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Israeli crimes against humanity

Whats your question?

not a question but more like a crime against humanity

here is my first post:

you know you are living in a strange world when palestinians cant get a country but sudan can make a decision about a two state solution (north for muslims and south for christians), not in the paper but also in reality!

what i want is that the agents that killed Ahmed Bouchiki, comes back to norway and sentence what they deserve!

here is a link to what i am talking about:Lillehammer affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

what about the innocent man that was murdered by mossad?

why isn't israel sending them back to norway to sentence their crime? why havnt the israeli government said sorry for what they did?
Thats wrong. During recent intifada over 750 Israeli civilians were killed.

Secondly as I stated Israel spends billions to protect own civilians: builds shelters, fences, puts security guards in every mall and cafe, alert system againstrockets, missile defence systems etc... Every time i enter mall here I am checked with metal seeker.

On the other hand Palestinians dont spend a cent to protect own civilians. On contrary, in time of Israeli incursion they send kids and guys to streets. Very often kids and civilians are used to bring ammunition, take guns from dead soldiers, requion dead militants, gather inteligence etc... In addition since Palestinians dont have regular forces, many militants are counted as civilians. Thats why over 94% if these 5000 "civilians" are male.

Why you don’t quote and respond to whole post? Why just pick few sentences out of context? So you are saying that all those Palestinians kids and males who got killed because of Israel terrorism were not innocent. You are trying to say that all the children who got killed were deserving this. Could you back up this claim? You are really exposing your empathy here. Do you really feel good after you justify every single act of Israel even if the whole world or U. N oppose that act ?

Israel has survived by American support alone. President Truman gave the state of Israel a nuclear warhead as an inception gift. This had led them(the Israelis) to stir conflict time and time again with their Arab neighbors. Israel causes trouble and runs behind the US

I don’t understand why it is really hard for you to accept that Israel has some responsibilities in the Middle East conflict simply because it's one of the parts involved directly in it and surely it has made political mistakes and violence excesses against Palestinians. There will never be peace for Israel until it is willing to play by the same rules as the rest of the world. That has been at the core of Israel's international problems since the beginning. Israel has had a tendency to say one thing but do another. Certainly the Palestinians have also fought back and done provocations, but they don't exercise the real power. The Palestinians have been pushed around, discriminated against, violated by authorities and denied economic and political freedom, etc.

Israel holds tens of thousands of Palestinians prisoners, many without charges, in violation of International Law. Israel has used torture as a mechanism of state control of Palestinians, in direct contravention of the Geneva Convention and International Law. When Israel decides that it wants to play by the rules of civil society and be a normal part of the world, it should endorse equal rights for all human beings.

You can read the statistics of Israeli information centre for human rights in the occupied territories from 29/9/2000-26/12/2008

Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces

Gaza: 3000, West bank: 1791, Total: 4791, Israel: 69

Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces

Gaza: 39, West bank:200 , Total: 239. Israel: 492

Palestinian minors killed by Israeli security forces

Gaza: 634, West Bank:317, Total:951, Israel: 3

Israeli minors killed by Palestinians

Gaza: 4, West Bank:35, Total :39, Israel: 84

And read this statistics carefully as you were saying that Israel never killed innocent and its not me but Israeli human right group telling you this

Palestinians who did not take part in the hostilities and were killed by Israeli security forces ( not including the objects of targeted killings)

Gaza: 1352, West Bank:834, Total: 2186, Israel:5

For detail: http://www.btselem.org/english/stat...=12&eY=2008&filterby=event&oferet_stat=before
not a question but more like a crime against humanity

here is my first post:

you know you are living in a strange world when palestinians cant get a country but sudan can make a decision about a two state solution (north for muslims and south for christians), not in the paper but also in reality!

what i want is that the agents that killed Ahmed Bouchiki, comes back to norway and sentence what they deserve!

here is a link to what i am talking about:Lillehammer affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

what about the innocent man that was murdered by mossad?

why isn't israel sending them back to norway to sentence their crime? why havnt the israeli government said sorry for what they did?
In every war there is friendly fire accidents. Turks even sinked their own destroyer in 1974.

So you are saying that all those Palestinians kids and males who got killed because of Israel terrorism were not innocent.
I say that the overwhelming majority of them were killed because they were used as human shields by Palestinian terrorists. Also since Palestinian terroists dont wear uniforms, many who are considered as civilians actually took part in hostolities.

Israel has survived by American support alone.
Thats nonsense. America began support of Israel only after 1967 war. Long time after Israel secured its existance.

President Truman gave the state of Israel a nuclear warhead as an inception gift.
quit smoking.

I don’t understand why it is really hard for you to accept that Israel has some responsibilities in the Middle East conflict simply because it's one of the parts involved directly in it and surely it has made political mistakes and violence excesses against Palestinians.
I accept there is some responsibility. But main responsibility is on those who started this conflict (Arab states and Palestinians) and refuse to any peace deals (Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran).

Israel holds tens of thousands of Palestinians prisoners, many without charges, in violation of International Law.
Israel holds 5,493 Palestinian prisoners, all of them with charges.

When Israel decides that it wants to play by the rules of civil society and be a normal part of the world, it should endorse equal rights for all human beings.
20% of Israel's citizens are Arabs. They have equal rights with Jewish citizens.
Let me tell you again what your Isreali Human rights groups tell us :)

Palestinians who did not take part in the hostilities and were killed by Israeli security forces ( not including the objects of targeted killings)

Gaza: 1352, West Bank:834, Total: 2186, Israel:5
Let me tell you again what your Isreali Human rights groups tell us :)

Palestinians who did not take part in the hostilities and were killed by Israeli security forces ( not including the objects of targeted killings)

Gaza: 1352, West Bank:834, Total: 2186, Israel:5
Israeli human rights use Palestinian data. There is very little possibility to determine who was involved who was not.


If Palestinians will stop sending kids and other civilians to streets, will stop firing and storing rockets in civilian areas there will be no civilian casualties.
The fact that Palestinians use human shields is disgusting, like every time they engage the IDF, but what also upsets the stomach is when Israeli's think a rock is going to obliterate a Merkava. Get off the coke for God's sake and chill out.
Israeli human rights use Palestinian data. There is very little possibility to determine who was involved who was not.
If Palestinians will stop sending kids and other civilians to streets, will stop firing and storing rockets in civilian areas there will be no civilian casualties.

Again on one side you are saying that Israeli never killed innocent civilians and they kill only militants and one other hand you say that its very difficult to guess who was involved where and if you don't have any statistics and don't trust your own source then why do you claim that Israeli never killed innocent Palestinians ? You said srael holds 5,493 Palestinian in prisons and all of them had charges against them. What charges? where is evidence of crime?

Its not right to kill children if they throw some stone or rock at Israeli tanks as i said before these acts of kids just show their disapproval to these tanks they see running on their lands , streets and buildings and presence of your tanks and your oppression are the main reason of unrest in this region
If the zionists say that Hamas and PLO are terrorists, what about groups like Stern, Irgun, and Haganah, which many of the Israeli politicians and leaders were once part of. Wouldn't they be considered terrorists?
If the zionists say that Hamas and PLO are terrorists, what about groups like Stern, Irgun, and Haganah, which many of the Israeli politicians and leaders were once part of. Wouldn't they be considered terrorists?
Haganah did not do any terror attacks. Israel does not mind to talk with Hamas if they denounce terrorism.

Again on one side you are saying that Israeli never killed innocent civilians
I said that Israel never target innocent civilians, unlike Hamas.

You said srael holds 5,493 Palestinian in prisons and all of them had charges against them. What charges? where is evidence of crime?
Like in any courts. There are laywers who defend, prosecutors who accuse and judges who decide.

Its not right to kill children if they throw some stone or rock at Israeli tanks
I was a tanker myself and I can tell you that tanks are called only in case of armed engagement. Tanks are too expensive to call them against kids with stones.
Haganah did not do any terror attacks. Israel does not mind to talk with Hamas if they denounce terrorism.

I said that Israel never target innocent civilians, unlike Hamas.

Like in any courts. There are laywers who defend, prosecutors who accuse and judges who decide.

I was a tanker myself and I can tell you that tanks are called only in case of armed engagement. Tanks are too expensive to call them against kids with stones.

Who bombed King David Hotel? You're a liar!
We've seen numerous pictures of Palestinian children as young as five, killed by the israeli terrorists.

Who bombed King David Hotel? You're a liar!
We've seen numerous pictures of Palestinian children as young as five, killed by the israeli terrorists.
King David Hotel was bombed by Irgun. And it was a headquarter of British military, so it is not considered a terror attack.
The real reason why the Palestinians hate the zionists has little if anything to do with religion.
The Palestinians hate the zionists because the land that was theirs was given to the zionists in the partition plan. The Palestinians rejected the partition plan because it was unfair to them, as it gave Jews, who made up less than 30% of the population in 1946 and owned at best, 8% of the land in 1945, 56% of the land.
In 1946 (which I believe was the last year that surveys were done), of the 16 districts in Palestine West of the River, 14 of them had Arab majorities, 1, Haifa, had an Arab plurality. The was only one district that had a Jewish majority which was Jaffa.
In 1945, Arabs owned more land than Jews in every one of the 16 districts west of the Jordan, in 12 of which they owned the majority of the land within the district.
In every war there is friendly fire accidents. Turks even sinked their own destroyer in 1974.

that still doesnt answer my question, we sinked our own ship you killed an innocent man living 4000 km away from you, that was no threat to your country! what was mossad doing there in the first place? they cant just walk in to a country and kill whoever they want! even if it is terrorists, only you and US does it! show some respect!

why havent israel sendt those who killed him back? and why havent they apologized for the killing of that man?
The real reason why the Palestinians hate the zionists has little if anything to do with religion.
The Palestinians hate the zionists because the land that was theirs was given to the zionists in the partition plan. The Palestinians rejected the partition plan because it was unfair to them, as it gave Jews, who made up less than 30% of the population in 1946 and owned at best, 8% of the land in 1945, 56% of the land.
I repeat again: Jews were 2-3% of Middle East population but got only 0.1% of land. According to share of pupulation Jews deserved 20 Israels.

and you are just an ultra-rightist guy..democracy is good indeed.
I'm not. I support Palestinian state based on 1967 borders.

what was mossad doing there in the first place?
Hunting bloody terrorists. Ali Hassan Salameh was sent to hell eventually.

they cant just walk in to a country and kill whoever they want! even if it is terrorists, only you and US does it! show some respect!
You dont kill in Iraq?

why havent israel sendt those who killed him back? and why havent they apologized for the killing of that man?
Israel payed compensation.
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