel responsible for these aggressions, highlighting the danger of repeating such violations on the regional security and the developments in the Middle East.

Also, Independent Pan-Arab Coalition in Egypt Condemned the Zionist Aggression on a scientific research center in Damascus Countryside.

AL: Israeli Aggression on Syria a Violation against Sovereign Country

The Arab League (AL) condemned as "an outrageous aggression" the Israeli enemy's violation of the Syrian airspace and shelling a scientific research center in Jamraya area in Damascus Countryside on Wednesday, which killed and injured a number of citizens and caused huge damage in the site.

In a press statement issued on Thursday, the AL General Secretariat denounced the Israeli aggression on Syria as "a blatant violation of the territories and sovereignty of an Arab country and a transgression against the UN charter, the international law rules, the international conventions and the Security Council's relevant resolutions."

The statement called on the international community to shoulder its responsibility for curbing the Israeli persistent aggressions against the Arab countries.

The statement stressed that the silence of the international community towards the Israeli shelling of sites in Syria in the past has encouraged it to commit its new aggression.

The AL General Secretariat called for holding Israel completely responsible for the outcomes of its aggression on Syria, stressing Syria's right to defend its territories and sovereignty.

It also affirmed the need for Israel to make amends for all the humanitarian and material losses caused by this aggression.

Iraqi Popular Front for Supporting Syria and the Resistance: Aggression Stresses Israel's Fear

The Iraqi Popular Front for Supporting Syria and the Resistance expressed condemnation of the Zionist aggression on Jamraya research center, saying the aggression stresses the failure of the conspiracy against Syria.

"This aggression is an evidence on the Zionist entity's fear of the Syrian Arab Army which possesses weapons and capabilities that frighten Israel in the potential decisive battle for liberating Palestine," the Front added in a statement.

International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions: Aggression Reveals International Collusion with Israel

The International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions condemned in the strongest terms the outrageous Israeli aggression on Syria, considering its an attempt to drag Syria into a new confrontation aimed to affect the national mission of the Syrian Army.

"This aggression clearly reveals the international collusion with the Zionist project targeting the Resistance," the Confederation said in a statement, calling for Arab people and all free people in the world to consolidate Syria's steadfastness and condemn this aggression.

Palestinian Liberation Army: Israel's Perfidious Aggression Reveals Terrorist Groups' Connection to Zionist Agendas

The Palestinian Liberation Army condemned the coward Israeli aggression on Jamraya research center, stressing its standing by Syria's people, army and leadership against any direct and indirect Zionist aggression.

Issuing a statement on Thursday, the Palestinian Liberation Army said that this perfidious aggression came as another episode of Zionist terrorism, adding that it constitutes a flagrant attack against Syria's sovereignty and part of the global war which aims at undermining its independent decision and role in supporting Arab rights, especially the rights of the Palestinian people.

The statement added that Israel's bombardment of the scientific research center reveal the connection of the terrorist groups and those who fund and support them to criminal Zionist agendas.

Iraqi Premier Condemns Israeli Aggression on Syria

Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, condemned the Israeli aggression on a scientific research center in Damascus Countryside, considering the Israeli aggression on Syria as "a message of humiliation to the Arabs and Muslims."

In excerpts from an interview with al-Mayadin Channel to be aired on Friday, al-Maliki said that Israel is exploiting the opportunity to dismember the Arabs, stressing the necessity of supporting Syria by the Arab countries ad informing Israel that its aggression is transgression to their dignity.

"This is a stage where the Arabs should stop at and review all policies they adopt. They should tell the countries which are tampering with their security to stop," he added.

Al-Maliki wondered about the stance of the Arab League on the Israeli aggression on Syria, adding "Were the Arabs in a coherent position, Israel would not dare to do that."

Al-Maliki warned that there is a project to remap the region and Turkey is taking part in it to serve the interests of Israel.

Syrian Arab news agency - SANA - Syria : Syria news ::
Sixteen pages of dirt throwing...

On the topic I think this flightpath is interesting. Instead of choosing the safer and shorter path through Israel one that violates lebanese airspace is preferred. The lebanese government have not raised their voices to my knowledge which indicates a silent approval.? My idea is that since the start of the civil war Iran should have armed Hezbollah as precaution in case Assad falls. But then would Israel have allowed a convoy going from Iran to Lebanon? To avoid that scenario and risk being dragged into an open conflict with Israel my guess is that Iran would deliver weapons to Syria which in turn delivers to Hezbollah. This should be the iranian strategy imo but it isn't until know that we here about Israel striking a convoy. What makes more sense, Israel deciding enough is enough and raising the stakes or that this was the first weapons convoy? Were the planes shot at in any form @500 ? @Era_923 @Soheil do Iran have air defence weapons that can be transported with trucks?

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But it's not clear if it has been actually a convoy.Syrian government says it was a military research center near Damascus.
Iran has been giving weapons to Hezbollah for years, I'm sure they are much better in hiding the transfer routes so that Israel can't target them.
In my opinion, it wasn't a convoy, but the research center seems more credible.
It sounds like the same denial nonsense that Syria did after Israel bombed its Nuclear Plant being built by the North Koreans.

Maybe the Syrians were transferring their chemical weapons to hezbollah.
terrorists-Wahhabi apparently diminished. them to the aid aviation Israel bombed Syria. equal force....... :help:
Russia expressed deep concern over the Israeli warplanes' violation of the Syrian airspace and shelling a scientific research center in Syria, describing this act as 'an unacceptable violation of the UN Charter".

"Moscow received with deep concern reports on an Israeli air raid against sites in Syria near Damascus," Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

"If these reports are true, then we are facing unjustified assaults on the territories of an independent and sovereign country, which constitutes a blatant violation of the UN Charter whatever the justifications," the statement added.

It's worth remembering some things here: one, the Russians know very well that a justifiable attack on a sovereign country may not be a violation of the U.N. Charter. Note the poor and contradictory nature of their statement.

Second, the Israelis don't claim to have destroyed the complex; only the Assad gang claims that. The witnesses heard rockets, not the whistle of bombs. The rebels say they mortared it. The most likely weapon for the job was the monster Russian 240mm, which is battery mounted on a tracked vehicle. In less than a minute it can discharge six or more huge bombs and the effect is utterly devastating. I imagine the rebels captured the weapon from Syrian forces.

Third, the Russians are quite aware that the attack diplomats, the Lebanese, and U.N. officials witnessed was on a convoy of weapons heading to the Lebanese border. The Lebanese government did not claim the shipment was meant for them so it's perfectly logical it was intended for Hezbollah or another terrorist group. And under UNSCR 1701, Clause 15, member states may employ their air and naval forces to prevent terror groups in Lebanon from receiving such supplies without the approval of the host country.

So as near as I can tell Israel acted within the acceptable bounds - indeed, with the encouragement - of international law in their attack and the Russians are just trying to cover up their embarrassment at the circumstances.
Are we as $tupid and nutjob as Iranian Ayatullahs and Hamasi Mullahs? that we go 1000s of miles to pick a fight with someone who has never attacked us, or even threatened us?

For someone named Soldier Historian, you don't know your history too well.
Sixteen pages of dirt throwing...

On the topic I think this flightpath is interesting. Instead of choosing the safer and shorter path through Israel one that violates lebanese airspace is preferred. The lebanese government have not raised their voices to my knowledge which indicates a silent approval.? ....

Lebanese can kill 2 birds now.

They can easily throw away the hegemony of Assad's goons (who killed their PM),


Take care of the Hizbullah goons who have established a state within a state.

Instead of choosing the safer and shorter path through Israel one that violates lebanese airspace is preferred. The lebanese government have not raised their voices to my knowledge which indicates a silent approval.?
Under UNSCR 1701, Clause 15, Israel can use its aircraft to prevent terror groups in Lebanon from rearming; basically, as long as Hezbollah remains armed Israel has overflight rights. Lebanese diplomats will reject this statement if you put it to them baldly but won't counter the logic and in practice this is what has been happening since the Hezbollah War ended in 2006.
Under UNSCR 1701, Clause 15, Israel can use its aircraft to prevent terror groups in Lebanon from rearming; basically, as long as Hezbollah remains armed Israel has overflight rights. Lebanese diplomats will reject this statement if you put it to them baldly but won't counter the logic and in practice this is what has been happening since the Hezbollah War ended in 2006.

Israel is the mother and father of 90% of world's terror, it calls those who resist the israeli terror as terror groups. So, the middle finger to the zionazis like you!
In 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 wars Arabs had much more weapons (tanks, planes etc) than Israel.

well , I said it myself ... they had more weapon but they hadn't any idea about how to using it ... they only wanted to overwhelm zions with more weapon ....

actually arab country have a great problem ... most of them haven't enough human quality to operate modern weapon ...
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