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Israeli special forces invade Gaza, 6 Palestinians and 1 Israeli soldier killed

70 years of the same failed policy. It really is like they enjoy it.

Step 1: Attack Israel

Step 2: Get hit in return

Step 3: Cry to the international community

Step 4: Get a ceasefire

Step 5: Re-arm and repeat from Step 1:
but like they say, better to fight and die than to just die. quit being so simplistic and close minded.

Al-Shaaytaniyeh is lying, your PA officials in the West Bank have nothing to do with the discussions. Egypt did not propose anything, it just relayed a message from Israel to Palestinian factions. Israel did not offer to lift the siege or offer to take measures that can bring major relief for the residents of Gaza. Thus the demonstrations are continuing. You can not replicate what you did in Egypt with Gaza. If you conspire against us in any way we will start killing every leader right and left and cause the situation to explode over the ME. So be warned you dogs.

There is no agreement that took place. Israel proposed nothing except continuation of the status quo. Demonstrations and other forms of pressure will continue.


This is the real news ... Al-Shaytaaniyeh ... you are saying this to blame us for hostilities that might break out tomorrow, you shameless creatures. :


Al-Shaaytaniyeh did this in 2014 along with Sisi regime. They announced ceasefire and claimed Hamas agreed to it. Hamas officials had no idea what they were talking about and no one had contacted them. Then they blamed us for breaking a unilateral they and Israel made up, justifying Israel's deadly ground invasion into Gaza. You shameless creatures also murdered over 1,000 Egyptians in one day, and now trying to murder more Libyans with the help of Shaytaan Haftar. If anything happens to Gaza the gloves will be taken off now, Al-Tyoos and Al-Ziyad and Al-Sisi will be pursued and eradicated. Don't play dangerous games.
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Breaking: 3 border outposts hit by Israeli artillery strikes over past two hours

May the Lord have mercy on them ... Israeli army will pay ....


Hamas Chief. Yahya Sinwar: The resistance will respond to the outcomes of the demonstrations differently this year than the previous year


Meaning they will work to protect the lives of the demonstrators and retaliate more often if Israeli's continue to kill demonstrators. They will likely respond tonight as well. Hamas security forces were everywhere preventing people from coming near the border and the Israeli's still decided to shoot dead a child.
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Imagine as a mother being so callous with your children's lives, that you send them out to try and storm the border of the neighbouring enemy state.

I can't fathom that sort of mentality. palestinian culture promotes this and mothers are actually proud when their children are killed. They get a higher status in society and are rewarded financially. Very strange people.
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These guys are totally safe , the people are 300-500 meters away from the fence. Tear gas was fired on them yet Israeli snipers still decided to shoot dead 4 Palestinian individuals, one of them an orphan. I would not be surprised if there is a response tonight.

Any minute now ....
Told you ... Sirens in southern Israel , PRC now responding ....

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Breaking: Israeli artillery strike hits border outpost in central Gaza
Report in Palestinian media that a prisoner exchange deal is being finalized between Palestinians Israel.

Egyptian delegation met with Palestinian officials today. Regarding implementation of the ceasefire deal in a timely manner. Israel wants to delay it until after elections. Palestinians want it implemented in timely manner. Because Israel will be more willing to renegade on the deal and militarily escalate after elections.
Reports of Palestinian female critically injured by Israeli sniper fire ....


Possible Palestinian retaliatory fire against the Israeli troops moderately injuring one Israeli soldier. Several Israeli artillery shells fired at Palestinian border watchtowers. 2 Israeli soldiers injured with light to moderate injuries.


Gaza Health Ministry: 50 Palestinian injuries received at hospitals, among those 4 critically injured

Breaking: Palestinian female protester 'Fatima Hijazi' succumbs to wounds after being shot by IDF snipers at the border. Correction: Gaza Health Ministry says she is still fighting for her life. May she make it out alive.

Breaking: Israeli air strikes hit military training camp in central Gaza, multiple injuries reported, reports now of one Palestinian killed in strikes.


Israeli's crossed a red line by targeting and killing a young female protestor for no reason at all. They have paid with three of their 'soldiers' being hit with fire in response. The further attacks will be responded to.


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Palestinians opened sniper fire against Israelis injuring an officer and a female soldier.

The palestinians are just perennial terrorists. They love this. They love death.

They want to ruin the Eurovision song contest in Israel by starting a conflict.

Israel needs to hit them from land, sea and air and not stop until every last one of them is on their knees.
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