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Israeli F-16 fighter jet shot down amid Syrian anti-air fire, pilots safe - IDF

Newsweek is an American tabloid. Tabloids are those kinds of news agencies that post carp about migrants overrunning and taking over cities in Europe and similar b.s.
The article quotes APNews, which does not have any credentials. I'm willing to believe that it is malicious, as its name is very close to AP, which stands for Associated Press, a usual prefix on international news articles. The fact that APNews does not have any known credentials also means that it could not report directly from the White House, as spaces for journalists are limited. The fact that it does not quite another source suggests that it is, in fact, fake news.
Technically Till Monday Russia can , do what it wants with Israevil .... office does not open till Monday



Hundreds of civilians were murdered during days and It seems UN was sleeping. When Israeli aircraft shot down, Insects woke up immediately. What a justice !
Resolution has absolutely nothing to do with Israeli plane. It was submitted by Sweden and Kuwait who are not best friends of Israel to say the least and Assadists never respected any cease fire anyway (E Ghouta is located in deescalation zone by the way).

The irony is that it's Israeli retaliation strikes which stopped Assadist genocidal bombing in Ghouta.
You maybe right or I maybe right.
Truth is dear akhi karim these are times of fitna. There are many cloak and dagger games against muslims by enemies that sometimes impersonate us and sometimes openly kill us in their blood thirst. They don't even spare children.

These people claimed Saddam had WMDs and was massacring his own people. And a few years later these same people blatantly and shamelessly confessed otherwise.

We can pray to Allah for protection in these times.
Posting gore is no longer allowed here on PDF. Otherwise I would have disproven such dirty nonsense lies. One thing that you should have in mind here. The US is not against Al-Assad. Never were. If that was the case he would no longer be in power. He would have been gone when Al-Assad barely controlled any territory in Syria with the exception of Latakia and areas of Damascus.

Trump has been praising Putin 24/7 and other "hard-men" (Al-Assad is the last thing in this regard). The last thing the US want is a Sunni ruled Syria next door to Israel. US/West are attacking militant Sunnis across the entire planet. They are more afraid of Arab Sunnis rising politically than anything else. With the exception of China maybe. However certainly in the region and Islamic world. Hence their trojan horses (Daesh) which was created to demonize Sunnis and in particular Sunni Arabs and kill off all Sunni Muslim political movements and to demonize the Syrian opposition. The US has been playing a double game from the very beginning. Israel too is 100% fine with Al-Assad rule. The Israeli-Syrian border was the most stable in the past 40 years and peaceful. Israeli users here on PDF and elsewhere have admitted this openly time and time again. The only thing they worry about (Israel) is Hezbollah/Iranian presence, other than Sunni Syrians rising of course.

BTW I am a chemical engineer by profession. I disproved this nonsense claim of Al-Assad not being behind those chemical attacks on times forum in detail ages ago. Others did the same. Whole articles have been written about this by professionals who have no hand in this conflict.

Even if we assume that you are right and now blindly trusting US propaganda this does not change the fact that Al-Assad is the biggest mass-murderer alive today. He has killed 400.000 Syrians and destroyed half of Syria to stay in power for a few more years. Inviting foreigners and turning Syria into a foreign puppet and playground for every regional country. Should he be praised for that?

Give me your email and I will send you a few truths because no sane Muslim let alone person can support Al-Assad. You can be neutral but supporting the by far worst option is madness.

Don't buy this nonsense of Russians, unlike Americans, being pro-Muslim. Go ask Caucasian Muslims. Go ask your Afghan neighbors. You should know what they have done against Muslims in the past 200 years.
S-200 I thought these were out dated , looks like the stock for the S-200 went up after that show of accuracy

Where is the mighty S-300 Or S-400 located sure dents Israevil ego that a S-200 took out few of their crafts
Resolution has absolutely nothing to do with Israeli plane. It was submitted by Sweden and Kuwait who are not best friends of Israel to say the least and Assadists never respected any cease fire anyway (E Ghouta is located in deescalation zone by the way).

The irony is that it's Israeli retaliation strikes which stopped Assadist genocidal bombing in Ghouta.
Air strikes are air strikes. They don't stop bombing.
Israel would have let Assad do what he wants if he had been their friend.
The iSREVIL craft should have not attacked Russians 8-) Bad things happen when you ban Russian Athletes or attack their military

Determined Russian Athlete ... was reading her comments about the unfair treatment of russians

You go women !!! Support your athletes and also kick ISraveil in bum

And then came the recent unfortunate death of Russian Pilot by Terrorist scum bags supported by Israevl

You asked for it !!!
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You maybe right or I maybe right.
Truth is dear akhi karim these are times of fitna. There are many cloak and dagger games against muslims by enemies that sometimes impersonate us and sometimes openly kill us in their blood thirst. They don't even spare children.

These people claimed Saddam had WMDs and was massacring his own people. And a few years later these same people blatantly and shamelessly confessed otherwise.

We can pray to Allah for protection in these times.

Well, I am, unfortunately as I wish that I could say that Al-Assad was a wonderful guy and that he is not the main culprit in this civil war, as that would mean that Syria would be (somewhat) on a right track and many terrorists having been killed. Unfortunately 400.000 civilian Syrians have been killed and 6-8 million forced to flee the country and even more internal refugees.

Unfortunately it would be easier to trust blind US propaganda or even believe for a second that the US is pro-Syrian opposition. Do you really believe that the US, if they really wanted, could not have removed the Al-Assad regime ages ago when civilian Syrians turned soldiers overnight armed with Ak-47 and no tank force, no air force, almost nothing, had gained control of most of Syria against all odds? What does this tell you? This told a clear story of the vast majority of Syrians being against the Al-Assad regime despite 40 + years of propaganda, 40+ years of martial law etc.

Comparing Al-Assad with Saddam is a insult to Saddam. Saddam was 1 million times the man that Al-Assad was. One of the few (ONLY ONE IN FACT) modern-day Muslim leader who opposed Israel and the US directly as well as Kurdish terrorists/land-grabbers and Iranian Mullah regime. Not by using foreign proxies to give the enemies 1 or 2 scratches while being busy murdering fellow Muslims 99,9% of the time. In return his country was invaded by the US (foremost superpower back then in 1991 and 2003 - even much more so today) with regional support and of course the Al-ASSAD REGIME (yes, the Al-Assad regime supported the US invasion in 2003). Not once but twice. A world record.

The longer time passes, the more respect I have for certain aspects of Saddam Hussein despite all his many ills. I will always be grateful to him for stopping the expansion of the Wilayat al-Faqih from spreading to Arab countries. Who knows, current problems/challenges might have been 100 times greater today if not done so. Nowadays only parts of Iraq and tiny Southern Lebanon are infected and small pockets in Syria.

The reason why Saddam (Iraq) was invaded you can read about in detail in many published books by renowned Arab and Western authors. It was of course a deliberate action by the US to weaken the region and Arabs.

For every Muslim worldwide this incident should atleast expose the UN how it actively plays a role in keeping muslims subjugated and stuck in redundant votings.

Please tell me where this useless (indeed) organization, the UN, has been in the past 7 years? Syrians are being mass-murdered daily by Al-Assad with no impunity. Apparently there were 400.000 "terrorists" in Syria and 6-8 million in total (Syrian refugees).
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