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Israel plays wargame assuming Iran has nuclear bomb

Yes it is, whom you consider innocent I consider collaborators. I am not talking about politics and opposition, but about people who decided to work for Israel against its people, primarily supplying intelligence.

the PLO doesn't represent the Palestinian people. Palestinians work for Israel to stop terrorism, just like Afghanis who live under the Taliban secretly work with the ISI and Pakistani intelligence to foil suicide bombings.

Or wait, that's okay because your Pakistan and not Israel?
I said "collaborators" are those working WITH israel, the thing you mention are called different political views which I support.

"Collaborators" are anyone who support normalized relations with Israel.

I don't think you appreciate just how sick the PLO is. Cutting the limbs of Palestinian "traitors", torturing them, executing them and punishing their familes.

And the vast majority of the "collaborators" were innocent and nothing to do with Israel.

I like how you're so indifferent to the gangster tactics of the PLO. You go on and on about how terrible Israel is, but say nothing about the self-inflected misery of the PLO - selling UN food on the black market, pirating water, and killing anyone who dares to criticize.

You expect me to rewrite all of this? just read it for God's sake and give me your oppinion.

You didn't read what you copypasted. My reasoning for Israel's nuclear program is sound.

What land are you referring to?

The land 900,000 Jews lived in prior to their expulsion by the Arab and Muslim world.

Jewish property abandoned in Arab countries would be valued today at more than $300 billion[4][5] and Jewish-owned real-estate left behind in Arab lands at 100,000 square kilometers (four times the size of the state of Israel)

They didn't receive UN refugee status. They didn't camp outside their original homes.

In fact, up until the 1960s, Nearly 500,000 Jewish immigrants lived in refugee camps similar to the Palestinian refugees, accept eventually they were absorbed into Israel, while the Palestinians - living in Jordan, Egyptian, and Lebanese territory, were denied assimilation and instead used as pawns to fight Israel, as confirmed by the earlier UN directors and even Arab leaders themselves.

I support your right to go back to Syria and get compensation
But not all jews where forced out of arab countries.
here are a few remarks from the link you posted:
Iraqi-born Ran Cohen, a former member of the Knesset, said: "I have this to say: I am not a refugee. I came at the behest of Zionism, due to the pull that this land exerts, and due to the idea of redemption. Nobody is going to define me as a refugee". Yemeni-born Yisrael Yeshayahu, former Knesset speaker, Labor Party, stated: "We are not refugees. [Some of us] came to this country before the state was born. We had messianic aspirations". And Iraqi-born Shlomo Hillel, also a former speaker of the Knesset, Labor Party, claimed: "I do not regard the departure of Jews from Arab lands as that of refugees. They came here because they wanted to, as Zionists.


The Jewish exodus was a systematic expulsion on the part of the Arab leadership. Syria passed Nazi-era laws making Jewish life miserable, forcing expulsion.

Nearly 600 Jews were massacred in Iraq and Egypt until 1967.

Egyptian Jews were sent to internment camps after the 1967 war.

My point is, Jews don't ***** about the expulsion and say they have a right to wage terror war against the Muslims - even though their loss was many times more than the Arab refugees from the 1948 war.

Nearly triple.

UN security council resolution 242 and 338 among others.

Israel honored UN242, while the Arabs rejected it.

UN242 does not stipulate Israel must return all land captured, that would be a violation of international law because a war of self-defense allows the victor to re-define their borders according to their security needs.

338 says nothing about returning any land.

Regardless, UN242 or any resolution says nothing about returning land to any Palestinian entity - because there was no Palestinian entity until the 1980s.

Israel captured the land from the Arabs, not the Palestinians.
the PLO doesn't represent the Palestinian people. Palestinians work for Israel to stop terrorism, just like Afghanis who live under the Taliban secretly work with the ISI and Pakistani intelligence to foil suicide bombings.

Most Palestinians feel they are not represented by the PLO so be my guest and talk badly about them, I really don't care.

"Collaborators" are anyone who support normalized relations with Israel.

Well seems you have your own definition of who is a collaborator let's leave it and move on.

I don't think you appreciate just how sick the PLO is. Cutting the limbs of Palestinian "traitors", torturing them, executing them and punishing their familes.

As I said, I don't care about the PLO, I am fully aware about their corruption and crimes, and I spit on them for that, yet you are making peace with them at the moment.

I like how you're so indifferent to the gangster tactics of the PLO. You go on and on about how terrible Israel is, but say nothing about the self-inflected misery of the PLO - selling UN food on the black market, pirating water, and killing anyone who dares to criticize.

Read the above again

You didn't read what you copypasted. My reasoning for Israel's nuclear program is sound.
What ? haha, of course I read it that's why I freakin posted it :)

The land 900,000 Jews lived in prior to their expulsion by the Arab and Muslim world.

Oh you mean the Arab and muslim world?
Look as I said before, and saying again. I fully support the right of return for every jew expelled and compensated as well. You should do the same, and peace would have a chance.

Jewish property abandoned in Arab countries would be valued today at more than $300 billion[4][5] and Jewish-owned real-estate left behind in Arab lands at 100,000 square kilometers (four times the size of the state of Israel)

I wonder how much the Palestinian assets are worth today? including land, real estate, infrastructure, banking deposits etc etc.

They didn't receive UN refugee status. They didn't camp outside their original homes.

Well you should take this to the UN, I am not the one giving refugee status to anyone.

In fact, up until the 1960s, Nearly 500,000 Jewish immigrants lived in refugee camps similar to the Palestinian refugees, accept eventually they were absorbed into Israel, while the Palestinians - living in Jordan, Egyptian, and Lebanese territory, were denied assimilation and instead used as pawns to fight Israel, as confirmed by the earlier UN directors and even Arab leaders themselves.

I am sorry to hear that, no one should live the miserable life of a refugee, Jews and Palestinians included.
Although you did read that not all Jews who left to Israel were expelled.
An important part of a healing and peace process is to recognize each others suffering, are you prepared to do that?


what? the part where I support your claims, or the part which your fellow country men say they came voluntarily?

The Jewish exodus was a systematic expulsion on the part of the Arab leadership. Syria passed Nazi-era laws making Jewish life miserable, forcing expulsion.

Not entirely true if you hold it against the latest historical studies, although I don't entirely reject the whole case.

Nearly 600 Jews were massacred in Iraq and Egypt until 1967.

Egyptian Jews were sent to internment camps after the 1967 war.
I suggest you go to the International War Crimes Tribunal in Hague and have your case tested.

My point is, Jews don't ***** about the expulsion and say they have a right to wage terror war against the Muslims - even though their loss was many times more than the Arab refugees from the 1948 war.

Nearly triple.

Mainly because they are no longer refugees and actually live good lives, compared to the Palestinian refugees who are in the 62nd year of exile.
How did you come to a conclusion that the jewish losses are triple of that the Palestinians suffered? I am curious.

Israel honored UN242, while the Arabs rejected it.

UN242 does not stipulate Israel must return all land captured, that would be a violation of international law because a war of self-defense allows the victor to re-define their borders according to their security needs.

It refers to the "inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war
While operative Paragraph One "Affirms that the fulfillment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:
(i) Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;
(ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force."
You would now probably say there is no Palestinian state, yet the partition plan of 1947 was accepted, and hence any other territory that Israel occupies apart from that it was given for a state, comprises occupied territory/territories.

338 says nothing about returning any land.
Look at section 2 which says: Calls upon the parties concerned to start immediately after the seize fire the implementation of security council resolution 242 (1967) in all of its parts;

Regardless, UN242 or any resolution says nothing about returning land to any Palestinian entity - because there was no Palestinian entity until the 1980s.
Don't play with the words, you are fully aware of what OCCUPIED TERRITORY means, it's not occupied territory on Mars.

Israel captured the land from the Arabs, not the Palestinians.
Then return it to the Arabs who will return it to the Palestinians
Most Palestinians feel they are not represented by the PLO so be my guest and talk badly about them, I really don't care.

Clearly you care enough to justify their execution if they dare to challenge the fascist Palestinian leaders.

at least be consistent in your terror apologism.

Well seems you have your own definition of who is a collaborator let's leave it and move on.


What ? haha, of course I read it that's why I freakin posted it

The land 900,000 Jews lived in prior to their expulsion by the Arab and Muslim world.

Oh you mean the Arab and muslim world?
Look as I said before, and saying again. I fully support the right of return for every jew expelled and compensated as well. You should do the same, and peace would have a chance.

LOL. No ya don't. I don't care about right of return. There is no such thing as "right of return." Not in international law. Not in history.

YOU say the Palestinians have a right to wage terror warfare because their great grandfather was displaced in a war 60 years ago.

Well, does Israel have a right to wage terror war against the arab states in their allies, until they get back every inch of land that was stolen?

I wonder how much the Palestinian assets are worth today? including land, real estate, infrastructure, banking deposits etc etc.

A fraction of the Jews.

Plus, 85% of all Israelis live on land purchased legally as according to the Peel Commission.

Arabs were displaced in a civil war. The Jews were displaced because they were Jews.

Well you should take this to the UN, I am not the one giving refugee status to anyone

The UN is controlled by the Arabs and Muslims. They are the ones who hijack the UNGA and push for bullshit condemnations of Israel.

My point is the Jews did not receive the same rights and privileges as the Palestinians, this is a fact.

You put so much weight in the glory of the UN, yet won't acknowledge their complicity and encouragement of Palestinian plight.

I am sorry to hear that, no one should live the miserable life of a refugee, Jews and Palestinians included.
Although you did read that not all Jews who left to Israel were expelled.
An important part of a healing and peace process is to recognize each others suffering, are you prepared to do that?

You aren't sorry, or else you would recognize Israel's existence and their right to a homeland.

You say Israel has no right to exist because of stolen land, yet don't apply the same standard to the Arab and Muslim states whose entire existence is predicated on stolen land.

Israel recognizes the suffering of others, it is the Arabs and Palestinians who deny Jewish rights and deny Jewish history.

Israel ENDORSED the partition plan. ISRAEL agreed to an independent Palestine in 1948 which would have given them nearly twice as much land as they would receive in a hypothetical state today.

they rejected the partition and lost the war.
I suggest you go to the International War Crimes Tribunal in Hague and have your case tested.

have my case tested?

Thousands of Jews were massacred by the Arab states, and you respond with a bullshit answer like that?

How can anyone sympathize with the Palestinian and Muslim states when they are so indifferent to the millions of ethnic minorities they have slaughtered?

"Oh, take it to the courts."

Screw you man.

Mainly because they are no longer refugees and actually live good lives, compared to the Palestinian refugees who are in the 62nd year of exile.
How did you come to a conclusion that the jewish losses are triple of that the Palestinians suffered? I am curious.

Yes, and why are they longer refugees? Because they were assimilated by Israel.

It's not Israel's fault the Palestinians refuse to assimilate.

Over 150,000,000 made homeless and refugees in post-WWII. 3 Million Jews, 13 million Europeans, 10 million Hindus/Muslims during the partition of India, etc..etc...

Every refugee has been absorbed into the land they were displaced in.

Except the Palestinians.

Palestinians are the only refugees on the planet whose descedents are considered refugees, and the only refugees whose mandate is not resettlement.

Palestinians are so special that they receive their own unique UN body that does not have to follow the same rules as every other refugee organization.

And yet you whine and moan about Israel?

It refers to the "inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war
While operative Paragraph One "Affirms that the fulfillment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:
(i) Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;
(ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force."
You would now probably say there is no Palestinian state, yet the partition plan of 1947 was accepted, and hence any other territory that Israel occupies apart from that it was given for a state, comprises occupied territory/territories.

LOL! Revisionist history at best.


According to United Nations Resolution 242, Israel is not required to withdraw from any other territory until it can be assured that ordinary Israeli civilians can go about their lives free from threats or acts of force, including the homicide bombings that the security barrier had, up to July 17, successfully protected most Israeli civilians from for some 3 months.

242 is predicated on land for peace. 242 stipulates no land is returned as long as Israel's security cannot be guaranteed.

Soviets lobbied to have the resolution say all land has to be turned and Arabs don't have to do ****, but that failed miserably.

UN Security Council Resolution 242 significantly excludes ANY reference to any national claims of Palestinian Arabs against Israel. Such not deemed to be an issue in the Mid-East conflict of 1967 or in 1973 when Resolution 338 reaffirmed 242.

In other words, Israel is not expected to give any land to the PLO or Palestinians. The UN never recognized Palestinian sovereignty because the Palestinian identity was non-existence and banned by the Arab occupiers.

Israel's presence in the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan are entirely lawful because the 1967 war was a a war of self-defense.

International law bans the acquisition by unlawful force. But, Israels war with the Arabs was not an act of aggression but act of self-defense.

In fact, Jordan's invasion of Israel in 1948 and its annexation of the West Bank was unlawful.

Israel has potential sovereignty in East J'lem, WB, Gaza, and Jews have a right to remain in this areas.

Palestinians endorsed this have signing Oslo 2
and recognized Israel claim to the WB - agreeing to the fact that future negotiations will ultimately result in Israel retaining some of the WB.

Look at section 2 which says: Calls upon the parties concerned to start immediately after the seize fire the implementation of security council resolution 242 (1967) in all of its parts;

UN338 was a non-binding general assembly resolution.

And if you knew anything, the ARAB STATES REJECTED UN242 and passed the Khartum resolutions:

no peace with Israel, no negotiations with Israel, no recognition of Israel

Khartoum Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Egypt then proceeded to wage an attrition warfare against Israel, ultimately kill 1,400+ Israelis between 1967-1970.

War of Attrition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Don't play with the words, you are fully aware of what OCCUPIED TERRITORY means, it's not occupied territory on Mars.

You don't know what occupied territory means. Aggressors get occupation. Israel's presence in the WB and Gaza was/is entirely lawful. UN242 did not state Israel's presence in the WB was unlawful.

The ARABS were the original occupiers of the West Bank/Gaza.

The reality is Israel has had control over the land far longer than the Arabs had. Israel's own the Golan nearly twice as long as Syria.

It's more Israeli than anything else.

In conclusion, the Arab states and Palestinians have themselves to blame for refusing to recognize Israel's existence unlike the rest of the free world, and also have themselves to blame for being lousy fighters.
Clearly you care enough to justify their execution if they dare to challenge the fascist Palestinian leaders.

at least be consistent in your terror apologism.

If you read what I write, you would know that I don't justify any of the things you say. Let me really rub it in " I Canaan, do not support and justify the wrong doings of the PLO, I condemn it and do not support it" ---- do you think this is clear enough?

LOL. No ya don't. I don't care about right of return. There is no such thing as "right of return." Not in international law. Not in history.

You don't, maybe others do. Of course there is, don't fool your self, it's manifested in UN and international charters and laws.

YOU say the Palestinians have a right to wage terror warfare because their great grandfather was displaced in a war 60 years ago.

Well, does Israel have a right to wage terror war against the arab states in their allies, until they get back every inch of land that was stolen?


Nope I support legal actions including armed action, not terror or anything that is illegal by international standards and laws.
Israel is actually waging state terror against arabs, i.e. Lebanon and Gaza, where do you think the accusations of war crime came from?
Israel does not have land stolen by arabs. Arab jews have lost some, but that has nothing to do with Israel.

A fraction of the Jews.

Plus, 85% of all Israelis live on land purchased legally as according to the Peel Commission.

Utter BS, the Peel commission does not say that it only talks about the number of jews in palestine.
On the other hand here is the overview of land ownership by the Brits themselves:

Source: A Survey of Palestine prepared by the British Mandate for the UN, p. 566

SO out of a total netto land (excluding, roads, railways, lakes etc) jews by 1943 owned 1,514,247 metric dunums, of which 864,247 were purchased after 1920. Palestinians on the other hand owned 24,670,455 metric dunums. In percentage that would be 5.78% jewish and 94.22% Palestinian.

The UN is controlled by the Arabs and Muslims. They are the ones who hijack the UNGA and push for bullshit condemnations of Israel.

My point is the Jews did not receive the same rights and privileges as the Palestinians, this is a fact.

You put so much weight in the glory of the UN, yet won't acknowledge their complicity and encouragement of Palestinian plight.

Dude? are you serious?

You aren't sorry, or else you would recognize Israel's existence and their right to a homeland.

You say Israel has no right to exist because of stolen land, yet don't apply the same standard to the Arab and Muslim states whose entire existence is predicated on stolen land.

I do recognize Israel's right to exist and a right to their own homeland where they can live in peace and harmony, just not on stolen land.

Israel recognizes the suffering of others, it is the Arabs and Palestinians who deny Jewish rights and deny Jewish history.

Israel is yet to take responsibility for its actions resulting in the suffering of an entire people. They still say the Palestinians left voluntarily etc. WHEN you decide to tell the truth we will be a step closer to peace. Heck you still lie about 1967, and you want people to believe you?

Israel ENDORSED the partition plan. ISRAEL agreed to an independent Palestine in 1948 which would have given them nearly twice as much land as they would receive in a hypothetical state today.

they rejected the partition and lost the war.

Of course they did (although a part of jews rejected it) they had NOTHING before that, and suddenly find themselves given 56% of Palestine's best land they could use for further expansion is a gift from God. The palestinians and arabs of course rejected it since they already owned as mentioned above more than 94% of the land, why give it away to foreigners from Europe?

have my case tested?

Thousands of Jews were massacred by the Arab states, and you respond with a bullshit answer like that?

Bullshit answer? I am serious, if you have a case bring it to the court! Heck take it to the UN, and have sanctions on these countries, or should we instead bomb the hell out of others? maybe that's a more suitable choice for you?

"Oh, take it to the courts."

Screw you man.

This is not 3rd grade, either you abide by the Forum rules or find another place. I am not going to report you on that one.

Yes, and why are they longer refugees? Because they were assimilated by Israel.

It's not Israel's fault the Palestinians refuse to assimilate.

Where do you want Palestinians to assimilate? in countries that aren't their own? and by what reason?

Palestinians are the only refugees on the planet whose descedents are considered refugees, and the only refugees whose mandate is not resettlement.

Palestinians are so special that they receive their own unique UN body that does not have to follow the same rules as every other refugee organization.

Thank God for that, the only good thing coming out of the International community.

and don't start about the special, "God's chosen people"

LOL! Revisionist history at best.


According to United Nations Resolution 242, Israel is not required to withdraw from any other territory until it can be assured that ordinary Israeli civilians can go about their lives free from threats or acts of force, including the homicide bombings that the security barrier had, up to July 17, successfully protected most Israeli civilians from for some 3 months.

242 is predicated on land for peace. 242 stipulates no land is returned as long as Israel's security cannot be guaranteed.

Soviets lobbied to have the resolution say all land has to be turned and Arabs don't have to do ****, but that failed miserably.

UN Security Council Resolution 242 significantly excludes ANY reference to any national claims of Palestinian Arabs against Israel. Such not deemed to be an issue in the Mid-East conflict of 1967 or in 1973 when Resolution 338 reaffirmed 242.

In other words, Israel is not expected to give any land to the PLO or Palestinians. The UN never recognized Palestinian sovereignty because the Palestinian identity was non-existence and banned by the Arab occupiers.

You obviously have your own version of the UN resolutions. Incredible you can get that much out of a couple of paragraphs.

Israel's presence in the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan are entirely lawful because the 1967 war was a a war of self-defense.

Zionist BS, your own leaders say that Israel was not under any form of threats when they attacked, an attack they had been planning for a long time, so why do you keep on saying that? if you want I can supply you with direct quotations from military and political leaders of yours. So no self-defense, but pure aggression.

International law bans the acquisition by unlawful force. But, Israels war with the Arabs was not an act of aggression but act of self-defense.

Again don't play with words, territories from other sovereign nations were taken by force, you can call it what ever you want, the whole International community still regards these occupied territories.

In fact, Jordan's invasion of Israel in 1948 and its annexation of the West Bank was unlawful.

Jordan did not invade Israel as the WB was not a part of Israel, they Invaded Palestine in order to stop you from taking everything.

Israel has potential sovereignty in East J'lem, WB, Gaza, and Jews have a right to remain in this areas.
No they don't all of these are occupied territory you don't have any sovereignty rights what so ever in these areas as they are not yours. Any Jew who lived there before is welcome to stay, ALL settlers will be kicked out. If jews want to come and live under Palestinian rule they are more than welcome.

Palestinians endorsed this have signing Oslo 2
and recognized Israel claim to the WB - agreeing to the fact that future negotiations will ultimately result in Israel retaining some of the WB.
Not true as the entire world is determined on the two state solution on the 1967 borders. There is a possibility for a 1:1 land swap, but that is to be determined by negotiations.

UN338 was a non-binding general assembly resolution.

And if you knew anything, the ARAB STATES REJECTED UN242 and passed the Khartum resolutions:

no peace with Israel, no negotiations with Israel, no recognition of Israel

Khartoum Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Egypt then proceeded to wage an attrition warfare against Israel, ultimately kill 1,400+ Israelis between 1967-1970.

War of Attrition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Old news, people have moved on.

You don't know what occupied territory means. Aggressors get occupation. Israel's presence in the WB and Gaza was/is entirely lawful. UN242 did not state Israel's presence in the WB was unlawful.

The ARABS were the original occupiers of the West Bank/Gaza.

The reality is Israel has had control over the land far longer than the Arabs had. Israel's own the Golan nearly twice as long as Syria.

It's more Israeli than anything else.

WHAT? haha, you do know that the history of the area didn't start with the creation of Israel.

In conclusion, the Arab states and Palestinians have themselves to blame for refusing to recognize Israel's existence unlike the rest of the free world, and also have themselves to blame for being lousy fighters.

Dude you have your own definition of occupation which is not accepted by the international community, you can play with the words as much as you want. It won't change a thing.
SO out of a total netto land (excluding, roads, railways, lakes etc) jews by 1943 owned 1,514,247 metric dunums, of which 864,247 were purchased after 1920. Palestinians on the other hand owned 24,670,455 metric dunums. In percentage that would be 5.78% jewish and 94.22% Palestinian.

Palestinians were Jews and Arabs prior to 1948.

The region was ruled by the Ottomans, then conquered by the British (not the Arabs).

The Arabs (or Palestinians) owned ****, virtually all of the land was in ottoman trusts that Arabs sat on and "owned" but they never purchased the land, ever.

The British divested, allocating most of the land to Arabs, and some to Jews.

The Zionists only made small claims to the land even though the San Remo promised them all of Palestine (including what is now Jordan, which is 70% Palestinian).

The Jews were promised a state prior to the Arabs, and the Jews land was further divided up after Britain caved into Arab demands and installed a minority Hashemite ethnicity to rule over the Palestinian majority.

Meaning the Arabs aka Palestinians got 87% of Mandate Palestine.
(the Pink AND Red Areas)


77% of the British mandate was handed over to the Arabs, no Jews allowed:


You can also hunt for small injustices about the non-existence group of Palestinians (which, like I proved before - were not independent, and largely considered themselves Syrian)

This is all the lands the Arabs and Muslims inherited against the wishes of any minority or rivaling ethnicity, in comparison to Israel:


Look Akmed, you received 11,000,000 square miles of land. The Jews got 8,000.

So, can you give it a rest already? Millions of people were killed by the Arabs and Muslims between 1948-today in land-conflicts.

Can you not live with this loss? 8,000 square-kilometers man. 8,000!!!!

2/3 of what became Israel was State Land, passing from the Ottomans, to the British, to the Jews; owned by NO Arab.
This Includes the Half alone of Israel that was/Is the Negev Desert.

Dude? are you serious?


Non-Aligned Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You know how the UN works? It's based on a democratic process. The Arab/Muslim block which makes up the non-alignment movement has a majority in the UN - so they determine the agenda.

So, this is why country's like Israel have been subject to more UN resolutions than all 190+ members combined.

this is why the Palestinians are the chosen people in the UN, because they oppose Israel.

This is why we rarely, if ever, hear UN criticism of Muslim states.

For example, the UN was silent during the bangladesh liberation war, where Pakistan killed between 50,000-3,000,000 innocent in 1971, but the 1973 yom-kippur war, which killed ~15,000, dominated the UN.

This is why the Arab League sponsored genocide in Darfur continues unabated, and their supports sit on the UNHRC.

So yeah, the Muslims control the UN. Why shouldn't they? they're the majority. they have 2/3 of the world's oil supply.

it's only fair. :partay:

I do recognize Israel's right to exist and a right to their own homeland where they can live in peace and harmony, just not on stolen land.

Well then you obviously don't support Israel, or your own self-determination, because however you look at it a significant amount of Israel's current population lives on land recently occupied by Arabs.

Either way, every nation sits on stolen land. The partition of India, which resulted in Pakistan/India - displaced 10,000,000, and killed 1,000,000.

How much Hindu land does Pakistan live on? How much Muslim land does Hindu live on?

How much Jewish land do the Arabs sit on? How much Kurdish land do the Arabs and Turks sit on?

Oh I see...the standard only applies to Israel, not peaceloving innocent muslim cesspools like Pakistan.

Israel is yet to take responsibility for its actions resulting in the suffering of an entire people. They still say the Palestinians left voluntarily etc. WHEN you decide to tell the truth we will be a step closer to peace. Heck you still lie about 1967, and you want people to believe you?

ive provided explicit evidence supporting my arguments, repeating yourself is NOT persuasive.

this is why no one takes the muslim world seriously.
Bullshit answer? I am serious, if you have a case bring it to the court! Heck take it to the UN, and have sanctions on these countries, or should we instead bomb the hell out of others? maybe that's a more suitable choice for you?

It's a bullshit answer.

Arabs are responsible for the systematic cleansing of 99% of the muslim world's jewish population, and acquisition of a land 4x the size of Israel.

And yet, you do not question the Arab states right to exist, nor do you RESPOND TO MY POST about if Israel is justified in waging terror war against the Arabs states to acquire the stolen land.

Where do you want Palestinians to assimilate? in countries that aren't their own? and by what reason?


the Arab states founded their independence the same time the Arabs were displaced in the 1948 war.

the Palestinians had no state in 1948. They had no country, no identity. Had the Arabs won the 1948 war, the Palestinians WOULD become citizens of Jordan, Egypt, and Syria.

This is why the Arab states did not create a Palestinian state between 1948-1967, even though no Jew lived in the WB, Gaza, or East Jerusalem.

the Palestinians have lived in the Arab world more than the Zionist one.

10% of Lebanons' population are Palestinian, yet they are not citizens. 40% of the Palestinian refugees are citizens of Jordan, yet most do not even live in Jordan.

Gaza has been Egyptian more than Palestinian, and yet Gazans are not Egyptian.

And finally, the Palestinians of Israel are citizens of Israel.

Like I said, the Arab states are responsible for the Palestinian displacement, they are responsible for their suffering, and they are responsible for using them to fight Israel so idiot muslims can ***** and moan about Israel and how horrible it is.

So people like yourself have a personal scapegoat.
You obviously have your own version of the UN resolutions. Incredible you can get that much out of a couple of paragraphs.

Israel fulfilled its obligations to UN242, the Arabs rejected it.

This is a fact.

Accept it.

Dude you have your own definition of occupation which is not accepted by the international community, you can play with the words as much as you want. It won't change a thing.


The original drafters of UN242 explicitly stated Israel's war was a war of self-defense.

They didn't say their presence in the WB, Gaza, or E Jelem as unlawful.

Which is why no one in the UN says Israel's occupation is illegal, it isn't - at least not according to bind-UN resolutions.

Some argue the settlements are illegal, but they sit on less than 4% of the WB.

Either way, international law has been weaponized the Arabs via the UN.

This is why the international courts dubiously said the west bank barrier was illegal, even though it was entirely legal according to international law (rules of self-defense, responsibilities of sovereign nations, legal precedents set by Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Morroco, India, Russia, etc..).

The rest of your post is mostly gibberish.
Hizbullah prepares for IDF drill

Kaouk: If Lebanon is attacked, Israelis will find no place to hide.

Hizbullah is moving forces in anticipation of the IDF’s planned week-long civil defense drill, the group's commander in south Lebanon, Nabil Kaouk, said Friday.

The drill, which starts Sunday, will include a yet untested scenario – a Hizbullah attack on Israel’s national water carrier.
“A few thousand Hizbullah warriors will not be able to go and vote in next week’s round of local elections,” Kaouk said, implying that the terrorist organization would be heavily occupied with the goings-on in Israel at that time.

He added that Hizbullah forces would be prepared for all eventualities, warning that if Lebanon was attacked, “Israelis will not be able to find any place to hide” from Hizbullah’s retaliation.

In related news, Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah was expected to give a speech on Friday afternoon, mainly on the internal situation in Lebanon. However, he likely referred to regional tensions as well.

Hizbullah prepares for IDF drill
Hizbullah prepares for IDF drill

Kaouk: If Lebanon is attacked, Israelis will find no place to hide.

Hizbullah is moving forces in anticipation of the IDF’s planned week-long civil defense drill, the group's commander in south Lebanon, Nabil Kaouk, said Friday.

The drill, which starts Sunday, will include a yet untested scenario – a Hizbullah attack on Israel’s national water carrier.
“A few thousand Hizbullah warriors will not be able to go and vote in next week’s round of local elections,” Kaouk said, implying that the terrorist organization would be heavily occupied with the goings-on in Israel at that time.

He added that Hizbullah forces would be prepared for all eventualities, warning that if Lebanon was attacked, “Israelis will not be able to find any place to hide” from Hizbullah’s retaliation.

In related news, Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah was expected to give a speech on Friday afternoon, mainly on the internal situation in Lebanon. However, he likely referred to regional tensions as well.

Hizbullah prepares for IDF drill

Just like Hamas said the streets of Gaza would run with Zionist blood.

Well...it did run with blood, but not ours.

Since I'm supposed to back to Israel soon for my annual training requirement, it wouldn't surprise me if we run simulated invasions of Syria and North Lebanon - where Hezbollah has moved most of their rockets divisions to.

Probably Israel wishes a more pro-Israel president was in office and the UN wasn't so up the *** of the oil lobby, but ultimately hezbollah has to go at some point or another.
Palestinians were Jews and Arabs prior to 1948.
True, but the jewish before the two migration waves of European jews, were less than 4% of the population. Judaism is a religion not an ethnicity, hence it was easy to count.

The region was ruled by the Ottomans, then conquered by the British (not the Arabs).
who conquered it from the Arabs. Whoever rules the land is not important as it doesn't change the indigenous peoples' ethnicities. The people are the same even if an alien ruled the land.

The Arabs (or Palestinians) owned ****, virtually all of the land was in ottoman trusts that Arabs sat on and "owned" but they never purchased the land, ever.

That's why the majority of Palestinians have deeds for their land. Yet still the jews OWNED less than 6% of the land. Still doesn't make it yours.

The British divested, allocating most of the land to Arabs, and some to Jews.

Not true, you were given 56% of the land, I assume your mathematical skills are sufficient to understand this. (don't include Jordan, as it has nothing to do with Palestine)

The Zionists only made small claims to the land even though the San Remo promised them all of Palestine (including what is now Jordan, which is 70% Palestinian).
Unless it was the Palestinians who gave the land, San Remo, martians or the Pope can't give away something they don't own.

The Jews were promised a state prior to the Arabs, and the Jews land was further divided up after Britain caved into Arab demands and installed a minority Hashemite ethnicity to rule over the Palestinian majority.
The Jews were promised the land in 1917 that's is not prior but after. Hashimtes were installed in Jordan, not Palestine, you don't know the difference?

Meaning the Arabs aka Palestinians got 87% of Mandate Palestine.
(the Pink AND Red Areas)
Palestinians and Hashimites are not ethnically the same, Palestinians are not arabs of ethnicity.

This is all the lands the Arabs and Muslims inherited against the wishes of any minority or rivaling ethnicity, in comparison to Israel:
looking at the map, you don't see something that shouldn't be there?


Look Akmed, you received 11,000,000 square miles of land. The Jews got 8,000.
I am still talking about Palestine not the Arab world.
Why do you call me Akmed ? Schlomo?

So, can you give it a rest already? Millions of people were killed by the Arabs and Muslims between 1948-today in land-conflicts.
That's none of your business don't justify your murders by this.

Can you not live with this loss? 8,000 square-kilometers man. 8,000!!!!
No because my ancestors didn't live in any of the other arab nations, but in Palestine, so back to Palestine they will go whether it being tomorrow or in a 1000 years.

2/3 of what became Israel was State Land, passing from the Ottomans, to the British, to the Jews; owned by NO Arab.
This Includes the Half alone of Israel that was/Is the Negev Desert.

Bullocks, Britain didn't own the land, neither did the Ottomans.

You know how the UN works? It's based on a democratic process. The Arab/Muslim block which makes up the non-alignment movement has a majority in the UN - so they determine the agenda.
Well if it is a democratic process, why do you whine about it?
Don't forget the American veto though in the UN sec. counc.

So, this is why country's like Israel have been subject to more UN resolutions than all 190+ members combined.
No it is because Israel is the only country live above the law and continue its occupation of another people, live up to international law, problem solved.
this is why the Palestinians are the chosen people in the UN, because they oppose Israel.
Finally we have something in common then.

Well then you obviously don't support Israel, or your own self-determination, because however you look at it a significant amount of Israel's current population lives on land recently occupied by Arabs.
I support my own people first before I support you. What do you mean by land recently occupied by arabs?

Either way, every nation sits on stolen land. The partition of India, which resulted in Pakistan/India - displaced 10,000,000, and killed 1,000,000.

How much Hindu land does Pakistan live on? How much Muslim land does Hindu live on?

How much Jewish land do the Arabs sit on? How much Kurdish land do the Arabs and Turks sit on?

Oh I see...the standard only applies to Israel, not peaceloving innocent muslim cesspools like Pakistan.
I am not discussing other people, so don't try and derail this discussion.

ive provided explicit evidence supporting my arguments, repeating yourself is NOT persuasive.
Same applies to you, and your evidence are not very convincing.
this is why no one takes the muslim world seriously.
:rofl:funny statement.

It's a bullshit answer.

Arabs are responsible for the systematic cleansing of 99% of the muslim world's jewish population, and acquisition of a land 4x the size of Israel.

And yet, you do not question the Arab states right to exist, nor do you RESPOND TO MY POST about if Israel is justified in waging terror war against the Arabs states to acquire the stolen land.
I don't boy the above statement
I don't recognize the arab states' right to exist as they are all a british/colonial construct Israel included.
Israel has more land than it ever dreamt of, it does wage state terror, and if you have genuine claims in arab countries I will support these claims, if you chose terror to regain your claims I will not support the way you do it. Don't worry I know what you are trying to. I don't support terror, at the same time I don't support your definition of terror, as anyone opposing israel is a terrorist.

the Palestinians had no state in 1948. They had no country, no identity. Had the Arabs won the 1948 war, the Palestinians WOULD become citizens of Jordan, Egypt, and Syria.
I really don't believe that, why then the partition plan? why didn't the british just include gaza to egypt and wb to jordan in the first place?
Palestine as an entity has been existing since 2 century bc. While the people themselves are a lot older, even older than the arrival of your ancestors the Israelites.
This is why the Arab states did not create a Palestinian state between 1948-1967, even though no Jew lived in the WB, Gaza, or East Jerusalem.
No this is not the reason, because creating a state while 78 percent of Palestine was occupied by Israel, would only mean a de facto recognition of occupation.

the Palestinians have lived in the Arab world more than the Zionist one.
Exactly therefore, it is easier for you to go back to Europe where you have lived for over a 1000 year. They even like you there.

10% of Lebanons' population are Palestinian, yet they are not citizens. 40% of the Palestinian refugees are citizens of Jordan, yet most do not even live in Jordan.
Why the hell should they become citizens? so you can claim that they are no longer Palestinians and hence have no right to any claim.

Like I said, the Arab states are responsible for the Palestinian displacement, they are responsible for their suffering, and they are responsible for using them to fight Israel so idiot muslims can ***** and moan about Israel and how horrible it is.
Israel is terrible no matter how you put it.

So people like yourself have a personal scapegoat.
Nope i will only criticize Israel for things it is responsible for, anything the arabs and muslims are responsible for I will criticize them for.

Israel fulfilled its obligations to UN242, the Arabs rejected it.

This is a fact.

Accept it.

BS, they still occupies land that's not theirs.

The original drafters of UN242 explicitly stated Israel's war was a war of self-defense.

They didn't say their presence in the WB, Gaza, or E Jelem as unlawful.

I can't find anything even remotely suggests that in the original UN resolutions.

Which is why no one in the UN says Israel's occupation is illegal, it isn't - at least not according to bind-UN resolutions.

What? :rofl:

Some argue the settlements are illegal, but they sit on less than 4% of the WB
even if they sit on 0.0000001% they are still illegal per international law

Either way, international law has been weaponized the Arabs via the UN.
isn't it supposed to be like that?
If they have a case they win if not they loose.

This is why the international courts dubiously said the west bank barrier was illegal, even though it was entirely legal according to international law (rules of self-defense, responsibilities of sovereign nations, legal precedents set by Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Morroco, India, Russia, etc..).
It was ruled illegal, would have been legal if it was solely on Israeli territory.

The rest of your post is mostly gibberish.
Yours is even worse :rofl:

Let me sum up, because I don't want to waste my time on you

Israel has no claim to Palestine.
Neither historically
or even religiously

All of the thing above have been created to serve the zionist nationalist aspirations
Historically because jews from Africa, Asia and Europe can't claim land they don't originate from.
Ethnically because judaism is a religion whose majority of followers are white Europeans. Only Jews who have claim in Palestine are the original Palestinian jews, who are only a minority in the total jewish population.
Culturally, what culture? you listen to arabic or western music and eat arabic food!
religiously ask your non-zionist rabbis what they think about the creation of Israel.

You basically hijacked land from someone else. you can argue as much as possible about Palestine, Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims, but that doesn't change the fact that your claims are so weak I am amazed how people in the West fell for them! :hitwall:
who conquered it from the Arabs. Whoever rules the land is not important as it doesn't change the indigenous peoples' ethnicities. The people are the same even if an alien ruled the land.

this wasn't the debate, the dispute was about ownership and property.

"indigenous" is irrelevant. the jewish identity predates the palestinian one, by about 2,000 years.

last i checked the whole muslim world is based on conquering indigenous populations, murdering them, and/or forcing them to convert and/or subject them to eternal dhimmi status.

so please, dont whine about israel independence - when pakistan's is based on the mass exploitation and subsequent removal of 5,000,000+ hindus out of homes they lived in for centuries to make way for an alien muslim state.

That's why the majority of Palestinians have deeds for their land. Yet still the jews OWNED less than 6% of the land. Still doesn't make it yours.

no they don't.

the jews owned 85% of what is now modern israel.

the arabs had no problem selling their land. even the mufti of jerusalem who was hitler's butt-buddy sold land to the jews. LOL!

Unless it was the Palestinians who gave the land, San Remo, martians or the Pope can't give away something they don't own.

well, first you talk about international law and courts, now you cite a bogus, non-existence palestinian identity.

san remo promised a jewish state in what was palestine. the arabs made every attempt to sabotage this, going so far as to collaborate with the nazis (big mistake). they lost a big war, lost some land, but ultimately lucked out from the colonialists after britain and france pulled out of arab lands.

jews, on the other hand, lost most of their land from the arab world...so, what goes around comes around.
The Jews were promised the land in 1917 that's is not prior but after. Hashimtes were installed in Jordan, not Palestine, you don't know the difference?

Meaning the Arabs aka Palestinians got 87% of Mandate Palestine.
(the Pink AND Red Areas)
Palestinians and Hashimites are not ethnically the same, Palestinians are not arabs of ethnicity.

now you distort history. jordan was palestine.

britain slipped cut 80% of it, renamed it transjordan.

In fact, the original hashemite leader was about to name his country PALESTINE, but the british told him not to.

he was later assassinated by a *lol* palestinian.

what if modern jordan was named palestine? what would today's palestine be? west palestine?
No because my ancestors didn't live in any of the other arab nations, but in Palestine, so back to Palestine they will go whether it being tomorrow or in a 1000 years.

your ancestors, really?

if we go back far enough, your ancestors came from arabia.

so why stop at palestine?

All of the thing above have been created to serve the zionist nationalist aspirations
Historically because jews from Africa, Asia and Europe can't claim land they don't originate from.
Ethnically because judaism is a religion whose majority of followers are white Europeans. Only Jews who have claim in Palestine are the original Palestinian jews, who are only a minority in the total jewish population.
Culturally, what culture? you listen to arabic or western music and eat arabic food!
religiously ask your non-zionist rabbis what they think about the creation of Israel.

actually, the european israelis are a minority.

arab/iranian jews make up the majority of israel's population:


unlike say, the arab and muslim world - which has either expelled or suppressed most of its minority population, including cleansing 99.9% of its jews (most of whom went to france and israel)

oh, and did i mention how pakistan threw out most of its hindu population prior to its independence?

oh wait....double standard.
oh, and did i mention how pakistan threw out most of its hindu population prior to its independence?

oh wait....double standard.

Of course u did, after all, twisting the facts and omitting others is in your blood. Now, won't you ask how you twisted the facts? I'm waiting to give it to you up your wicked ***!
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