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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

yeah you can help
start doing smtg about the flow of drugs cuz right now your borders are more loose than Paris Hilton

Buddy if we could secure our Borders we wouldn't be facing daily Bombings.So in this matter we can't do anything.

Other than that we should Provide any other type of help to Iran.
That would be an idiotic deed , Indians have been living in fantacy for a long time just do not worry about them .

Indians still believe that they could have strike Pakistan after Staging Mumbai Drama :lol: Thanks to Bollywood.

If you do not Like a particular "Fanboy" feel free to PM me :cheers:

No need of india bombing. Pakistan is in self destruction mode. We just need to watch the show. If there is any diversion than we will effort to correct the path.
By allowing their land to be used as a base by pro-western forces to launch attacks on Iran they themselves are declaring all out war on Iran.
That is a line of reasoning that has not escaped the attention of US war planners. That mean in order to place Iran in the most negative light, it will be US and the strikes against Iranian nuclear facilities will come from CONUS and off the Iranian coast. Iran cannot retaliate against US on US soil. Any naval response against a US aircraft carrier fleet will most likely be a suicide mission by the Iranian Navy. That leave the neighboring countries that have not done anything but hosts US forces as baits for Iran.

Nothing in my opinion, it was just a publicity stunt for Iran to show how hospitable they were aswell as telling western forces that trespassing in their water will have consequences.
The consequences for Iran in that 'publicity stunt' are negative. The next naval incursion into Iranian territorial waters will not be so weak.

Don't know much about Irans naval capabilities and how they'll be able to control the Strait but their General(Jafari) has explicitly stated during an interview that if US attacks Iran then the Iranian army will take control of 'Straight of Hormuz'.
You need to understand the context of the word 'army' in usage. The word 'army' can often mean the armed forces in general. No matter what words were used, it will be the Iranian Navy, not the Iranian Army, who will be tasked for seizing control of that body of water.
Clearly do you have problem with the existence of Israël?

I didn't like my country be attacked by them
but i have no right to insult them and wish hell to them

Why , as pakistani, you are so much anti Israël?
it's something i don't understand. why?
we can criticize a governement, a policy, a guy attitude, but wishing down to Israël is as stupid as a war against Iraq, the bombing of Gaza , the attack on Lebanon, or the rockets sent on Israël

Maybe i am stupid but i just don't understand hatred

I have Jewish Friends also.
I have nothing against Israel..
I have problem with their government.

I am not anti Israel at all but when they think to attack a Muslim country than I'd like to support the Muslim nation.

I am against Israeli bombing and so on.

Some Jews are good and some are bad but Israeli Government is the worst example.

I have nothing against Israel or Jews.

I said in previous posts that it is "self defence" and it is Iran's right to bomb anything if Israel attacks her.
So, it is not a hatred but it is a reaction of Israeli action.

I am not stereotyping against any religion or country.
Israel has the right to live "peacefully" and should not "terrorize" other countries.

World without weapons would be a nice place.
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all the gulf countries have been dramatically upgrading their anti missile capabilities for awhile now. It will not be like the first Gulf war. Anti missile tech has improved by a huge margin.

As far as Iranians living there. Do you really think those Iranians are going to rise up? and from where are they going to get weapons? Please give me an example in recent history for this to happen.

Your grasping at straws to try and justify your feelings for Iran.

Like what ?

is it just me who is unaware of such developments ?


"The news that the U.S. is supplying Patriot anti-missile systems along with state-of-the-art weapons to Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar and is deploying warships in the Arabian Gulf signifies one of two options. Either this provocative move is meant as an anti-Iranian deterrent or Washington is aware that something is afoot and wants to protect its allies."

U.S. Speeding Up Missile Defenses in Persian Gulf - NYTimes.com

"The Obama administration is accelerating the deployment of new defenses against possible Iranian missile attacks in the Persian Gulf, placing special ships off the Iranian coast and antimissile systems in at least four Arab countries, according to administration and military officials. "


The U.S. and Israel are also beefing up anti missile defenses. An X-band radar has been installed in Israel that can see missiles launched from about 80% of Iran.

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What will be the economic cost of the attack
1. Oil 300$ per barrel or even more if Iran take outs lines and water supplies
2. War cost in billions if Iran makes it regional war.

With high oil price another world recession :coffee:
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Iran & Iraq war - Lasted for nine years longer than both the world wars without any rest bite, showing that Iran has the stamina, will and capabilities to not only defend itself but also be able to launch a big offensive as it did in Iraq via Basra.

bad comparison, Iran was at a stalemate with Iraq and could not win the war. yet the enemy they could not defeat was defeated within days during the Gulf war. by a smaller army (about 900,000) compared to the millions the Iranians had during the Iran/Iraq war.
That is a line of reasoning that has not escaped the attention of US war planners. That mean in order to place Iran in the most negative light, it will be US and the strikes against Iranian nuclear facilities will come from CONUS and off the Iranian coast. Iran cannot retaliate against US on US soil. Any naval response against a US aircraft carrier fleet will most likely be a suicide mission by the Iranian Navy. That leave the neighboring countries that have not done anything but hosts US forces as baits for Iran.

Should war break out, im sure the citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan who have seen their homes destroyed, people massacred and their country in total ruins by US forces will be more than happy to get the full backing and support of Iran in order to remove the hundred of thousand US troops stationed in their land. Iran has made its perfectly clear many times to those neighbouring countries that should they allow their land to be used by the US to launch attack on Iran, then Iran has every right to strike those areas. Its up to those countries' government and royal families who are allowing their land to be used as a base by the US to grow a backbone and heed Iran’s message if they don't want to be attacked.

The consequences for Iran in that 'publicity stunt' are negative. The next naval incursion into Iranian territorial waters will not be so weak.

Dude you sound as if you’re itching for another naval incursion to happen. Lets hope that this isn't the case, if there so happens to be another incursion, which is likely. Im sure once again the Iranians will be prepared and more than happy to showcase their famous hospitality to the wider world by their kind treatment of their hostages whom will be sampling the delights that the Persian cuisine has to offer while being televised to all news channels across the globe.

You need to understand the context of the word 'army' in usage. The word 'army' can often mean the armed forces in general. No matter what words were used, it will be the Iranian Navy, not the Iranian Army, who will be tasked for seizing control of that body of water.

Just being lazy and not checking what I had written but nonetheless point taken. Anyways im sure the Iranian posters here will be more than happy to continue the discussion with you as my knowledge on Iran and their military capabilities is extremely limited. I personally hope that war doesn't break out for both the American and the Iranian people because having been too both countries let me just say I think both sets of people are extremely warm, open and polite. It’s a shame that the war propaganda going on in the US has made many Americans ignorant of their Iranian counterparts. Peace out :cheers:
Israel should not attack Iran or if she does than she should be ready for the worst scenario.

Israel should accept Palestine as an independent nation, should stop further settlements and should pull up their agents from Muslim nations.

Muslim countries should accept Israel, no more terror or rocket firing towards Israel, should help Palestine financially.

Have a better atmosphere guys. Wars are not the solution nor talks on inferiority.
Talks on equal bases is the right solution.

Humans are fighting against each other since 1000s of years and still we think to fight with each other.

Why are we fighting with each other?

We are killing each other just for the land and resources or sometimes religion.
Occupying a land is more important than a human life?
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Middle East Views | Gulf anti-missile shield

"The news that the U.S. is supplying Patriot anti-missile systems along with state-of-the-art weapons to Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar and is deploying warships in the Arabian Gulf signifies one of two options. Either this provocative move is meant as an anti-Iranian deterrent or Washington is aware that something is afoot and wants to protect its allies."

U.S. Speeding Up Missile Defenses in Persian Gulf - NYTimes.com

"The Obama administration is accelerating the deployment of new defenses against possible Iranian missile attacks in the Persian Gulf, placing special ships off the Iranian coast and antimissile systems in at least four Arab countries, according to administration and military officials. "


Thomas you use a very civilized language sometimes and I really appreciate that. :tup:

but are you also in favour of people being killed?

How can you stop someone from acquiring weapons when you also have it. Now don't tell me that you are a civilized nation because it was the U.S. who used it not the Iranians and not the Pakistanis.

Do you care about human life?
or its fine if another hundred thousand people die?

Is it fair to stop Iran or is it fair to stop every country/weapon free world?

I know you belong to a military profession but c'mon you are also a human being like me or any other.
Skin colour does not change people nor the professions.

Israel should not attack Iran.

I bet if the U.S. says to the world.
OKAY thats it no more Nuclear Weapons.
Billions of people will support it. Every one will be under the umbrella of the U.S. initiative. People will praise the U.S.
I will praise the U.S. at least.

America will be a true leader of peaceful world.
Everyone wants to live a peaceful life.
You, me , people over here and people around the world.

No more wars on ideology, religion, land and resources.
Nice idea to wish for.
Isn't it?

Maybe you can't teach monkeys to talk..
Similarly, you can't teach generals to live in peace.
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Should war break out, im sure the citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan who have seen their homes destroyed, people massacred and their country in total ruins by US forces will be more than happy to get the full backing and support of Iran in order to remove the hundred of thousand US troops stationed in their land. Iran has made its perfectly clear many times to those neighbouring countries that should they allow their land to be used by the US to launch attack on Iran, then Iran has every right to strike those areas. Its up to those countries' government and royal families who are allowing their land to be used as a base by the US to grow a backbone and heed Iran’s message if they don't want to be attacked.
No...I am saying that if the US attack Iran via the sea, then Iran will be hard press to find 'just cause' to attack neighbors who hosted US forces but does nothing and that those US forces have done nothing.

Dude you sound as if you’re itching for another naval incursion to happen. Lets hope that this isn't the case, if there so happens to be another incursion, which is likely. Im sure once again the Iranians will be prepared and more than happy to showcase their famous hospitality to the wider world by their kind treatment of their hostages whom will be sampling the delights that the Persian cuisine has to offer while being televised to all news channels across the globe.
The next incursion will be air strikes.

Just being lazy and not checking what I had written but nonetheless point taken. Anyways im sure the Iranian posters here will be more than happy to continue the discussion with you as my knowledge on Iran and their military capabilities is extremely limited. I personally hope that war doesn't break out for both the American and the Iranian people because having been too both countries let me just say I think both sets of people are extremely warm, open and polite. It’s a shame that the war propaganda going on in the US has made many Americans ignorant of their Iranian counterparts. Peace out :cheers:
And you think Iranians are more knowledgeable about Americans? When was the last time Americans gathered in the streets chanting 'Death to Iran'?
Who is trolling.
People in pakistan are sad because india did not attack after mumbai terrorism. Don't worry time will come.

Stick to topic. Don't flame people here.

Ok we would be watching ;)

No more BS !
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