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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

The Israeli regime plans to send its top military strategist to China this week to convince Beijing to back sanctions against Tehran over its nuclear program.

Head of Tel Aviv army's planning directorate Major General Amir Eshel intends to serve Beijing with 'renewed' threats of military strikes against Iran, wishing to persuade China to follow along with the US-led push at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to impose a fourth round of sanctions against Iran, British weekly newspaper The Sunday Times reported today.

According to the weekly, a subsidiary of the multi-national press conglomerate The News Corporation owned by Jewish media mogul Rupert Murdoch, Eshel will warn officials in Beijing that an Israeli military attack on Iran could disrupt oil supplies to China and its rapidly growing economy.

Tehran has repeatedly dismissed Israeli threats of military strikes against Iran as psychological warfare aimed at pressuring the Islamic Republic to abandon its peaceful nuclear work while insisting that any efforts to materialize such threats will encounter a 'painful' response.

The Israeli regime and its Western backers have repeatedly accused Iran of pursuing a nuclear weapon capability under the guise of a civilian nuclear program.

Iran, however, has fiercely dismissed such claims as mere attempts by Western nuclear powers to prevent Iran's rapid advances in the field of nuclear technology.

Aggressive Israeli efforts against Iran's nuclear program come despite widespread reports of its possession of over 200 nuclear warheads that was acquired with blessings from Tel Aviv's Western sponsors. Israel has refused to sign or commit to any international atomic regulatory treaties.

Meanwhile, as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Iran has opened its nuclear facilities to intrusive inspections and round-the-clock supervision by the UN nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Moreover, Iran has also called for an international abandonment of all nuclear weapon arsenals and development efforts, which has been ignored by all countries possessing nuclear weapons.

IAEA has repeatedly reported that it has found no evidence of any diversion of nuclear materials from civilian to military applications in Iran.

That, however, has not stopped Washington from seeking to impose a fourth round of sanctions against Tehran through the UNSC.

Tehran insists that the sanctions are illegal as they aim to deny the Islamic Republic the legitimate right to full nuclear fuel cycle for civilian use, in contradiction to NPT regulations.

China, a veto-wielding member of the UNSC, has so far resisted US pressure to toughen embargoes against Tehran, insisting on continued dialogue as the appropriate channel to resolve nuclear concerns about Iran.

However, Israeli and its American sponsor have recently stepped up efforts to pressure China to fall in line with the sanctions drive.

The US and Israel have been collaborating closely in recent months to intensify efforts to muster support for new sanctions against the Islamic Republic. These efforts have included using press reports and allied countries to generate a high level of urgency on the issue.

For instance, US tried to get Saudi Arabia to intervene on the matter by enticing China with attractive oil deals in order to drive a wedge between Beijing and Tehran, prompting Chinese consent to the US-led sanctions efforts.

Meanwhile, press reports spread rumors last month that the Saudis have given the Israeli regime the permission to use their air space for any attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, a claim denied by Riyadh.

Iranian officials have scorned US claims that their sanctions drive enjoys international backing, arguing that Europe and the Israeli regime do not constitute a global representation.
this is why India has ALWAYS been a slave to another country. Simple minded people.

Yup ! Very simple minded ! what would you have us do? If Iran has a problem with the U.S. and Israel, why should India get involved? We happen to like the Americans and the Israelis. We also think highly of Iran and her people, it's just your government that makes us uncomfortable. We elect our leaders to look after our interests, not Iran's.

I think Iran missed a trick with the Obama administration. Here was a guy openly offering a hand of friendship to Iran in the face of overwhelming cynicism of his countrymen & women. Whatever be the devil that lay in the details, Iran should have taken that chance and sat down for negotiations without trying to undermine Obama as they have tried to do. We might have been discussing something else altogether in this thread had Iran taken that route. No other American leader is going to be in a hurry to offer a hand of friendship to Iran after Obama.

Sometimes simple minded may be the way to go! look at how it helps India!
I think i can agree with that , but how can you be so sure that USA will Sustain another War just because of Israel ??

Provided the current situation between US and Israel it is already a question Mark .

Israeli PM was given the Most "Coldest" welcome in history by Americans just some days back.

BTW Israel has a capability to Strike Iran alone but Iran also has a capability to do same amount of damage by Destroying Dimona and Til Aviv.

blowing up Dimona would spread radiation not just over Israel. But back towards Syria, Iraq, and Iran. not to mention make Iran the pariah of the Muslim world by irradiating Jerusalem (Al Aqsa) and the Palestinians. And heaven forbid that radiation cloud hit Mecca.

It would also open the door for Israel to retaliate with large scale nuke attacks across Iran.
blowing up Dimona would spread radiation not just over Israel. But back towards Syria, Iraq, and Iran. not to mention make Iran the pariah of the Muslim world by irradiating Jerusalem (Al Aqsa) and the Palestinians. And heaven forbid that radiation cloud hit Mecca.

It would also open the door for Israel to retaliate with large scale nuke attacks across Iran.

And Attacking Iran's Nuclear facilities won't Spread Radiation right ?:D

That is called "Doubble Standards".
And Attacking Iran's Nuclear facilities won't Spread Radiation right ?:D

That is called "Doubble Standards".

Double standard is everywhere. There is old saying "if you can't beat them and join them".

Take an example:

Taliban applying Islamic rule in afghanistan is ok for pakistan.

Taliban applying Islamic rule in NWFP is not good and are terrorists.
And Attacking Iran's Nuclear facilities won't Spread Radiation right ?:D

That is called "Doubble Standards".

actually I doubt they will hit Bushehr now that it is operational. the time for getting it is now past. They would go more for the research labs and centrifuges. And you wont get a China syndrome from those.
Double standard is everywhere. There is old saying "if you can't beat them and join them".

Take an example:

Taliban applying Islamic rule in afghanistan is ok for pakistan.

Taliban applying Islamic rule in NWFP is not good and are terrorists.

I can give you another example of double standards!

Supplying weapons to Pakistan is not ok by Indians

Supplying weapons to India is ok by Indians.

Get out of this retarded mentality of being anti-Pakistan all the time and stop discussing about Pakistan on an "Iran and Israel thread."I have been watching your behavior from other threads Sardar-jii, and one more time you going to deviate form the topic and I am going to report you.
It would be nice if you give the source.

Meanwhile, as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Iran has opened its nuclear facilities to intrusive inspections and round-the-clock supervision by the UN nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

IAEA has repeatedly reported that it has found no evidence of any diversion of nuclear materials from civilian to military applications in Iran.
That is not entirely false but is not entirely true either. It is deceptive. The IAEA repeatedly found Iran to either deny even when faced with technical evidences or simply omit to divulge information when a signatory is obligated to do so. Why? The UNSC do not need the IAEA to explicitly use the word 'military' in its report. Omission to report a certain facility or equipment can only mean one alternative user -- military.


ISIS summed up the above IAEA reports and others in their own report.

• Uranium Imports: Iran failed to report that it had purchased natural uranium (1,000 kg of UF6, 400 kg of UF4, and 400 kg of UO2) from China in 1991, and its subsequent transfer for further processing. Iran acknowledged the imports in February 2003.

• Uranium conversion: Iran did not inform the IAEA of its use of the imported uranium in tests of its uranium conversion processes, including “uranium dissolution, purification using pulse columns, and the production of uranium metal, and the associated production and loss of nuclear material.” Iran acknowledged this failure in February 2003.

• Uranium enrichment: Iran failed to report that it had used 1.9 kg of the imported UF6 to test P1 centrifuges at the Kalaye Electric Company centrifuge workshop in 1999 and 2002. In its October 2003 declaration to the IAEA, Iran first admitted to introducing UF6 into a centrifuge in 1999, and into as many as 19 centrifuges in 2002. Iran also failed to declare the associated production of enriched and depleted uranium.

• Hidden Sites: Iran did not declare to the IAEA the existence of a pilot enrichment facility at the Kalaye Electric Company Workshop, and laser enrichment plants at the Tehran Nuclear Research center and at Lashkar Ab’ad. Because experiments at these sites involved the use of nuclear material in equipment, Iran was obligated to report them to the IAEA.

• Laser Isotope Enrichment Experiments: Iran failed to report that in 1993 it imported 50 kg of natural uranium metal, and that it used 8 kg of this for atomic vapor laser isotope separation (AVLIS) experiments at Tehran Nuclear Research Center between 1999 to 2000, and 22 kg of the metal for AVLIS experiments at Lashkar Ab’ad between 2002 to 2003.3 These activities were ultimately acknowledged in an October 2003 declaration.

• Plutonium Experiments: Iran did not report to the IAEA that it had produced uranium dioxide (UO2) targets, irradiated them in the Tehran Research Reactor, and then separated the plutonium from the irradiated targets. Iran also failed to report the production and transfer of waste associated with these activities and that it had stored unprocessed irradiated targets at the Tehran Nuclear Research Center. In later meetings with the IAEA, Iran said that it conducted the plutonium separation experiments between 1988 and 1993 using shielded glove boxes at the Tehran Nuclear Research Center.
Since Israel is not an NPT signatory and no one forced Iran to become an NPT signatory, Iran's protests about Israel is legally and under NPT principles -- irrelevant.

The Iranian military does not have to be in legal possession of what have been hidden or undeclared in order for the IAEA to be suspicious. This was how Saddam's Iraq behaved and all the documents on how a country could hide and deceive inspectors in Iraq was carried over to Iran for the next generation of inspectors. So yes...perhaps the Iranian military does not have its hooks into those hidden facilities and equipments, but who is going to take that seriously?
Yup ! Very simple minded ! what would you have us do? If Iran has a problem with the U.S. and Israel, why should India get involved? We happen to like the Americans and the Israelis. We also think highly of Iran and her people, it's just your government that makes us uncomfortable. We elect our leaders to look after our interests, not Iran's.

I think Iran missed a trick with the Obama administration. Here was a guy openly offering a hand of friendship to Iran in the face of overwhelming cynicism of his countrymen & women. Whatever be the devil that lay in the details, Iran should have taken that chance and sat down for negotiations without trying to undermine Obama as they have tried to do. We might have been discussing something else altogether in this thread had Iran taken that route. No other American leader is going to be in a hurry to offer a hand of friendship to Iran after Obama.

Sometimes simple minded may be the way to go! look at how it helps India!

America is America, there is no difference between bush and obama
it's like saying that Khatami and Nejad are diff, yeah one of them is more civilized and good looking but they're both part of the same system.

The point is we in Iranians aren't worried about an American attack, we've never been!!!!
This is the difference between Iran and other unpatriotic countries with no history. We are a nation of fighters and martyrs. I'm not even muslim but I wouldn't hesitate to give my life for Iran. Shia Iranians are even worse, the whole sect is based on martyrdom!!
In the Iran Iraq war they would line up and walk over mine fields until a path had been cleared for the rest!!!!! Before the war people might have been saying the same **** as you guys are saying now, "oh they don't have mine sweepers, they will be crushed."
This is why we've been constantly on top for thousands of years.

How is America going to attack now?
The Israelis aren't even able to attack so forget them.
America is America, there is no difference between bush and obama
it's like saying that Khatami and Nejad are diff, yeah one of them is more civilized and good looking but they're both part of the same system.

The point is we in Iranians aren't worried about an American attack, we've never been!!!!
This is the difference between Iran and other unpatriotic countries with no history. We are a nation of fighters and martyrs. I'm not even muslim but I wouldn't hesitate to give my life for Iran. Shia Iranians are even worse, the whole sect is based on martyrdom!!
In the Iran Iraq war they would line up and walk over mine fields until a path had been cleared for the rest!!!!! Before the war people might have been saying the same **** as you guys are saying now, "oh they don't have mine sweepers, they will be crushed."
This is why we've been constantly on top for thousands of years.

How is America going to attack now?
The Israelis aren't even able to attack so forget them.

Exactly same thing Saddam Hussain also said before US attacked Iraq. Look what happened to Iraq.

USA/Israel don't want to occupy Iran. They just bomb out and go.
just wait and watch

who will be the next well my sources said it may be Pakistan

What the hell are you babbling about troll, your sources, i bet they are surely as ignorant as you are. Leave Pakistan out of it and stick to the topic.
Exactly same thing Saddam Hussain also said before US attacked Iraq. Look what happened to Iraq.

USA/Israel don't want to occupy Iran. They just bomb out and go.

well lets compare shall we

1) Iraq had the crippling sanctions that America wants to put Iran under right now for a decade

2) they were importing medicine from Iran, their arch enemy

3) oil for food program

4) no ballistics

5) no capable air defenses

6) no navy

7) no ability to touch America's navy in the Persian Gulf

8) no proxies


10) The back bone of their army was already destroyed in the 1st Persian Gulf war

11) No indigenous manufacturing capability

12) destroyed infrastructure. **** and Piss was running trough cities.

13) HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF KIDS were dying in the streets
videos are on the net, you can check em out. It looked like sub Saharan Africa.

Iraq was a FAKE COUNTRY carved out of the Ottoman empire.
It consisted of people who hated each other, kurds, sunnis and shias.

15) Iran compared to them in general looked like a super power during the 90's and early 2000's.

And I'm beginning to think that some of you guys are complete RETARDS

WE JUST PROVED THAT THEY CAN NOT BOMB IRAN and you go ahead repeating the same bs all over again
well lets compare shall we

1) Iraq had the crippling sanctions that America wants to put Iran under right now for a decade

2) they were importing medicine from Iran, their arch enemy

3) oil for food program

4) no ballistics

5) no capable air defenses

6) no navy

7) no ability to touch America's navy in the Persian Gulf

8) no proxies


10) The back bone of their army was already destroyed in the 1st Persian Gulf war

11) No indigenous manufacturing capability

12) destroyed infrastructure. **** and Piss was running trough cities.

13) HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF KIDS were dying in the streets
videos are on the net, you can check em out. It looked like sub Saharan Africa.

Iraq was a FAKE COUNTRY carved out of the Ottoman empire.
It consisted of people who hated each other, kurds, sunnis and shias.

15) Iran compared to them in general looked like a super power during the 90's and early 2000's.

And I'm beginning to think that some of you guys are complete RETARDS

WE JUST PROVED THAT THEY CAN NOT BOMB IRAN and you go ahead repeating the same bs all over again

Nima, I agree most of your points.
Iran is much bigger and developed than Iraq. The thing is they have little interest in occupying iran. What iran going to do if they just bomb it and go.

Bottom line: If iran has the capability it would have done to israel long back.
Nima, I agree most of your points.
Iran is much bigger and developed than Iraq. The thing is they have little interest in occupying iran. What iran going to do if they just bomb it and go.

Bottom line: If iran has the capability it would have done to israel long back.

nope you aint getting it

HOW IS ISRAEL GOING TO BOMB IRAN? They don't have the capability, only America does.

And if Iran is attacked, which it won't be, then the least we will do is go and run over Iraq. We're a 70 + million country where every male has to go through a 2 year mandatory military service. Plus, Israel can kiss its tiny country good by. How are they going to stop the ballistic missiles?

It has always maintained that it will only act if she is attacked first

Also that fag ahmadinejad is NOT THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF
he doesn't control the military!!!!
nope you aint getting it

HOW IS ISRAEL GOING TO BOMB IRAN? They don't have the capability, only America does.

And if Iran is attacked, which it won't be, then the least we will do is go and run over Iraq. We're a 70 + million country where every male has to go through a 2 year mandatory military service. Plus, Israel can kiss its tiny country good by. How are they going to stop the ballistic missiles?

It has always maintained that it will only act if she is attacked first

Also that fag ahmadinejad is NOT THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF
he doesn't control the military!!!!

This is news to me. that makes sense.

Who has real power in Iran?
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