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Israeli warplanes bomb Syria


humara sab sai bara dushman hai to israel
jis ka saboot aap kai paas balochistan hai aur aap kai khilaf buhot bari sazish horahi hai yah pakistan mai jo kuch bhi horaha hai woh yahi mossad raw aur cia kai joint karnaamai hai is liyai is sai pahlai yah hum pai attack karai in ko hum pahlai sai thikanai laga dai

We the Pakistanis are not little mice from Middle East.

Same is true for Israelis.

we don't need to fear them either.

It is only Wahabi and Irani Mullahs and Ayatullahs who need to fear Mossad.

We have nothing against Israel and similarly Israel has nothing against us.

Mossad in Balochistan and them working against Pakistan state.

Common bhai, this ain't happening. This is only in the Jamat Islami propaganda.

Based on info from my connections, Mossad is not doing anything anti-pakistan.

The only interest Mossad has had is with Jundullah as Jundis were fighting against ayatullahs.

But that stuff is old. Jundis were crushed and they for now are history.

BLA too got whacked in the same deal. Now we only hear few pin pricks once in a while,

These days Balochistan is suffering from Talib-bozos attacking our Shia citizens.

And BLA is largely absent when it comes to attacking innocent Shias.

We the Pakistanis are not little mice from Middle East.

Same is true for Israelis.

we don't need to fear from them.

It is only Wahabi and Irani Mullahs and Ayatullahs who need to fear Mossad.

We have nothing against Israel and similarly Israel has nothing against us.

Mossad in Balochistan and them working against Pakistan state.

Common bhai, this ain't happening. This is only in the Jamat Islami propaganda.

Based on info from my connections, Mossad is not doing anything anti-pakistan.

The only interest Mossad has had is with Jundullah as Jundis were fighting against ayatullahs.

But that stuff is old. Jundis were crushed and they for now are history.

BLA too got whacked in the same deal. Now we only hear few pin pricks once in a while,

These days Balochistan is suffering from Talib-bozos attacking our Shia citizens.

And BLA is largely absent when it comes to attacking innocent Shias.


dost i should trust you or IG FC who has said that more than 20 inteligence agencies active in balochistan
dost i should trust you or IG FC who has said that more than 20 inteligence agencies active in balochistan

If those 20 agencies are there with the permission of Pakistani government, then we don't need to worry.

And if anyone is in Balochistan without pak gov permission,

Then IG FC needs to catch all those rats and parade them in front of cameras.

Enough of this rumor mongering please.

Please Naseem Shah sahib, please do not turn this thread into Pakistan-specific or Pakistan-India thread.

This talk is about and Israeli-Syrian issue.

So please keep it focused.

Thank you.
Mossad does not bomb embassies like Iran.
Mossad does not blow up school buses, market places and pizza parlors like Iranian sponsored terrorists.
Mossad does not attack Iranian cultural centers abroad like Iran.
you better check UN documents on israel war crimes, you think cause US has vetoed UN resolutions against israel war crimes (about 40 times), you would become clean. and this is while the whole world knows that international organizations are under influence of US.
Israel terrorism policy is official. killing iran and muslims politicians and scientists is a regular musad plan which we had experienced from the early moments of our revolution. supporting mujahedin e khalgh terrorist group is your public policy; you think cause US and his allies removes them from the list of terrorist groups, you can clean blood of 70000 iranian (child,women ,etc...) of them and your hands too?
But terrorist groups that your government supports are murdering civilians. On purpose. Thats FACT. That means your government is not Islamic.
so it's OK for you to kill palestinian civilian with cluster bombs and your super fancy weapons from air, land and sea, but when palestinian would fight back with only weapons they have, they are terrorists?
Saba shakil? WHat u are rambling there?
Sabra and shakil were 2 palestinian refuge camps (6000 civilian) mass murdered by israel supported group on 16 december 1982. of course you shouldn't know anything about it.
well , arab army were more busy to betray eachother rather than unit their troops and strike zion ....


Needs (unrevised) history lessons.....

They had more then AK's and were a rival in the sky as well, in the 67' war if i recall correctly they had better equipment as well, more of it and more men then Israel.

Perhaps being refined and civilized and patient and sabr and Aql like factor come into play.

Speak softly and carry a big stick.
Probably a column that was destroyed:


you better check UN documents on israel war crimes, you think cause US has vetoed UN resolutions against israel war crimes (about 40 times), you would become clean. and this is while the whole world knows that international organizations are under influence of US.
No any veto was related to Israeli crimes.

Israel terrorism policy is official. killing iran and muslims politicians and scientists is a regular musad plan which we had experienced from the early moments of our revolution. supporting mujahedin e khalgh terrorist group is your public policy;
There is no whatsoever proof to these claims. And nuclear scientists are not exactly teenage girls, so IF Mossad really killed them its not comparable to your beloved terrorists.

you think cause US and his allies removes them from the list of terrorist groups you can clean blood of 70000 iranian (child,women ,etc...) of them and your hands too?
Israel SAVED over 70000 Iranian lives during Iran Iraq war. When your beloved Palestinians were cheering to Saddam.

so it's OK for you to kill palestinian civilian with cluster bombs and your super fancy weapons from air, land and sea, but when palestinian would fight back with only weapons they have, they are terrorists?
Number of Palestinians killed by Israel in 60 years is many times lower than number of Syrians slaughtered by your buddy Assad in 2 years.

Sabra and shakil were 2 palestinian refuge camps (6000 civilian) mass murdered by israel supported group on 16 december 1982. of course you shouldn't know anything about it.
Sabra and Shatila was made by Elie Hobeika. ELie Hobeika was an ally of Assad. He served as minister in Syria occupied Beirut till his death.
Apparently the Jihad in Syria needs a little help, OK, a lot of help - and the poor Israeli ever obliging to the US and her Wahabis, "helped" - bad Syria not making way for the transit of Qatari gas.
well , arab army were more busy to betray eachother rather than unit their troops and strike zion ....

My dear dear dear deer poster.

Here is my dispassionate view of war history (it has to be dispassionate, otherwise you will not learn from war history or any history for the sake of discussion)

What you say may be true in the ancient times of Imam Hussain rah and Yazeed fight, but it is no longer applicable in the modern warfare.

Someone betrayed some, and he lost a fight is now a story only good for a primary school fight among boys.

Modern wars are fought with economy, technology, science, air-superiority, naval capabilities, and immense training.

Numbers don't count anymore.

Arabs tried to fight with Israel using their numbers with very little regard for economy, technology, science, air-superiority, naval capabilities, and training training training training and more training.

And they lost. and lost big time in 67 and every subsequent war.

This by the way was not too different from the way Iranians tried to attack Iraqi army using war-fighting techniques from World War One or even before.

The result was the senseless and $tupid death of 1000s upon 1000s of Iranian youth who listened to Mullahs Ayatullahs and became willing martyrs, going wave after wave upon the fixed iraqi gun positions.

And if Egyptians with all their numbers and Soviet Commie supplied weapons could not win a decisive victory
And if Syrians with all their numbers and Soviet Commie supplied weapons could not win a decisive victory
And if Jordanians with all their numbers and Soviet Commie supplied weapons could not win a decisive victory

Then how on earth Hizbullah or Hammas or PLO nincompoops could ever win an open fight against Israeli army.

the answer is


Fast forward to 2013,

I am not sure what the real capabilities of Iran these days. There is a lot of hype, but nothing is proven in the battleground.

Based on the hype though, an honest observer can say that in the whole of Middle East, only Iran has the following capabilities against Israel.

---- economy, technology, science, and training

What Iran still doesn't have against Israel:

---- air-superiority, naval superiority

No other country in the Middle East doesn't matter if it is Arab or not, does not possess even few things that Iran has.

So in the end,

I'd consider only Iran as having some unproven stuff to face off Israel on a battle ground like men

--- I don't consider rocket firing Hammasi and Hizbullah as men who can fight in the battle ground. They are just bunch of Eunuchs hiding behind civilians throwing pathetic rockets on Israeli civilians. That's Eunuch behavior and not the manly one.

My dear dear dear deer poster.

My dear dear friend ... some of these arab didn't help each other in time , some of them gave some information to Zions , and Zion had and has alot of spies among arab country .... and in fact Arab even weren't united ... their strongest army was egypt and egyptian made some strategical mistake ....

simply Arab hadn't and hasn't good view about modern war .... they only see the power in number of weapon and number of troops .... ( they even have this view ... )

with united troops and good leader they could overhelm zion but zion were smarter ....

and the problem between arab country and Arab kings is nothing that can be deny ...

--- I don't consider rocket firing Hammasi and Hizbullah as men who can fight in the battle ground. They are just bunch of Eunuchs hiding behind civilians throwing pathetic rockets on Israeli civilians. That's Eunuch behavior and not the manly one.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...li-warplanes-bomb-syria-14.html#ixzz2JZPqXUZY

give them nuke and they will nuke Zion ... give them Abrams and They will use it against zion , give them F16 and they will bomb zion .... They fight with something they have not with something they haven't ... civilian ... well , hamas and Hezbollah are belong to their civilian ... unless you want say they are Iranian ....
No any veto was related to Israeli crimes.
a joke for smile, thank you .:rofl:
Israel SAVED over 70000 Iranian lives during Iran Iraq war. When your beloved Palestinians were cheering to Saddam.
so sweet, keep saying, Savior !
Sabra and Shatila was made by Elie Hobeika. ELie Hobeika was an ally of Assad. He served as minister in Syria occupied Beirut till his death.
you probably consider the whole world stupid.
thank you Palestinian can detect their enemy everyday.
some sources saying it was a UCAV attack not fighter attack .......

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