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Israeli crimes against humanity

Indians deserve to be kicked out of india and dumped into Sahara Desert!
Then they'll know what a home is! I'm sure even the Sahara Desert won't tolerate these hypocrites.

Bangladesh men were not capable of protecting their women in 1971, During that time you needed India's help... If Bangladeshi's are hating India more then call back all the Bangladeshi's who are living in West Bengal and Assam to Bangladesh itself.
Israel does not target civilians unlike Hamas.

Accidents happen because they send kids into streets instead hiding them in shelters.


can put up many more videos like these but u dont want to see the truth.
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HaHa You Indians are funny. how old are you? Your mum hide you in homes but homes of these kids are being destroyed by Israeli terrorist in uniform walking on the streets with guns and tanks. Where your mum will hide you If air strike and bombs are being drops on your houses. These bombs killed more innocents

So they all come out to watch the showdown?? I didnt know Hamas terrorists are showstoppers!!
this 500 guy always gives childish responses and he thinks he is a smart-boy.:lol:

yea thats what i thought,im sure he's more into cartoons or somethin.im new in this forum will i get to see more cartoon characters like 500?
So they all come out to watch the showdown?? I didnt know Hamas terrorists are showstoppers!!

You will never know this because you Indian kiss the @$$ of isreal so you will never oppose their atrocities especially when it's against Muslims. You will only realise if same treatment done to your own childrens and when your homes are being destroyed
You will never know this because you Indian kiss the @$$ of isreal so you will never oppose their atrocities especially when it's against Muslims. You will only realise if same treatment done to your own childrens and when your homes are being destroyed

Are you in a right state of mind?? I can imagine you crying for Arabs, Only because they are muslims. Those same muslims who does not want to be associated with you people.

We do business with Israel, not suck up to them like you do to US.
Until you guys believe that you have to give due respect to other faiths and stop believing in superstition that laying down your life as a martyre will get you 72 blue eyed virgin in heaven and also laying down your arms and trying to accept the new world. If you guys do that then there is a prosperity for your people else you will perish.

i think what he tries to say is that, why should we show respect to them when they say that everyone else is a second class human and they are first because they are the choosen ones of good. no muslim claims that no christian claims that. it is only jews, its like saying you are stupid and i am not because my family is rich

---------- Post added at 08:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------

this 500 guy always gives childish responses and he thinks he is a smart-boy.:lol:

i thought 500 was a "she" and not a boy??? am i wrong! based on the picture!

and no one has still answered my first posts on this thread i wonder why?
Israel does not target civilians unlike Hamas.

To be honest you cannot even construct a single argument and all you doing here is to refute every single statement in one sentence which comes against Israel and try to be human first and Israeli later then you will find out the truth.

The Israeli military is, in my opinion, in a state of overkill. Targeted air strikes from helicopters, state sanctioned assassinations, and civilian casualties pepper news stories from time to time all over the world. During the Intifada, some 5000 Palestinian civilians were killed against only 444 Israelis for the same period. In their defense, Hamas' firing of blind rockets into Israel surely demands some response. Unfortunately however killing at a 5:1 ratio isntt necessary. Further, targeted assassination would be fine, if it wasn't for all the collateral damage. Read this and watch

UN: Israel killed over 1,300 Palestinian kids

Palestinian children are bearing the brunt of Israeli attacks from the outset of the Al Aqsa uprising in the year 2000.

The majority of these children were going to school, playing, shopping, or simply being in their homes.

Reports say they were shot dead or wounded as a result of Israeli air and ground attacks, or indiscriminate fire from Israeli soldiers.

A recent report released by the United Nations office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)shows that Israeli forces have killed more than 1,335 Palestinian children since 2000.

This year alone 15 children were killed in Gaza according to the Palestinian ministry of health including three who were playing in front of their house.

In 2006, Israeli artillery fire hit the Athamna family house in Northern Gaza killing 16 family members including seven of its children.

Human rights groups have also condemned Israeli policies towards Palestinian children.

According to UNICEF, because of Israeli policies, more than 1.9 million Palestinian children are in danger, facing constant threat of death, injury, displacement, detention, psychological distress and low educational attainment.

Source: PressTV - UN: Israel killed over 1,300 Palestinian kids

Accidents happen because they send kids into streets instead hiding them in shelters.
You suggest kids should hide themselves inside shelter 24/7 and should not go to school or should not have any right to play. Yes some peoples should try to keep children away from this conflict but they have been under a military occupation for over 40 years and they are being brought up in a war zone because you guys stole their land and enslave the native population just only two years after the worst period in Jewish history. Isreali have the shortest collective memories in history.
The Israeli military is, in my opinion, in a state of overkill. Targeted air strikes from helicopters, state sanctioned assassinations, and civilian casualties pepper news stories from time to time all over the world. During the Intifada, some 5000 Palestinian civilians were killed against only 444 Israelis for the same period.
Thats wrong. During recent intifada over 750 Israeli civilians were killed.

Secondly as I stated Israel spends billions to protect own civilians: builds shelters, fences, puts security guards in every mall and cafe, alert system againstrockets, missile defence systems etc... Every time i enter mall here I am checked with metal seeker.

On the other hand Palestinians dont spend a cent to protect own civilians. On contrary, in time of Israeli incursion they send kids and guys to streets. Very often kids and civilians are used to bring ammunition, take guns from dead soldiers, requion dead militants, gather inteligence etc... In addition since Palestinians dont have regular forces, many militants are counted as civilians. Thats why over 94% if these 5000 "civilians" are male.
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