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Israeli Defense Minister: If Iran gets nuclear weapons, so will Turkey

How does it feel to know that Turks of Anatolia are genetic Greeks, Armenians and Persians who lack a self of present and believe they are Mongolian Oghuz and Seljuks invaders?

Oh by the way, Azeri people = Iranian people. We are a Fars people who speak a Turkic language thanks to Seljuk people. Regardless before that we spoke our original PERSIAN language Azari.

It feels great kamış, now don't go off-topic.
wow nuclear turkiye .. sound nicely so i support nuclear iran he he a nuclear turkiye brings peace , serenity,love into the world :partay:
Chera baradar, chera? Why support Turks when our ancestors have been fighting with them for thousands of years. FOR BOBAK KHORRAMDIN.

Babak Khorramdin was fighting a religion, and Arabs. Why? Because they are our neigbors, brother. We are not living in Ottoman and Safavid era anymore. We should work together on economic and social levels, because that will create prosperity and security.
Apparently, we got two suicide troll over here.

Enjoy the pink guys :tup:
Can't work with Turks. There is a reason all their neighbours hate them.

You can work with Turks, because history has proven that besides our battles with them, we also have worked together. I don`t tell you to marry them, but rather put aside this old conflict and began to adopt a 21st century thinking. France and Germany have fought each other for centuries, and look where they are now. From enemies, till region competitors. We should look forward.
Apparently, we got two suicide troll over here.

Enjoy the pink guys :tup:

We're having a logical conversation about our history, past and present. Why are you itching to get us banned? Are you angry or upset that we are stating the truth? I know the truth isn't allowed in Turkey, but it sure is allowed throughout the rest of the world.
BS, does your uncle own a nuke shop or something that you think Pakistan can give them away to whom ever as if its candy? Seriously, get out of this lala land.

beyond any doubt JonAsad knows this fact very well... obviously with his post JonAsad is just appealing to the deep brotherly feelings between our nations...nothing less nothing more!!!

at this point I want to quote one of Aeronaut's posts ''Khan writes in his book that on a press conference at my house where many international delegates were present including the US ambassador. During a heated argument the Turkish ambassador stood up & said "Ladies and Gentlemen, i have fever today & i only came here to say that Turkey will support Pakistan even if the world turns upside down -- Thank you and left the room.''


if we follow the way you approach to text...a possible Desert Fox reply to Turkish ambassador would be Turkish ambassador is living in lala land since he thinks the world can turn up side down...........
my friends he is not pakistani he is shain vatani or persian god king please look at his post number propably fake account:smokin:
Bring on the facts you fool. It would be wiser for you to spend your energy somewhere else in something you're better at, like in stopping girls from going to school, because there is no way that you can back up your statement.

You did the same thing that Pkuser did; label a whole people by the actions of a few.

Not a good idea.
People like you both Shahin and the other moron make me wish that Israel will bomb the shi.t out of you. Where is archdemon when you need him?

I dont want Kamisick bombed by Israel.
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