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Israeli crimes against humanity

Their homes have been destroyed by the isrealis, that's why they have nothing to lose.

What a human need???
1. Food
2. Cloth
3. Land
and 4. Honor....

Whole Muslim world Hated Israel since last 50+ years, does it changed any thing?? does it gave basic things for Muslims??? If you guys have read history then you must know there was no concept of modern "nation state" before french revolution, The state were either theological or kingdom.

After WW2 , many new state (nation state) born based on different ideology... Israel was one of them... You Muslim hated that concept and tried to anihilate jew, you abused Jews, You killed Jews, does it changed any thing????

My personal view is, rather than hating, killing jews you must think constructive... So what can be done???

1. Settle the Muslims some where near to Muslims, Ask Israel and USA to compensate them..
2. Ask Israel and USA to provide support (medical, education,dollars,food) to Muslims for 20-25 years, so that they become self-reliance.
3. Settle these muslims to Different Muslim country of there choice (KSA, Paksistan, dubai, Sudan, Egypt, syria , lebnon and so on...)

I think Israel/USA will do it happily, this will be very cheap deal for them....

Die fighting with them, for sure in next 50 years you will not win ISrael...
If someone provide me basic needs (food, job, land,honor), I don't mind settling in Pakistan even...
Who taught you to keep on blabbering about 'Leftie-commie propaganda'? CIA or Mossad? You're a regular false flagger!

FaujHistorian is showing the way for your redemption and becoming a part of the society the world has become. Growing changes in development need a mindset to accommodate change. If you guys start to live in the 21st century rather than in century old Muslim world, you would probably accept other religion and other faith as a fellow faith. Most of the hard line Muslim brothers want Israel be wiped of the face of the Arab world, instead I suggest you try to co-exist with them rather than banging your heads against a wall that does not crack, :hitwall:
You may ask them to have a separate land some where else, but in practice is it possible to relocate such a large population and what is the need to relocate them as they have paid and bought the land from you.
The first attack on Jew was not because they are creating a country for Jews in your land but of jealousy that they are economically performing well when compared to the arab world, that is the reason for all your suffering now. If you say it other wise that does not concur to facts.
Open your minds and come out of your dark side of accomplishing your mission of eliminating the Jews and try to make them friends.
What a human need???
1. Food
2. Cloth
3. Land
and 4. Honor....

Whole Muslim world Hated Israel since last 50+ years, does it changed any thing?? does it gave basic things for Muslims??? If you guys have read history then you must know there was no concept of modern "nation state" before french revolution, The state were either theological or kingdom.

After WW2 , many new state (nation state) born based on different ideology... Israel was one of them... You Muslim hated that concept and tried to anihilate jew, you abused Jews, You killed Jews, does it changed any thing????

My personal view is, rather than hating, killing jews you must think constructive... So what can be done???

1. Settle the Muslims some where near to Muslims, Ask Israel and USA to compensate them..
2. Ask Israel and USA to provide support (medical, education,dollars,food) to Muslims for 20-25 years, so that they become self-reliance.
3. Settle these muslims to Different Muslim country of there choice (KSA, Paksistan, dubai, Sudan, Egypt, syria , lebnon and so on...)

I think Israel/USA will do it happily, this will be very cheap deal for them....

Die fighting with them, for sure in next 50 years you will not win ISrael...

Yeah well when you are taught that Jihad is the only way and hating Jews is part of your religion, you can`t help but to hate them for the rest of your lives and teach your own kids to do the same.
They stand in the line of fire because they were taught that this life on earth is meaningless compared to the after life.
WTF?? Why are children standing there? Why do their parents allow this? I have never seen this type of Idioticy anywhere.
Yep and after that they complain that Israel kills children. Another Palestinian national sport is climbing on tanks:




If tanks makes a sharp turn they all would be smashed. :frown:

Their homes have been destroyed by the isrealis, that's why they have nothing to lose.
Check this thread plz:


^ Why these tanks are there running in civilian populated areas? Is it your national sport to show off your borrowed military power to innocent civilian in Palestine by hiding inside these tanks and to destroy the buildings and play with lives of unarmed peoples. What you expect from these peoples to do after you destroy their homes and kill their peoples. Should they give flowers to your soldiers?
^ Why these tanks are there running in civilian populated areas? Is it your national sport to show off your borrowed military power to innocent civilian in Palestine by hiding inside these tanks and to destroy the buildings and play with lives of unarmed peoples. What you expect from these peoples to do after you destroy their homes and kill their peoples. Should they give flowers to your soldiers?

Not flowers but candy would be nice you know.
On a serious note, who are you to say they were in civilian populated areas and not the civilians coming just to jump on tanks and be squashed?
Not flowers but candy would be nice you know.
On a serious note, who are you to say they were in civilian populated areas and not the civilians coming just to jump on tanks and be squashed?

You are blind perhaps. I don't see any Palestinian peoples with weapons in pictures you posted above as most of them are kids and teens.

When a Palestinian is throwing stones against a tank, he will get nothing. He just shows his disapproval. He wishes that the tank be gone and never come back again. But when you build buildings or a city, wipe out their homes and kills their children, the same Palestinian knows this is forever and that there is no chance things can go back to what he had been expecting

If it was your children, your home, your life that you lost in the result of an air strike or raid, how do you think you do react?
^ Why these tanks are there running in civilian populated areas? Is it your national sport to show off your borrowed military power to innocent civilian in Palestine by hiding inside these tanks and to destroy the buildings and play with lives of unarmed peoples.
Because Hamas terrorists operate in civilian populated areas. Today suicide terror is uprooted so we dont send tanks anymore.

Suicide terror attacks 2000-2007

Should they give flowers to your soldiers?
If they want to fight they should fight. I dont understand why they send kids. There are over MILLION grown healthy Arab men in Palestinian territories, so why kids? Using own kids as human shields is sickening practise.
Because Hamas terrorists operate in civilian populated areas. Today suicide terror is uprooted so we dont send tanks anymore.

Suicide terror attacks 2000-2007

If they want to fight they should fight. I dont understand why they send kids. There are over MILLION grown healthy Arab men in Palestinian territories, so why kids? Using own kids as human shields is sickening practise.

Agreed, the way Hamas has been acting since 2000's has been reckless but I hope you understand why they have been acting the way they are. Honestly, I personally don't care about Israel nor Palestine anymore. Most people don't, they just want some bloody peace. I think what should be done is ask the people whether they want Israel, Palestine or just peace. Hopefully they will all want the latter one so this issue is solved once and for all.
You are blind perhaps. I don't see any Palestinian peoples with weapons in pictures you posted above as most of them are kids and teens.

When a Palestinian is throwing stones against a tank, he will get nothing. He just shows his disapproval. He wishes that the tank be gone and never come back again. But when you build buildings or a city, wipe out their homes and kills their children, the same Palestinian knows this is forever and that there is no chance things can go back to what he had been expecting

If it was your children, your home, your life that you lost in the result of an air strike or raid, how do you think you do react?

You`re set in your mindset, good for you, i don`t mind very much.
Sending children to commit suicide bombings is sickening, without justification, an act that cannot be forgiven nor forgotten.
They breed little animals with their hate mongering, children are taught to desire to kill as many Jews as possible in kindergartens but that`s ok, they`re the poor oppressed Arabs, they don`t need humanity.
Yep and after that they complain that Israel kills children. Another Palestinian national sport is climbing on tanks:




If tanks makes a sharp turn they all would be smashed. :frown:

Why dont Israel use tear gas or smoke bombs to flush out kids?? If I was that kid i would have known by now that climbing on tanks is as useless as talking to a wall. I would have found means to make some money for myself and for my family.
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