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Israeli F-16 fighter jet shot down amid Syrian anti-air fire, pilots safe - IDF


Western European architecture (nothing Serbian about it) and built under Austria-Hungary occupiers (another of his many occupiers) less than 200 years old (LOL). Is that going to impress an Arab whose lands are the cradle of civilization and home to the oldest cities and most famous heritage sites on the planet as well as the oldest?

Nabatean alones (from modern-day Hijaz) who funded numerous Heritage sites in KSA, Jordan, Israel, Syria etc. built more impressive heritage than all of Ballkan (excluding Greece of course) combined let alone tiny Serbia.:lol:

Go visit those thread below;


Okay man your ancient civilization was the greatest. Please stop already or go to another thread for crying out loud.
@xenon54 @Vergennes

It was my fault. I just feed troll. I never know he have some troll aspirations. I remember al hasani, he was a very good member of this forum, very informative, so I was surprised.

I made my job, delete all my posts from this place, and put ignore on him.

Yes, you are a ignorant troll who made the fatal and highly laughable mistake of comparing himself and his people to Arabs and our ancestors and the achievements (world-famous and world-renowned - speaking about the UNESCO that you mentioned yourself take a look at that video from UENSCO that I posted about ARab civilizations and you will hear the same thing that I wrote) of the Arab world that you are nowhere close to. This is the objective facts that even historians from your own country will admit.

BTW I have nothing against Serbia or Serbians (I have only had good relations with the Serbians that I have come to known as well as other Balkan people) but I have been reading some of your posts and it is clear that you have a huge problem with Muslims and Arabs, therefore I needed to tell you a few truths to humble you down a bit as I hate fake people. As you can see I do not shy away from expressing my views even if it hurts others and even if I am caught trolling due to the environment of a thread (in this case I have sought a ban but besides that it is the same always).


Western European architecture (nothing Serbian about it) and built under Austria-Hungary occupiers (another of his many occupiers) less than 200 years old (LOL). Is that going to impress an Arab whose lands are the cradle of civilization and home to the oldest cities and most famous heritage sites on the planet as well as the oldest?

Nabatean alone (from modern-day Hijaz) who funded numerous Heritage sites in KSA, Jordan, Israel, Syria etc. built more impressive heritage than all of Ballkan (excluding Greece of course) combined let alone tiny Serbia.:lol:

The Nabataeans, also Nabateans (/ˌnæbəˈtiːənz/; Arabic: الأنباط‎ al-ʾAnbāṭ , compare Ancient Greek: Ναβαταῖος, Latin: Nabataeus), were an Arab[1] people who inhabited northern Arabia and the Southern Levant. Their settlements, most prominently the assumed capital city of Raqmu, now called Petra,[1] gave the name of Nabatene to the borderland between Arabia and Syria, from the Euphrates to the Red Sea. Their loosely controlled trading network, which centered on strings of oases that they controlled, where agriculture was intensively practiced in limited areas, and on the routes that linked them, had no securely defined boundaries in the surrounding desert. Trajan conquered the Nabataean kingdom, annexing it to the Roman Empire, where their individual culture, easily identified by their characteristic finely potted painted ceramics, was adopted into the larger Greco-Roman culture. They were later converted to Christianity. Jane Taylor, a writer, describes them as "one of the most gifted peoples of the ancient world".[2]


Go visit those threads below;



To tell you the truth, I am only taking this Serbian troll seriously (it is a disgrace for me and dishonor to even compare myself with such entities objectively speaking - Russia due to 300's of glory I can somehow accept despite my big disagreements with their incredibly bloody history that also every historian recognizes - I mentioned nothing that was a lie) is 1) I have a flu 2) I need a ban from PDF as I have works to do related to work (chemical engineer).
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LOL this little @sammuel Indian has been watching this thread all day long. Not one word in defence of his Zionist friends LOL Cunning little Hindu.

LOL the little Hindu ran off the moment I posted this LOL
All you guys are essentially correct on parts of radar detection and what 'stealth' does.

The radar do 'see' the 'stealth' aircraft but does it with high unreliability. The result is that as the radar computer struggles to acquire the 'stealth' target, the scope displays nothing, giving the impression that the 'stealth' fighter is 'invisible'.

The argument that as the 'stealth' fighter approaches, its RCS increases relative to the seeking radar, eventually becoming 'visible'.

The argument is TECHNICALLY correct.

However, from a 'TACTICAL' perspective, the 'stealth' fighter will know what is that distance where it will become EM visible, and will make appropriate course corrections to avoid that situation.
If even fully detected,that would be invalid because if you are target of Platform,it would be already in striking range and most likely for rival fighters that would be NEZ from incomeing AAM's.
This needs a seprate thread to discuss.
If it weren't for Muhammad al arabi, rasul karim alai salam u lot still would have been uncivilized barbarian tribes scattered about like in days of jahiliya.

What a fucking joke. Some non-entity (1400 year history :lol:) that is not even genetically slavic and whose entire recorded history has been conquered by outsiders while we Arabs created the greatest and most influential ancient civilizations (our ancestors) and some of the most influential empires (several even - more than most people in the world) and some of the largest and most influential. Whose legacy is still well alive.

Arabic is the 4th most spoken language in the world. An official UN language along with English, Spanish, Mandarin, French and Russian. A language that has influenced (heavily) languages from Spanish to Indonesian Bahasa. What has his useless Serbian language done in comparison? Nothing.

What a joke.:lol:

I can discuss such topics with Russians due to their 300 years of glory (1700-2018) but with a freaking Serbian?:lol:

Might as well try with a Gambian or Papuan next time. An insult to our intelligence.

That little Serbian pseudo-Slav is just angry that a few VOLUNTEER Arabs killed Serbian mass-murderers who murdered innocent Bosnian women and children (Srebrenica).

Just write "Arabs killing Serbians" on Google and see what comes up.:lol: Headless child-murderers and mass-murderers.

BTW those Serbians are walking as small dogs in Europe among Arabs. Seen it myself.

LOL, the last photo is not even from Serbia you Turkified and Arabized Anatolian troll.

You are culturally, linguistically (especially prior to the reforms 100 years ago) and religiously our slaves. Nobody conquered us expect for Ottomans (30% only) and for 400 years only and mostly nominal control (Arabs allied with Ottomans ruling locals) and Brits and French for some 50-60 years in total (most powerful countries of their time).
Kindly read my post and use Google to rectify your misconception about radar that they can not see stealth planes, every modern radar can see stealth planes, the problem is that the RCS of stealth planes are very small, like marble or tennis ball which become irrelevant to be painted on screen as threat or object because there are several objects like birds with similar RCS and all are not required to be painted on screen for obvious reasons.
I said same,but i was saying it regarding those systems who try to detect stealth fighters but failed due to shortcomings of immature tech or VHF band.
:dirol: Phat gai (Exploded)

I meant IDF Phat gai (IDF exploded)

3-13 second of sheer , powerful S-200 Thrust and massive Velocity , and the poor IDF pilot was just .... could not take the danger warning alert

He was going 1.4 Mach and S-200 came at him at Mach 4-7

:buba_phone:: Hello IDF ki Phat Gai! :help:
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Western European architecture (nothing Serbian about it)

Yes, because Serbians are not western, they're from far East Asia. :lol:

You described Serbia as a "sh*thole" and i proved to you it's far from it. And now you bring up architecture. Clutching at straws me thinks.

Is that going to impress an Arab whose lands are the cradle of civilization

Good. So you should maybe not insult others about their "culture" and history.

If it weren't for Muhammad al arabi, rasul karim alai salam u lot still would have been uncivilized barbarian tribes scattered about like in days of jahiliya.
That's what I don't get. There's nothing produced in Arab World , it's all from oil. So one would think an Arab would be the last person to look down on others.
it is my strong gut feel that f35s and f22 can be found and possibly shot down by competent military personnel and GOOD equipment. but f22 esp is still scary to face for most armies and airforces.
As for S200s success withf16 all i can say is wow. yes,Like @
They would be detectable in future,that's why Americans are gearing up for 6th Gen,it's matter of time.
It is scary to imagine that you are fighting your mortal enemy who is wearing invincibility cloak and is hovering around you carring a lethal weapons like you but his invincibility cloak has made all your weapons useless , just imagine it:cheesy:
S200v is good system but not today if agressive EW, Is put into action,Syrians didn't engaged Usreils for long,that made IDF pretty much lax and IDF formation was targeted when they were returning back after bombing,in that case there only option was afterburners.
Yes, because Serbians are not western, they're from far East Asia. :lol:

You described Serbia as a "sh*thole" and i proved to you it's far from it. And now you bring up architecture. Clutching at straws me thinks.

Good. So you should maybe not insult others about their "culture" and history.

He was the one that started the insulting while we an a Russian (Jewish in fact yet he hates Jews) had a troll discussion. He had no business in it. What I wrote about Russia were historical facts that every educated person knows about and I also provided amble proof.

1) The architecture of Serbia is nothing special. To compare it with that of KSA let alone all of Arabia or the Arab world, is quite frankly laughable. Sure, Serbia has a few Austria-Hungary remains, a few Ottoman built mosques in the South and a few Roman ruins. Other than that not much.

It would be another thing to mention Croatia but their entire Dalmatian (coastline) architecture was built by Italians (Venetian Republic) so it is not their culture either.

Unlike that of the Arab world. All of our architecture, historical remains were built by native peoples (fellow Semites).

From the Pyramids to Ziggurats, to the Nabateans to Phoencians, to Dilmun, to Babylonians to Himiyarites etc. List is Himyarite.

I will tell you a think. Before even the word Slavic people, Serbia, Turkey, Turkic people existed Arabs already had some of the most famous female rulers of all times (Arab queens) such as Queen Sheba (described in the Torah even and old testament) and queen Zenobia.

This simple alphabetic charge alone should give you a little idea of the depth of our history that every educated person knows about (ask any historian in the world from Serbia to Turkey)

BTW (ironically) even the Caucasian race itself originated in the Arab world (Southern Sham) during the Neolithic period.

Brits 10.000 years ago and Europeans looked liked this;

Cheddar Man: DNA shows early Briton had dark skin
By Paul Rincon Science editor, BBC News website
  • 7 February 2018

    Pale skin probably arrived in Britain with a migration of people from the Middle East around 6,000 years ago. This population had pale skin and brown eyes and absorbed populations like the ones Cheddar Man belonged to.


    Image captionProf Chris Stringer had studied Cheddar Man for 40 years - but was struck by the Kennis brothers' reconstruction
    No-one's entirely sure why pale skin evolved in these farmers, but their cereal-based diet was probably deficient in Vitamin D. This would have required agriculturalists to absorb this essential nutrient from sunlight through their skin.

    "There may be other factors that are causing lower skin pigmentation over time in the last 10,000 years. But that's the big explanation that most scientists turn to," said Prof Thomas.

80% of all Europeans ordinate from Neolithic farmers that dwelled in the Arab world and who modern-day Arabs cluster the most with.

Read about the Natufian culture (first civilizations in the world that built cities and invented agriculture) and the funniest thing is that modern-day Saudi Arabians (as per DNA states from 2016) show the closest affinity to those Natufian skeletons.


"The Epipaleolithic Natufian culture /nəˈtuːfiən/[1] existed from around 12,500 to 9,500 BC in the Levant, a region in the Eastern Mediterranean. It was unusual in that it supported a sedentary or semi-sedentary population even before the introduction of agriculture. The Natufian communities may be the ancestors of the builders of the first Neolithic settlements of the region, which may have been the earliest in the world. Natufians founded Jericho which may be the oldest city in the world. Some evidence suggests deliberate cultivation of cereals, specifically rye, by the Natufian culture, at Tell Abu Hureyra, the site of earliest evidence of agriculture in the world.[2] Generally, though, Natufians exploited wild cereals. Animals hunted included gazelles.[3] According to Christy G. Turner II, there is archaeological and physical anthropological evidence for a relationship between the modern Semitic-speaking populations of the Levant and the Natufians.[4]

Dorothy Garrod coined the term Natufian based on her excavations at Shuqba cave in Wadi an-Natuf, in the western Judean Mountains."


Here are the DNA results from last 2016


Here is the entire report:


I am yet to see a non-Saudi Arabian show 100% Middle East on their DNA score.

Those are facts my dear friends. Facts. Supported by GENETIC studies. Not fairytales. And recorded historical findings.

What you gonna do about all this? Bark about oil? Gas? diamonds? Gold? Uranium (KSA is exacting uranium with our Chinese friends and partners and we have up to 5% of all uranium reserves in the world).

Come at me bro. Call a moderator to censor my posts.
So you can go to hell you can. You really can. All the Prophets were Semite as well. From Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to Prophet Muhammad (saws).

Your Jesus (ISA (AS) was a Semite too. Arabs are sons of Prophet Abraham (as). We have the best recorded heritage of any people in the world. Well-known.

Most Arabs can trace their ancestry to pre-Islamic times. In Europe only few royal families can trace their ancestry to 1000 years ago.


Only Chinese noble families are close to us and surprise surprise Arabs and Han Chinese are the two BIGGEST ethnic groups on the planet and one of the oldest. With great ties today. Booming ties. I love Chinese people.

I love China.

I always defend China too. Most Arabs love China.

Look at this cultural beauty and the sheer depth: Priceless

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