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Israeli special forces invade Gaza, 6 Palestinians and 1 Israeli soldier killed

Then you say "usually they get hit in air" but one conveniently happens to get past their missile system so close to elections and being biased you don't question the narrative one bit. Your bias is clear as day to anyone who will read your posts hence debating with you is irrelevant.
No human made system is 100 percent secured. While Iron Dome hits 90 percent of the targets. 10 percent eventually gets through.

my friend, i can tell you that i know many powerful families of the elite you wish to desperately be part of. you should never leave your principals and never forget what you are.
My only wish is end of hostilities, killings on both sides. Enough is enough. For peace to happen, we need to vote Israeli PM Netanyahu and Palestinian faction Hamas out of power. It is the only way. There is nothing in between.
No human made system is 100 percent secured. While Iron Dome hits 90 percent of the targets. 10 percent eventually gets through.

Cites "The Jerusalem Post"

You can't honestly believe your opinion on this matter actually matters to anyone but pro israelis. I'm going to leave you with a proverb:

"Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter."
Breaking: Israeli air strike hits land in Dier Al Balah

@Norwegian i am trying to understand what you are telling me. and the last few pages of post you have made on this thread. Everything you post is saying to me that you show yourself as a modern influential elite aspirant.

my friend, i can tell you that i know many powerful families of the elite you wish to desperately be part of. you should never leave your principals and never forget what you are.

Let's be clear though, his flame-baiting was inspired by his anti-Arab racism and nothing else. No matter how he tries to spin out. No one will bother him if he sides with Israel or criticizes a certain party or not. He is not the first nor the last, many have done so on this forum. However, they were not racist or flame baiting on purpose just because a certain member is Arab in background.

Allah(SWT) will deal with that nasty kafir and his nasty fitnah. Let our Great, Just Lord take care of him. He has sealed a miserable fate for himself.
the region is not covered by the Iron Dome
That's true as well.

the so called 'custom' rocket is worse than military grade standards.
Yes, but they are on lesser priority than real military grade rockets. As Israelis do not wish to "waste" Iron Dome interceptor on a rocket that cost a few hundred or thousand dollars to make.
Lot of to and fro comments up there, some sane, some not.

The facts remain:

- Israel is an occupying force, proven over time to be the oppressor and which makes Palestinians, the oppressed;

- The Muslim world, including Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, etc as well as several non-Muslim countries, considers Israel as the bad guy, a bully and "the enemy".
That's true as well.

Yes, but they are on lesser priority than real military grade rockets. As Israelis do not wish to "waste" Iron Dome interceptor on a rocket that cost a few hundred or thousand dollars to make.

You're so dry Abu Lahab 2.0, you talk just to talk. Can you do us a favor and shutup for at least one minute so we can update the thread with the latest developments?

Lot of to and fro comments up there, some sane, some not.

The facts remain:

- Israel is an occupying force, proven over time to be the oppressor and which makes Palestinians, the oppressed;

- The Muslim world, including Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, etc as well as several non-Muslim countries, considers Israel as the bad guy, a bully and "the enemy".

He's within his rights to support Israel. He's not within his rights to derail and troll the thread because the OP happens to be Arab and he hates Arab. And then calls someone who is a million times better Muslim than him an 'arrogant'. As I said, this Shaytaan is in a for a rude disturbance in Ramadan. He was not justified in his behavior toward me, and I tried to settle it respectfully and one minute later he trolls again.


Hey brother, Abu Lahab 2.0, do we have your permission to post recent developments in the thread? Or do you still want to drag this mission that you are on even further?

Lot of to and fro comments up there, some sane, some not.

The facts remain:

- Israel is an occupying force, proven over time to be the oppressor and which makes Palestinians, the oppressed;

- The Muslim world, including Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, etc as well as several non-Muslim countries, considers Israel as the bad guy, a bully and "the enemy".

I was being mean to him since he needs to learn the hard way but I am certainly not insane. Respect yourself, you will understand like him too that Falcon29 did not hand out false promises on the forum. He is one of the guys 'in the know', if you can understand.

I still wonder if Abu Lahab 2.0 is proud of this fitnah he created. And I don't mean offense to non-Muslims when I said 'Kafir', I just mean that he is an evildoer. And of course anyone with mental health issues should not seek the easy way out. They can get help and should get it.

As for Mr. 2.0 , his only way out of this situation is by repentance. The situation will not leave him even if I get banned forever. It will be personal for him. Finally, stop being nice and merciful to evildoers. That goes to everyone.
State of Palestine: Israel carries out airstrikes in Gaza
Published on Mar 25, 2019

Now that it seems like Abu Lahb 2.0 is doing some self reflecting ... we can finally get back on topic:


Breaking: 'Badr' training camp targeted in Israeli strike west of Gaza city

General update: Netanyahu due to arrive in Tel Aviv in a few hours

Breaking: Air strike heard in west of Gaza city moments ago hits naval site in Gaza city

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Now that it seems like Abu Lahb 2.0 is doing some self reflecting ... we can finally get back on topic:


Breaking: 'Badr' training camp targeted in Israeli strike west of Gaza city

General update: Netanyahu due to arrive in Tel Aviv in a few hours

Breaking: Air strike heard in west of Gaza city moments ago hits naval site in Gaza city

I have 2 Qs & I wanna your opinion.
Who fired the rocket & why? has it had anything with recent unrest in strip ..?
Don't ask me. Ask those 14 Israeli Arab members of Knesset who refuse to join any coalition government because they are too proud to work with other Jewish parties. Even with those parties who openly oppose occupation.

So the arabs should work with the good nazis and not the bad nazis?

Its all the same, the same jews who want to allow jews from across the world more rights then Palestinians

You dont collude with your occupier

Time for the Palestinians to buckle down, this is a war on their existence and they need to increase their number keep putting pressure on the jews and soaking up pressure themselves
Israelis will be wiped off the map in 2020 ~ 2022 as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has predicted it.
Situation is calm this morning, there seems to be a Cabinet meeting with Netanyahu and he has told the media they haven't agreed to a ceasefire. Meanwhile, lots of Israeli armor being deployed on the border with Gaza, as you can see via Palestinian livestream:


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