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Israeli F-16 fighter jet shot down amid Syrian anti-air fire, pilots safe - IDF

The 24 number is most likely false, spread by rumors on Twitter. It's neither practical nor logical. At most, they usually fire 2-3 at each target.

i think israel is hiding something.this is ver shameful for israel.even one f-16 costs too much money but i am sure syrians hit entire fleet,right wingman,left wingman,all faced missiles.and most importantly,they were retreating and during retreat,it's very difficult to save a fighter jet.
Well 1 Missile is enough to knock out IsraEVIL plane
2 Missiles normally give pilots a heart attack anyways Mach 5-7 coming at you

Plane is moving at Mach 1 or 1.5 not expecting it and then BAM ......
DANGER DANGER DANGER alert goes off .........

Heart beats fast ... ****..... what is happening ... no warning and you are desperately looking at radar .... and suddenly ......

You know your time is up ... the missile is too close !!!! EJECT EJECT EJECT EJECT ....

game over
Because I spoke the truth? Do you think that I take Al-Assad regime apologists and supporters even remotely seriously? If they love the disgusting Nusayri regime this must they should join it in Syria and turn into fertilizer. A regime that has contributed to 400.000 Syrians losing their lives, ruining Syria, becoming a puppet of foreign entities and being unable, for 40 years in a row (after that same disgusting regime losing the Golan Heights to Israel) to retake the occupied Golan Heights which are Syrian land?

Give me a break. Let those two cancers kill each other. Most of the world will enjoy it. Only Zionist apologists and Al-Assad apologists and their minions will. Arabs are rejoicing in this thread and all over the internet and in person. So which one are you?

I am not afraid of speaking the truth even if outnumbered 1 to 1000 on this forum. It means nothing to me. Or you calling 90% of Syrians for "terrorists" (people who curse both Zionists and the Al-Assad regime) either.

what do you want? 40 years ago,i mean read the current story.this is all about syria iran and isreal.they hit one f-16.
they were retreating and during retreat,it's very difficult to save a fighter jet.

technically that is a change of tactic, that is fire at egressing jets rather than ingressing ones... certainly Iranian or most likely Russian input.... Syrians them selves are completely incapable of changing tactics.. they blame every thing on hardware
technically that is a change of tactic, that is fire at egressing jets rather than ingressing ones... certainly Iranian or most likely Russian input.... Syrians them selves are completely incapable of changing tactics.. they blame every thing on hardware

sometimes if you come out of the effective missile range,than you are save.may be israeli jets were on full afterburners just to avoid being hit.may be they used terrain for their advantage,hiding behind mountains.it can also save you but it's very hard.f-16 is not f-22.
U do know that Americans have now admitted that there qere no gas attacks on civilians in Syria??
Whoever it was (officially that is although most will know that this was Russia drawing a line in the sand) after their child-murdering pilot was liquidated like the dog he was by barefooted fighters as well as 100's of soldiers (casualties are huge in real life but hidden well, hackers have already exposed this - just like back in Chechnya were they lost 50.000 soldiers over a 10 year period). We will not know until some time from now but all 3 parties involved will claim it as "theirs". The biggest question is what took this long? 7 years of violations, bombings, killings and Al-Assad regime barking? The Nusayri was more busy mass-murdering his own people and destroying half of Syria for a few more years in power.

Still yet to reconquer the Golan Heights that his useless Nusayri mass-murdering father (Hafiz) lost due to his incompetence over 40 years ago. Nothing in the past 7 years. That's the biggest joke. Al-Assad regime apologists will of course make excuses now as well as ignore that in the past 3-4 days alone 300 civilian Syrians (half children) have been murdered by this Nusayri cancer. Looking forward to getting a ban once again for speaking the truth. Could not care less BTW and will just relocate to Arab forums and Reddit. As you can see Pakistanis, all Arab users in this thread (3 of us) wish hell to both for a reason. Go check Arab military forums out right now. We are having a field day.

LOL. Stronger than Pakistan. Sure. In a fantasy world. This is 100% the work of Russia. Not al-Assad or Mullah's. Have some shame.
Plane was shot down deep inside Israeli territory.


Israel carried retaliation strikes against 12 Assad and Khamenai targets so far. Some good news: as result of Israeli strikes Assadist air force is grounded and people of Ghouta can breath a little after 4 days of non stop terrorist strikes which killed over 230 civilians.
U do know that Americans have now admitted that there qere no gas attacks on civilians in Syria??

Sure, as If I am going to believe that. Unlike you I have seen numerous (unfortunately) of videos published by Alawite/Nusayri/reime gangs of untold horrors, torture etc. of civilian Syrians (my brethren in ethnicity and religion that to me, just one of them and their soles, equals 10.000 Nusayri/Al-Assad regime gangs if not more), including children (people clearly underage) that would make even Daesh and Mexican drug cartels look like school boys. Al-Assad gassing Muslims of Syria, after killing 400.000 (his father killed over 200.000 Syrian Muslims), is as likely as a Zionist excusing illegal settlements in the West Bank.

I rejoice each single time those fascists, murderers and anti-Muslims, anti-Arabs and anti-Syrians are sent away. Don't care who does it.

So to me there is no negotiation with those terrorists. Similar to Daesh, Houthi terrorist cultists and Kurdish terrorists who attack Arabs in Northern Syria and Northern Iraq until they were given a bloody noise (as throughout history) by Iraqi Arabs a few months ago where they were dealt with beautifully to such an extend that their useless generals started crying in public. What a joy it was.

Cheerleading by some Pakistanis on this thread is horrible

Shameless people. Maybe they should (those individuals specifically) be ruled by Al-Assad for a few days and their families carpet bombed and tortured to death.
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