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Israeli crimes against humanity

What a human need???
1. Food
2. Cloth
3. Land
and 4. Honor....

Whole Muslim world Hated Israel since last 50+ years, does it changed any thing?? does it gave basic things for Muslims??? If you guys have read history then you must know there was no concept of modern "nation state" before french revolution, The state were either theological or kingdom.

After WW2 , many new state (nation state) born based on different ideology... Israel was one of them... You Muslim hated that concept and tried to anihilate jew, you abused Jews, You killed Jews, does it changed any thing????

My personal view is, rather than hating, killing jews you must think constructive... So what can be done???

1. Settle the Muslims some where near to Muslims, Ask Israel and USA to compensate them..
2. Ask Israel and USA to provide support (medical, education,dollars,food) to Muslims for 20-25 years, so that they become self-reliance.
3. Settle these muslims to Different Muslim country of there choice (KSA, Paksistan, dubai, Sudan, Egypt, syria , lebnon and so on...)

I think Israel/USA will do it happily, this will be very cheap deal for them....

Die fighting with them, for sure in next 50 years you will not win ISrael...

Indians deserve to be kicked out of india and dumped into Sahara Desert!
Then they'll know what a home is! I'm sure even the Sahara Desert won't tolerate these hypocrites.
FaujHistorian is showing the way for your redemption and becoming a part of the society the world has become. Growing changes in development need a mindset to accommodate change. If you guys start to live in the 21st century rather than in century old Muslim world, you would probably accept other religion and other faith as a fellow faith. Most of the hard line Muslim brothers want Israel be wiped of the face of the Arab world, instead I suggest you try to co-exist with them rather than banging your heads against a wall that does not crack, :hitwall:
You may ask them to have a separate land some where else, but in practice is it possible to relocate such a large population and what is the need to relocate them as they have paid and bought the land from you.
The first attack on Jew was not because they are creating a country for Jews in your land but of jealousy that they are economically performing well when compared to the arab world, that is the reason for all your suffering now. If you say it other wise that does not concur to facts.
Open your minds and come out of your dark side of accomplishing your mission of eliminating the Jews and try to make them friends.

FaujHistorian is only showing that he works for RAW.
Because Hamas terrorists operate in civilian populated areas. Today suicide terror is uprooted so we dont send tanks anymore.

Suicide terror attacks 2000-2007

If they want to fight they should fight. I dont understand why they send kids. There are over MILLION grown healthy Arab men in Palestinian territories, so why kids? Using own kids as human shields is sickening practise.

The israeli settlers are the real terrorists and here's the proof:

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FaujHistorian is only showing that he works for RAW.

And you are showing that Bangladesh forgets who freed her.

---------- Post added at 07:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 AM ----------

Why dont Israel use tear gas or smoke bombs to flush out kids?? If I was that kid i would have known by now that climbing on tanks is as useless as talking to a wall. I would have found means to make some money for myself and for my family.

Yes that would be the logical thing to do, no one said those kids were taught what logic is.
And you are showing that Bangladesh forgets who freed her.

---------- Post added at 07:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 AM ----------

Yes that would be the logical thing to do, no one said those kids were taught what logic is.

Your attempt to draw Bangladesh into this discussion shows that you're a big time loser as far as logic is concerned!

Indians deserve to be kicked out of india and dumped into Sahara Desert!
Then they'll know what a home is! I'm sure even the Sahara Desert won't tolerate these hypocrites.

So this is what you fantasize every day. have you been discussing with everyone about throwing Indians into Sahara Desert?? :rofl:
Because Hamas terrorists operate in civilian populated areas. Today suicide terror is uprooted so we dont send tanks anymore.

If they want to fight they should fight. I dont understand why they send kids. There are over MILLION grown healthy Arab men in Palestinian territories, so why kids? Using own kids as human shields is sickening practise.

Hamas terror is much less destructive than terrorism of Israel. No they don't want fight but they want to get justice which you guys are not giving them. Justice bring peace. Palestinians are supposed to sit back and take the oppression, the control, the violence. Any fighting back is considered terrorism. Terrorism against what? No one will go and blow himself without any reasons and just because you have more borrowed military power don't give you this right to kill everyone who throw stone at you. Again Its not bravery to kill peoples by sitting safe inside tanks or kill peoples with cruise missiles

Why should Israel be granted the rights Palestinians never had? Why should they have any claim to a country that was never theirs in the first place? The civilian death on the Palestinian side is described simply as "an accident in an effort targeting criminals and terrorists." These 'accidents' seem to happen very often, killing women, children, and innocent men.
You`re set in your mindset, good for you, i don`t mind very much.
Sending children to commit suicide bombings is sickening, without justification, an act that cannot be forgiven nor forgotten.
They breed little animals with their hate mongering, children are taught to desire to kill as many Jews as possible in kindergartens but that`s ok, they`re the poor oppressed Arabs, they don`t need humanity.

You are also set in your mindset ." Gods chosen peoples" are trying to justify every good or bad act of Isreal to prove themselves devout Jews. lol

If the weaker guy fights back using his very own body as a weapon then he is a terrorist. Terrorism is being used by America, Israel and the Palestinians alike. Let's get off this bogus seat of killing superiority! As though to kill with missiles and airplanes from the sky is somehow more admirable than using rocks, rocket grenades, and one's own body. How long will the people of this planet remain blind, deaf and dumb?
Hamas terror is much less destructive than terrorism of Israel.
Israel does not target civilians unlike Hamas.

The civilian death on the Palestinian side is described simply as "an accident in an effort targeting criminals and terrorists." These 'accidents' seem to happen very often, killing women, children, and innocent men.
Accidents happen because they send kids into streets instead hiding them in shelters.
What a human need???
1. Food
2. Cloth
3. Land
and 4. Honor....

Whole Muslim world Hated Israel since last 50+ years, does it changed any thing?? does it gave basic things for Muslims??? If you guys have read history then you must know there was no concept of modern "nation state" before french revolution, The state were either theological or kingdom.

After WW2 , many new state (nation state) born based on different ideology... Israel was one of them... You Muslim hated that concept and tried to anihilate jew, you abused Jews, You killed Jews, does it changed any thing????

My personal view is, rather than hating, killing jews you must think constructive... So what can be done???

1. Settle the Muslims some where near to Muslims, Ask Israel and USA to compensate them..
2. Ask Israel and USA to provide support (medical, education,dollars,food) to Muslims for 20-25 years, so that they become self-reliance.
3. Settle these muslims to Different Muslim country of there choice (KSA, Paksistan, dubai, Sudan, Egypt, syria , lebnon and so on...)

I think Israel/USA will do it happily, this will be very cheap deal for them....

Die fighting with them, for sure in next 50 years you will not win ISrael...

Indians deserve to be kicked out of india and dumped into Sahara Desert!
Then they'll know what a home is! I'm sure even the Sahara Desert won't tolerate these hypocrites.

Don't act smart, I have just given a solution... Have I said that settle these Muslim to Sahara??? Is Pakistan,UAE,KSA not better than Palestine???

How come Pakistan become comparable to sahara desert??? Are you comparing Pakistan to Sahara desert???

My point is simple, settle these ppl to Muslim country, take help of Israel and USA to get them home, food, job and education.. If you have any solution oplease propose it rather than comparing Pakistan/other-Muslim-country to Sahara...
Israel does not target civilians unlike Hamas.

Accidents happen because they send kids into streets instead hiding them in shelters.

I agree, I don't see any logic behind sending teens to road... In India if riots happen, our mom use to hide us in house, Even during elections, if there is chance of violence, they forbid us to go out... This is there love, Mom want to protect us...

But in Gaza its different, when there is conflict these kids come on road, What the hell is this???? Is afterlife is better than life???
In India if riots happen, our mom use to hide us in house, Even during elections, if there is chance of violence, they forbid us to go out... This is there love, Mom want to protect us...

But in Gaza its different, when there is conflict these kids come on road, What the hell is this???? Is afterlife is better than life???[/COLOR]
HaHa You Indians are funny. how old are you? Your mum hide you in homes but homes of these kids are being destroyed by Israeli terrorist in uniform walking on the streets with guns and tanks. Where your mum will hide you If air strike and bombs are being drops on your houses. These bombs killed more innocents
You are also set in your mindset ." Gods chosen peoples" are trying to justify every good or bad act of Isreal to prove themselves devout Jews. lol

If the weaker guy fights back using his very own body as a weapon then he is a terrorist. Terrorism is being used by America, Israel and the Palestinians alike. Let's get off this bogus seat of killing superiority! As though to kill with missiles and airplanes from the sky is somehow more admirable than using rocks, rocket grenades, and one's own body. How long will the people of this planet remain blind, deaf and dumb?

Until you guys believe that you have to give due respect to other faiths and stop believing in superstition that laying down your life as a martyre will get you 72 blue eyed virgin in heaven and also laying down your arms and trying to accept the new world. If you guys do that then there is a prosperity for your people else you will perish.

My point is simple, settle these ppl to Muslim country, take help of Israel and USA to get them home, food, job and education.. If you have any solution oplease propose it rather than comparing Pakistan/other-Muslim-country to Sahara...

you are such dumb as you are asking peoples to leave their homes, their countries for invaders and asking them to get settel in other countries. It's like asking Indians to leave India for england when they invaded and take help from them to move another country. Have you got mind? If yes then use it and read the history of conflict before you comment on it
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