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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

Brother Iran doesn’t need any help from us its well equipped to defend itself from any situation. The two things we as Pakistanis should guarantee is that firstly a complete crackdown on stopping any CIA orchestrated Baloch attacks on Iran and that our land isn't turned into a US base where pro-western forces can launch attacks on Iran.

Any Pakistani politician or general supporting West over Iran should be sentenced life imprisonment and if the costs are too high than hang them.

Simple is that.

NO to the bases of the west in Pakistan.
Pakistan should have a dignity and should have equal rights like the U.S. does.

I am not saying to fight everyone instead I am saying to live with dignity which we don't have for now.

West can be our good friend "only" if they can respect us. We can be friends with Israel if she stops horrendous acts against people and after that strong action should be taken against any Muslim Organization who tries to do any misadventure..

Israel learns to respect Muslims.
We will assure Israel that she is our true friend.
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Brother Iran doesn’t need any help from us its well equipped to defend itself from any situation. The two things we as Pakistanis should guarantee is that firstly a complete crackdown on stopping any CIA orchestrated Baloch attacks on Iran and that our land isn't turned into a US base where pro-western forces can launch attacks on Iran.

Yes.Would Should absolutely make sure that no one uses our land to spy on Iran.But with the present state of Pakistan it's kinda difficult.

I wish we could help Iran with Fighters or other Weapons deals.But International Pressure would very much.
Yes.Would Should absolutely make sure that no one uses our land to spy on Iran.But with the present state of Pakistan it's kinda difficult.

I wish we could help Iran with Fighters or other Weapons deals.But International Pressure would very much.

Israel may use US basis of Afghanistan,Iraq,Bahrain,Qatar for attack on Iran.Pakistan is not in position to help Iran .
Alot of people here underestimate Iran's capabilities although the American and Israeli government do not, otherwise we would have definitely seen a strike of some sort already like Israel did with Syria.

Attacking Iran will lead to a massive all out war in the already fragile region and cause war on many different fronts.

- Middle east – Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq
- Afghanistan

As Abi stated Iran’s not afraid to hit US bases throughout the region whether they are in the UAE, Qatar, Saudi etc. US has more than 100,000 troops stationed in Iraq, where the population is 60% Shia and with around 100,000 troops there and around 5,000 in the majority Shia country of Bahrain. If a war does occur im sure with the help of Iran, Iraqis loyal to Iran and other Shia Arabs will cause massive problems wherever the US troops are stationed.

America also jeopardises its 60,000 troops based in Afghanistan with a war between Iran. Hazara shias who are reportedly around 6 million and extremely loyal to Iran as seen in the Iran-Iraq war where many Hazara volunteered freely of their own will to defend the Islamic Republic will most likely take up arms again to help the Islamic Republic.

Iran & Iraq war - Lasted for nine years longer than both the world wars without any rest bite, showing that Iran has the stamina, will and capabilities to not only defend itself but also be able to launch a big offensive as it did in Iraq via Basra. Armed by billions of dollars US and pro western forces aid as well as military training, Iran was still able to defend every inch of its lands and this is an extremely remarkable feat considering the fact that they just had undergone a massive revolution less than two years earlier. Now due to sanctions imposed on them they are self-reliant and hardly rely on anyone but themselves for parts or any equipments.

Israel – Although for all its state of the arts weaponry that it contains in its Arsenal it had problems even capturing a small village called Bint Jbeil in S.Lebanon situated right next to the Israeli border, this also against a so-called bunch of ‘sheep-herders’ known as Hezbollah what chance will it have against an advanced, well drilled and vast army like Iran.

Petroleum – During the first Iran-Iraq war US deemed it critically necessary the ‘Straight Of Hormuz’ remained open with Iran navy drastically improved since the Shah Days, they are able to defend their water effectively as seen with the hostage of British Sailors.

Iran could stop the flow of petroleum out of the Persian Gulf which will cause a world wide economic free-for-all as seen with the 1973 Saudi oil embargo on the U.S. This will definitely cause energy hungry nations like China to intervene.

War can only be won especially in Iran by boots on the ground, from my extremely vague understanding of Iran ground forces if the actual army has been wiped out they have hundreds of thousands of well trained reservist to rely upon who are experts in asymmetrical warfare and with there successful philosophy having been tried and tested out in Lebanon, get ready for a war that the US would have to be able spend considerable amount of time in and spend an enormous amount wealth to be able to sustain the war over an extremely long period. Lets hope for all of us sane and peaceful people, war is avoided although any war in Iran will have disastrous consequences for us in Pakistan.
Yes, I second Black Blood.

Kindly elaborate.

Israel learns to respect Muslims.
We will assure Israel that she is our true friend.
Clearly do you have problem with the existence of Israël?

I didn't like my country be attacked by them
but i have no right to insult them and wish hell to them

Why , as pakistani, you are so much anti Israël?
it's something i don't understand. why?
we can criticize a governement, a policy, a guy attitude, but wishing down to Israël is as stupid as a war against Iraq, the bombing of Gaza , the attack on Lebanon, or the rockets sent on Israël

Maybe i am stupid but i just don't understand hatred
Alot of people here underestimate Iran's capabilities although the American and Israeli government do not, otherwise we would have definitely seen a strike of some sort already like Israel did with Syria.
True. Just like Desert Storm, we want as much information as possible before we strike.

Attacking Iran will lead to a massive all out war in the already fragile region and cause war on many different fronts.

- Middle east – Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq
- Afghanistan

As Abi stated Iran’s not afraid to hit US bases throughout the region whether they are in the UAE, Qatar, Saudi etc. US has more than 100,000 troops stationed in Iraq, where the population is 60% Shia and with around 100,000 troops there and around 5,000 in the majority Shia country of Bahrain. If a war does occur im sure with the help of Iran, Iraqis loyal to Iran and other Shia Arabs will cause massive problems wherever the US troops are stationed.
In doing so, Iran would be declaring war against these countries.

Petroleum – During the first Iran-Iraq war US deemed it critically necessary the ‘Straight Of Hormuz’ remained open with Iran navy drastically improved since the Shah Days, they are able to defend their water effectively as seen with the hostage of British Sailors.
What was there to 'defend' in that abduction?

Iran could stop the flow of petroleum out of the Persian Gulf which will cause a world wide economic free-for-all as seen with the 1973 Saudi oil embargo on the U.S. This will definitely cause energy hungry nations like China to intervene.
Any blockade of the Strait and any any stoppage of the oil tanker fleet will be temporary. The people most immediately affected by this will be the speculators in the financial sectors, not the refineries worldwide as they all must process their current inventories. As for the Saudi reduction in output back in the '70s, it was short lived and the long lines for gasoline in the US had more to do with irrational response by wholesalers and retailers than by refineries and their suppliers. In later analysis, the Saudis admitted that the output reduction and the embargo against the US hurt them more than US.

Militarily speaking, Iran does have the capability to seize control of the Strait but not hold it for long. Countries that relied upon the oil tanker fleet for their own purposes will do nothing but sit out the brief conflict. They could also raise the bounty for daring captains, a repeat from the old 'Tanker War'.
Clearly do you have problem with the existence of Israël?

I didn't like my country be attacked by them
but i have no right to insult them and wish hell to them

Why , as pakistani, you are so much anti Israël?
it's something i don't understand. why?
we can criticize a governement, a policy, a guy attitude, but wishing down to Israël is as stupid as a war against Iraq, the bombing of Gaza , the attack on Lebanon, or the rockets sent on Israël

Maybe i am stupid but i just don't understand hatred

It is not racial hatred , it is matter of principles , Israel occupied Palestine land, 15 Million Palestinian are still living as rafugees , Israel is continously building Jewish settlement on occupied land and Palestinain in Gaza are under continues siege .

In this condition what shall muslim ummah do ?
In doing so, Iran would be declaring war against these countries.

By allowing their land to be used as a base by pro-western forces to launch attacks on Iran they themselves are declaring all out war on Iran.

What was there to 'defend' in that abduction?

Nothing in my opinion, it was just a publicity stunt for Iran to show how hospitable they were aswell as telling western forces that trespassing in their water will have consequences.

Any blockade of the Strait and any any stoppage of the oil tanker fleet will be temporary.

Militarily speaking, Iran does have the capability to seize control of the Strait but not hold it for long. Countries that relied upon the oil tanker fleet for their own purposes will do nothing but sit out the brief conflict. They could also raise the bounty for daring captains, a repeat from the old 'Tanker War'.

Don't know much about Irans naval capabilities and how they'll be able to control the Strait but their General(Jafari) has explicitly stated during an interview that if US attacks Iran then the Iranian army will take control of 'Straight of Hormuz'.
iran should allow un to inspect it's nuclear reactors. thus reduce all tensions

this is why India has ALWAYS been a slave to another country. Simple minded people.

any ways as much as I hate that guy abi he absolutely destroyed all your arguments but nobody quoted him and instead they quoted his India comments.
here it is again

"It gets boring posting on topics like this after a while. It is filled by people who have no knowledge on this issue and they're Indians who love Israel, or Wahhabi Pakistanis who dislike Iran.

Anyway, the nuclear facilities are scattered throughout Iran, for the IDF to be able to get to them, they have to use air to air refueling at least twice. They don't have enough tankers and so they can only send 120 fighters maximum, this is not enough. The 120 fighters will have to be flying fuel tanks, they won't have enough space to carry air to ground bombs and air to air bombs. Their air to air capabilities will be limited and they will not be able to engage the IRIAF, for the simple fact that they won't have enough air to air missiles. The IRIAF has F-14s that were designed in the cold war to take out Bombers like the Russian bear, they can easily take out Israeli fuel tankers with their Phoenix or sedjil missiles. The IDF planes will not have enough bombs to take out the nuclear facilities, they will not have enough air to air missiles to take out the IRIAF and they will not have enough fuel to get back to Israel, and thanks to Fateh-100 missiles stationed in Syria and Lebanon, they will not have air fields to return home to.

There is no way the IDF can attack Iran, the only country that would have the capability is America and they will not do it because they have too many open bases in the region that are vulnerable to Iranian missiles."

Are you people bored or something?
Americans and Israelis have been threatening Iran for 3 DECADES but suddenly this becomes important?
Gosh yar first i had different opinion but seeing what the world is doing with Iran kinda reminds me of the 90s.I wish we could do something to help Iranians.

yeah you can help
start doing smtg about the flow of drugs cuz right now your borders are more loose than Paris Hilton
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