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Israeli warplanes bomb Syria

give them nuke and they will nuke Zion ... give them Abrams and They will use it against zion , give them F16 and they will bomb zion .... They fight with something they have not with something they haven't ... civilian ... well , hamas and Hezbollah are belong to their civilian ... unless you want say they are Iranian ....
In 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 wars Arabs had much more weapons (tanks, planes etc) than Israel.

a joke for smile, thank you .:rofl:
UN resolutions are about occupation, human rights, refugees and other nonsense.

so sweet, keep saying, Savior !
We supplied defence systems that saved huge amount of Iranian lives.

you probably consider the whole world stupid.
thank you Palestinian can detect their enemy everyday.
Google Elie Hobeika. I hope Google is not banned by your mullahs yet.
This isn't called 'launching a war'.You are American, you should know better what a war is.
It's just one of those cowardly hit and run incidents,you know, Israeli type.
If Iran has a defence treaty with Syria, it's time for the Iranian government to put up or..... shut up!

Syria is not in any necessary position to respond. :coffee:

Syria, the latter years, spend a lot of money in its air force while other branch of their defence suffered budget cuts. Syrian military should have learned that air power alone does not win wars.
it's not a foreign invasion, Israel always preempt some selective targets to keep the enemies hands tied,...you know what happened when Assad tried to bring out his chemical weapons right?...

What is the difference...? One is bad, the other is tolerated! And If Pakistan does a similar thing to India, what would be the reaction of India?

I do not honestly believe you are in a position to attack Israel, even if this happened 5 years ago I would doubt a response but since Syria is in a civil war a response is pretty much out of the question.

Assad is not his dad...His dad would have retaliated, no doubt about it. Jr lacks the political courage to respond. If he did, it would bring the Syrians together.
If Iran has a defence treaty with Syria, it's time for the Iranian government to put up or..... shut up!

Syria, the latter years, spend a lot of money in its air force while other branch of their defence suffered budget cuts. Syrian military should have learned that air power alone does not win wars.

My dear dear poster,

Poor Iran is worried about saving its own @rse. What could it possibly do to help Syria? Perhaps send some more missiles?

Oh and Syrian airforce is only good to kill its own Muslim citizens and bring down airplanes of fellow Muslim Turkey

It can't do much when it comes to real defense.

Remember the Nuclear site in Syria that got leveled not too long ago?

It is time to rethink war and weapons my dear poster. it is time to change 180 degrees, otherwise countries like Syria and Iran will continue to suffer.

because of this
if we attack Israel who will stand with Syria? Iran and that's it, and who will stand with Israel? the west, gcc, jordan, turkey, and others... so basically the world vs Syria...

UN won't even condemn the attack..

Don't count on that horse, he'll never leave the stable...
Jordan - Six day war !!

The last war they participated in. Hussein worked closely with Israel, after the latter took a position to defend Jordan from a threat of a Syrian invasion and was known to be an CIA informant.
Turkey - the Boat Incident where their men were killed/ manslaughtered by Israeli Forces and there was a hue and cry over the incident!!
And you forgot the fact, that its Ambassador held to a ridicule by a junior staff of the Israeli foreign ministry. Turkey forgot all that because they needed Israel to upgrade their F16, and she found a lot easier to abuse a weakened Muslim state than duel with Israel, a country that takes no prisonner

dont worry syria, we gonna make donar kabab of israel


All that confident! Take care of the US drones first...
Israel has so far refrained from intervening in Lebanon

They got their ***'s kikked. And the hurt is still fresh

The reason for the attack on the 'Military Research Center' was most probably that it was producing chemical or biological weapons. The 'Research' implies more of biological.

Building that kind of site near the Israeli border...Are you equating Syrian with stupid. Israel bombed the site, because the want to bomb something. That is part of their devious PR to make them the good boys living among vilains...It is always the same song!
darkinsky said:
dont worry syria, we gonna make donar kabab of israel

All that confident! Take care of the US drones first...

Good point.

As pakistani I agree with your comment even when it hurts to read it, see it, and hear it.

But don't worry about Pakistani socialists and Islamists. They love to f@rt about our very limited military capabilities even within our neighborhood, let alone some place that is 1000s of miles away.

In fact you should ask people like Darkisnky to go volunteer for Bashar the Butcher. And they all will run like heck with their tails in you know where.

Dude, our people are also being killed by the same arab lunatics and their disciple. What we are doing is we are cleaning up. No time to talk, too many more people to bomb. :D

You are not that serious are you? I thought your generals and your ISI schooled them and send them back to their respective countries, to make them look like Pakistan..
Good point.

As pakistani I agree with your comment even when it hurts to read it, see it, and hear it.

But don't worry about Pakistani socialists and Islamists. They love to f@rt about our very limited military capabilities even within our neighborhood, let alone some place that is 1000s of miles away.

In fact you should ask people like Darkisnky to go volunteer for Bashar the Butcher. And they all will run like heck with their tails in you know where.


lol man you look drunk, on one hand you call me islamist on other hand you call bashar asad the butcher who is actually fighting against the islamist :lol: acute case of getting druck

looks like you are too much brainwashed by nato that you are even contradicting yourself just like nato contradicts its self by supporting the alquaeda on one hand and killing on the other

i hope nato doesnt drop a can of beer every night before you come to def.pk to comment :lol:
Israel bombed the site, because the want to bomb something. That is part of their devious PR to make them the good boys living among vilains...It is always the same song!
We Jews do have a different measure of victory than most. One of the episodes recounted in Prophets is of a king defeated by Israel who, after fleeing battle, is killed by a woman wielding a tent pin and hammer. When his mother worries why he is late, her companions console her with the thought he is occupied with the virgins he captured. At that point the story ends.

So we Jews have little problem with enemies consoling their losses with self-deception. It's really their problem - your problem - not ours.
i thought syrian have S300, it's pity israel isn't neighborhood with iran.

You don't have them either. And If Israel is neighbor, you will serve him tea and cashews..
Mossad does not bomb embassies like Iran.
Mossad does not blow up school buses, market places and pizza parlors like Iranian sponsored terrorists.
Mossad does not attack Iranian cultural centers abroad like Iran.

But killing their scientists is de bonne guerre? I don't see the difference in the Iranian reply...
mohsen said:
i thought syrian have S300, it's pity israel isn't neighborhood with iran..

You don't have them either. And If Israel is neighbor, you will serve him tea and cashews..

Well said.

there are many on this thread who love to f@rt. Off course if and when the time comes to face Israeli airforce they all will run with their tails behind you know where (like Mullah umer and his talib-bozo lackeys).


even worse,

they will be serving them tea and cashews. :lol:

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