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Israeli F-16 fighter jet shot down amid Syrian anti-air fire, pilots safe - IDF

What a fucking joke. Some non-entity (1400 year history :lol:) that is not even genetically slavic and whose entire recorded history has been conquered by outsiders while we Arabs created the greatest and most influential ancient civilizations (our ancestors) and some of the most influential empires (several even - more than most people in the world) and some of the largest and most influential. Whose legacy is still well alive.

Arabic is the 4th most spoken language in the world. An official UN language along with English, Spanish, Mandarin, French and Russian. A language that has influenced (heavily) languages from Spanish to Indonesian Bahasa. What has his useless Serbian language done in comparison? Nothing.

What a joke.:lol:

I can discuss such topics with Russians due to their 300 years of glory (1700-2018) but with a freaking Serbian?:lol:

Might as well try with a Gambian or Papuan next time. An insult to our intelligence.

That little Serbian pseudo-Slav is just angry that a few VOLUNTEER Arabs killed Serbian mass-murderers who murdered innocent Bosnian women and children (Srebrenica).

Just write "Arabs killing Serbians" on Google and see what comes up.:lol: Headless child-murderers and mass-murderers.

BTW those Serbians are walking as small dogs in Europe among Arabs. Seen it myself.

I do actually have Serbian friend, and seen pictures of Serbia.

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As for slaves. A bit rich coming from an Arab. You're one of the biggest slaves in the world now. And always were slaves for centuries . To Turks, Europeans. And now Yanks.

LOL, the last photo is not even from Serbia you Turkified and Arabized Anatolian troll.

You are culturally, linguistically (especially prior to the reforms 100 years ago) and religiously our slaves. Nobody conquered us expect for Ottomans (30% only) and for 400 years only and mostly nominal control (Arabs allied with Ottomans ruling locals) and Brits and French for some 50-60 years in total (most powerful countries of their time).
The Ottoman Empire at its greatest extent under Sultan Mehmed IV.
This is the greatest extend acc to ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA.

And keep worshipping Semitic Gods and a Semitic religion (Christianity) you pathetic Serbian pseudo-Slavic conquered Gypsy animal.

Ottomans never enslaved Serbians. Do you have any source for this stupid claim?
Even if we did, it would be not close to the amount of Arab slaves we had. :lol:
But this is nothing to boast about, pretty much every non-Arab enslaved the Arabs.

So, why even bother bringing up slaves? :victory:

Without the Oil. Your Saudi Arabia would just be a desert. And a "sh*thole".
This is the greatest extend acc to ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA.


That is still only 30% at most and not even close to numerous Arab empires and caliphates who btw are much older and whose bureaucracy, people (Arabs, their titles, language) all influence the Ottomans heavily. Not to mention that Arabs made the backbone of the Ottomans.






Some tiny shithole whose recorded history (famous today for nothing else than mass-murder of innocent women and children) is less than 1400 years, moreover a pseudo-Slavic nation (genetically mostly non-Slavic) who is BEGGGING for Arab investments today, and whose ancient history is nowhere even close to that of our ancestors and who have nothing to show for in the past 1400 years in terms of empires, cultural, religious, linguistic, scientific etc. influence is barking. Only on PDF.
Not to mention that Arabs made the backbone of the Ottomans.
Lol how is that?
Arabs were neither in the state aparatus except the places where they were the rulers, there were more politicians from christians like Greeks Armenians and rest of Balkan, nor were they largely represented in the military, Arabic wasnt a official language, only thing Arabic in Ottoman Empire was the modified script which was taken from Persians and the religion.
Every person in this thread has some sort of grudge grievance against some people and country.

Now it is my turn.

Where are the disgusting Indians and Afghans? I am in the mood of crushing skulls.
Every person in this thread has some sort of grudge grievance against some people and country.

Now it is my turn.

Where are the disgusting Indians and Afghans? I am in the mood of crushing skulls.
lol thread has gone waaaaaaaaaaay off track.
Every person in this thread has some sort of grievance against some people and country.

Now it is my turn.

Where are the disgusting Indians and Afghans. I am in the mood of crushing skulls.
Hey this is ME grievance, its the biggest and and best grievance, its tremendous i swear, your grievance doesnt even come close, ours is bigger.
Ottomans never enslaved Serbians. Do you have any source for this stupid claim?
Even if we did, it would be not close to the amount of Arab slaves we had. :lol:
But this is nothing to boast about, pretty much every non-Arab enslaved the Arabs.

So, why even bother bringing up slaves? :victory:

Without the Oil. Your Saudi Arabia would just be a desert. And a "sh*thole".

You had zero Arab slaves.s Arabs were considered as semi-holy people by your religious leadership. That is why Arab culture was a dominant factor for Ottomans and why they spoke a language that was more Arabic than anything else.

On the other hand Turkic (real Turks, unlike Anatolians) were used by Arabs, Persians and others as actual slaves. This is well-recorded in history while your nonsense has never been recorded by anyone (because it is nonsense).




A simple Google Book search will solve this "mystery".

KSA's mountainous areas alone are bigger than Turkey and Serbia combined. KSA is home to older civilizations and cities too (Dilmun and Sumer to mention two) and is home to Makkah and Madinah which makes it more relevant alone.

Before oil, Arabs ruled the largest empires in human history (until the short-lived Mongol empire and later European colonial empires and the British empire) and 3000 years ago Arabia was one of the richest areas of the world due to the Incense trade and other reasons. I suggest reading Greek and Roman sources in this regard.


Read what Herodotus wrote about Arabia. He wrote that it was one of the most advanced and richest civilizations of its time. That was 2500 years ago. You can google it. Greeks and Romans called half of Arabia for "Felix Arabia". Happy Arabia. They did not call any other region that in the world.

Google Herodotus and Arabs/Arabia.

And even before that, our ancestors created the first and most advanced civilizations in the world and cities. As explained by UNESCO in this video below:

'The Arab World, Heritage and Civilization' is a documentary produced in the framework of UNESCO's Arabia Plan, that provides an overview of the history of the rich Arab civilization. For more information, please visit:


BTW can you see my flag or are you blind?
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@xenon54 @Vergennes

It was my fault. I just feed troll. I never know he have some troll aspirations. I remember al hasani, he was a very good member of this forum, very informative, so I was surprised.

I made my job, delete all my posts from this place, and put ignore on him.
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