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Israeli Defense Minister: If Iran gets nuclear weapons, so will Turkey

so that mean :

1- Turkey need zionist permission to obtain their weapons
2- Turkey is zionist's guard against Iran ...

I know reading comprehension is a real challenge for a brain damaged individual such as yourself, however i suggest you to read the article again..Try not to embarrass yourself further
Oh please spare us that master-puppet BS of yours oneliner and share your wisdom pearls somewhere else
you are so sensitive its true you know what did you do when gaza bound flotila got attached as always made some noise and then shut up as usual as usa did not pay any attention to you you even could not get a simple apology from israel but when your plane got shot over syria and shelling you got hooped up on pills we will attack syria this and that.
your first lady was distributing clothes in myanmar while you were sending terrorists in syria backed by usa and nato hypocrite
It will be hard for Turkey since you are in all these Western pacts. The only way you could get it is if America secretly endorses for you to have one, in order to counter balance an Iranian nuke.

I don't think it will be that hard, quite the contrary. It's precisely because Turket is so close to the US, that it can manage to develop a nukes program.

There are two sets of countries that can get to ignore US diktats without siffering very great consequences in their international standing: 1) those that do not get along with the US at all. These tend to already be more or less isolated in the international arena, and thus they don't have much to lose in international standing in case they incur in US fury by, for example, upgrading their nuclear progame. 2) Countries whose friendship is too precious for the US to alienate, and thus can contradict US policy in very important ways without feeling much of a backlash.

It's countries that are in-between -- that is, those that are neither enemies nor close allies to the US -- who see their global standing empiriled by provoking the US too much.
If Iran do gets nuclear weapons, Turkey will be the least of your concerns. Deal with it Ehud :pop:
:lol: thats we were talking today, regardless the regional circumstances, we always find Reuters, Washington Post, NY Times, The Australian etc news papers too much worried for Syria, which always gives us a sense that Western nations have bet their credibility in Syria conflict and if they lose in Syria, then they will stop here and will not proceed further to organize a new war, like how we always find US+EU involved in organizing different political/economical or direct wars year by year...........

Im running a thread on Indian view on this topic on an Indian Forum as below: :tup:

India’s National Interest. Has India forgotton itself, its Identity? Indian Defence Forum,

Iran will not succeed with their nuclear program. Nor will the Pakistanis hand out nukes like they were candy.
You think Israel will be the one to punish Pakistan for attempting to hand over nukes to terrorist countries? No.

It will be all the nuclear powers, including China, who will punish Pakistan. People here like to say that the nukes Pakistan posses are Islamic nukes but in reality they are Pakistani nukes. There is no Ummah when your skin is on the line.
Iran will not succeed with their nuclear program. Nor will the Pakistanis hand out nukes like they were candy.
You think Israel will be the one to punish Pakistan for attempting to hand over nukes to terrorist countries? No.

It will be all the nuclear powers, including China, who will punish Pakistan. People here like to say that the nukes Pakistan posses are Islamic nukes but in reality they are Pakistani nukes. There is no Ummah when your skin is on the line.

Yeah, sure :D Israel is just that important

Of course Pakistan won't give anyone anything but... :D whatever
Yeah, sure :D Israel is just that important

Of course Pakistan won't give anyone anything but... :D whatever

Nothing to do with Israel. Try rereading and comprehending.

In the unrealistic situation in which Pakistan supplies nuclear weapons to KSA or Turkey(Which already has nukes anyway) would cause a global outrage which would reflect badly upon China since they are Pakistan's main ally and benefactor. Thus forcing China to harshly punish Pakistan and siding with the world powers against Pakistan.
If Saudi Arabia get the Nukes, Will these nukes be given to Al Qaeda through Charity organizations?
Persian nationalism only exist in the west, when i lived in iran, I didnt even know what persian meant. I learned it in Amercia. Iranian americans refer to them selves as "perrrrsians" LOL. But seriously why would Iran every attack Turkey? this is an idea that is being created by western nations to scare turkey. What would iran gain from attacking turkey? LOL. In world war 3, everyone will attack each other but other than that. no attack.

There is currently no Persian nationalism in Iran. Also you can give up dreaming about that "bridge". We are an independent nation and will do whatever is in our interest, not Turkey's.

Turkey's best bet is to leave us alone and not try and intervene in our affairs.

yeah I was thinking the same. Turkey is under the influence of NATO, America, and Israel right now, that's why Iran is their number one concern. but hopefully it will go back to normal relations soon. THIS IS America, Israel winning turning neighbors aganist eachother.Hopefully the sunni turks will come to their senses and not LET Washington decide their fate and not attack us b.c of CIA and American government demands:azn:

Nasr compared the current situation to the period in which Al Qaeda first emerged. In the nineteen-eighties and the early nineties, the Saudi government offered to subsidize the covert American C.I.A. proxy war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Hundreds of young Saudis were sent into the border areas of Pakistan, where they set up religious schools, training bases, and recruiting facilities. Then, as now, many of the operatives who were paid with Saudi money were Salafis. Among them, of course, were Osama bin Laden and his associates, who founded Al Qaeda, in 1988.

This time, the U.S. government consultant told me, Bandar and other Saudis have assured the White House that “they will keep a very close eye on the religious fundamentalists. Their message to us was ‘We’ve created this movement, and we can control it.’ It’s not that we don’t want the Salafis to throw bombs; it’s who they throw them at—Hezbollah, Moqtada al-Sadr, Iran, and at the Syrians, if they continue to work with Hezbollah and Iran.”
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