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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Low intensity artillery shelling is still occuring all across eastern borders of Gaza with Israel.

Several airstrikes hitting southern Gaza now.

Quite possibly another delay to postpone the entry of all the Egyptian ambulances and doctors to evacuate the wounded to Egypt for help. Are they that mischievous or is it coincidental, if it's anywhere near the Rafah Border crossing?
This is just a perfect example of how criticism is most often done without understanding the complications of the particular situation at hand. This fella is also very well known to mostly critisize as a form of contrarianism more so than actual substance and that tweet is the perfect example.

A great reply from another twitter user to that post was absolutely perfect and showed how irresponsible that original tweet was.

This was from @mahmouedgamal44

Why Egypt will send assistance to Gaza and at the same time will delay it ? Is it logical ?! Don't you know that there are continuous Israeli strikes on Gaza, and the entry of ambulances, aid convoys must be coordinated with all parties including Israel and that takes time.

Look at the difference between the understanding of the total picture than just blasting out criticism without even checking why there are delays. Even the crew of Egyptian doctors waiting to enter Ghaza have been held up until their safety is cleared. Responsible non-combatants and aid groups don't just rush into a very dangerous situation

Yep, especially considering they bombed dozens of roads/freeways already. It also isn't true as first batch of injured patients have gone through. If people want Egypt to go to war it would need a ton of assistance from everyone in the region. Not a simple decision to make.
Yep, especially considering they bombed dozens of roads/freeways already. It also isn't true as first batch of injured patients have gone through. If people want Egypt to go to war it would need a ton of assistance from everyone in the region. Not a simple decision to make.

And I'm sure they conveyed the message to the Israelis to stop the bombardment so that they can evacuate the wounded and bring in doctors who will be risking their lives but obviously falling of deaf ears.
Quite possibly another delay to postpone the entry of all the Egyptian ambulances and doctors to evacuate the wounded to Egypt for help. Are they that mischievous or is it coincidental, if it's anywhere near the Rafah Border crossing?

At first I suspected they were trying to do a limited incursion but I'm not sure what they were targeting. The artillery strikes were hitting eastern Gaza city (Shajiy'eyah) , eastern central Gaza (Buriej/Magazi) , and eastern Rafah.
Oh wow..and you want to hear that it is a great analysis..No..it is not..we understand you can only think through a nationalist Iranian perspective.. there is a lot behind going for ceasefire..at least keeping the Palestinian safe by stopping the Usraeli bombings.. or do you want to see Gaza in razed to he ground and in ruins again..
Nothing I said was wrong and I’m sure you know it. Everyone knows that if an Sunni Islamic or Nasser like figure appears in the Arab World. The entire western world will mobilize to destroy it. Have you not seen enough examples or do you choose not to see it.
I want to see Gaza in peace and *srael gone. I’m not saying what anyone should do. People must follow their best interests, but aside from that you and I both know that anyone who is Arab that may be able to unite Arab people against Israel whether for Islam or ethnicity will feel the ire of the west at the behest of *Israel. This has been proven empirically
Agreed. If I remember, been advocating that Zionists have nothing to do with true Jews. Infact, those Jews condemns Israel illegal state and Zionism openly. No religion shall be insulted at all.

However, if I am mistaken in any Post of mine, please redirect me and I will make necessary correction.
Bro nice of you, but the Jews think you are a terrorist. I hope you understand that
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Quite possibly another delay to postpone the entry of all the Egyptian ambulances and doctors to evacuate the wounded to Egypt for help. Are they that mischievous or is it coincidental, if it's anywhere near the Rafah Border crossing?
Could be a tactic to pressure for a ceasefire?

Ofakim, Netivot


Hamas armed wing take responsibility for it and previous strike.
I might be over thinking things here but I am not seeing any videos from rocket strikes near the Gaza settlements anymore. Their used to be many videos in the first few days.

Im assuming the Israeli gov. Does not want anyone to film anything anymore? . Theirs have been numerous rocket attacks today and no videos.
I am going to crosspost something I saw an Israeli post elsewhere. Take it with grain of salt. I don't agree with all of this analysis but some points they made are interesting:

Why would Hamas waste 3,500 rockets and missiles on Iron Dome, in 6 days? Isn't it really stupid, after seeing on Day 1, that Iron Dome intercepts virtually ALL missiles, to keep launching? Same story for day 2. And day 3. And day 4. Iron Dome intercepting over 99% of your rockets. But they KEEP LAUNCHING them. How many rockets can Hamas have? 10-12,000 or so? At this pace, in 2 weeks, they go back to throwing stones at Israel, or, at best, mortars and bottle rockets. Nah, something else is afoot, and Israel is most likely going to be attacked by Hezbollah in the coming days.


During the 2006 Lebanon war, Hezbollah launched 4,000 rockets/missiles toward Israel, in 33 days, or roughly 121 / day. Hamas launched 3,500 in the last 6 days, or roughly 583 / day. In other words, Hamas today is 5 TIMES more powerful then Hezbollah was 15 years ago. How much more powerful is Hezbollah then Hamas? Probably 10 times more powerful. Hezbollah is believed to have up to 100,000 rockets and missiles, most of them far better then Hamas. If Hezbollah and Israel would clash again today, like back in 2006, Hezbollah can easily launch thousands of missiles and rockets, on a daily basis, for weeks in a row. Can Israeli Iron Dome match 500-1,000 rockets barrage? Well, we don't know, since there was no such barrage against Israel. But Hamas, who, as Hezbollah, is under Iranian patronage, launched several barrages between 120 to 250 missiles/rockets against Israel, during this current conflict. How better can Iran test Iron Dome capacity and capability, then by using the little child (Hamas) and their rockets, and not waste their big child (Hezbollah) missiles? If my assumption is correct, there won't be a ceasefire, we will see a barrage of up to 500 missiles launched by Hamas in the coming days, which will test Iron Dome breaking point. So Hezbollah, which is primed to attack Israel, will likely do so, with far larger barrages, of much better missiles, with better accuracy and power. It seems totally counter-intuitive for Hamas to just throw missiles into Iron Dome's grinder...unless they are testing it for someone able to launch more and better rockets/missiles, for longer periods of time.
This is just a perfect example of how criticism is most often done without understanding the complications of the particular situation at hand. This fella is also very well known to mostly critisize as a form of contrarianism more so than actual substance and that tweet is the perfect example.

A great reply from another twitter user to that post was absolutely perfect and showed how irresponsible that original tweet was.

This was from @mahmouedgamal44

Why Egypt will send assistance to Gaza and at the same time will delay it ? Is it logical ?! Don't you know that there are continuous Israeli strikes on Gaza, and the entry of ambulances, aid convoys must be coordinated with all parties including Israel and that takes time.

Look at the difference between the understanding of the total picture than just blasting out criticism without even checking why there are delays. Even the crew of Egyptian doctors waiting to enter Ghaza have been held up until their safety is cleared. Responsible non-combatants and aid groups don't just rush into a very dangerous situation
In short you wanna say
Heil El Sissy the crossdresser. Right??
I might be over thinking things here but I am not seeing any videos from rocket strikes near the Gaza settlements anymore. Their used to be many videos in the first few days.

Im assuming the Israeli gov. Does not want anyone to film anything anymore? . Theirs have been numerous rocket attacks today and no videos.

Allegedly they cut internet and electricity in some areas, or both
I am going to crosspost something I saw an Israeli post elsewhere. Take it with grain of salt. I don't agree with all of this analysis but some points they made are interesting:

Why would Hamas waste 3,500 rockets and missiles on Iron Dome, in 6 days? Isn't it really stupid, after seeing on Day 1, that Iron Dome intercepts virtually ALL missiles, to keep launching? Same story for day 2. And day 3. And day 4. Iron Dome intercepting over 99% of your rockets. But they KEEP LAUNCHING them. How many rockets can Hamas have? 10-12,000 or so? At this pace, in 2 weeks, they go back to throwing stones at Israel, or, at best, mortars and bottle rockets. Nah, something else is afoot, and Israel is most likely going to be attacked by Hezbollah in the coming days.


During the 2006 Lebanon war, Hezbollah launched 4,000 rockets/missiles toward Israel, in 33 days, or roughly 121 / day. Hamas launched 3,500 in the last 6 days, or roughly 583 / day. In other words, Hamas today is 5 TIMES more powerful then Hezbollah was 15 years ago. How much more powerful is Hezbollah then Hamas? Probably 10 times more powerful. Hezbollah is believed to have up to 100,000 rockets and missiles, most of them far better then Hamas. If Hezbollah and Israel would clash again today, like back in 2006, Hezbollah can easily launch thousands of missiles and rockets, on a daily basis, for weeks in a row. Can Israeli Iron Dome match 500-1,000 rockets barrage? Well, we don't know, since there was no such barrage against Israel. But Hamas, who, as Hezbollah, is under Iranian patronage, launched several barrages between 120 to 250 missiles/rockets against Israel, during this current conflict. How better can Iran test Iron Dome capacity and capability, then by using the little child (Hamas) and their rockets, and not waste their big child (Hezbollah) missiles? If my assumption is correct, there won't be a ceasefire, we will see a barrage of up to 500 missiles launched by Hamas in the coming days, which will test Iron Dome breaking point. So Hezbollah, which is primed to attack Israel, will likely do so, with far larger barrages, of much better missiles, with better accuracy and power. It seems totally counter-intuitive for Hamas to just throw missiles into Iron Dome's grinder...unless they are testing it for someone able to launch more and better rockets/missiles, for longer periods of time.

Intercepted 99% of them my foot lol, one only needs to see all the vids here and on twitter by israelis themselves to see what kind of hogwash that is. I do agree 100% with the point of hezbollah joining in somehow, who knows how many of the refugees that crossed the border were hezb members (one was fully confirmed), other than rockets I think we might be in for a few more surprises on all sides
Nothing I said was wrong and I’m sure you know it. Everyone knows that if an Sunni Islamic or Nasser like figure appears in the Arab World. The entire western world will mobilize to destroy it. Have you not seen enough examples or do you choose not to see it.
I want to see Gaza in peace and *srael gone. I’m not saying what anyone should do. People must follow their best interests, but aside from that you and I both know that anyone who is Arab that may be able to unite Arab people against Israel whether for Islam or ethnicity will feel the ire of the west at the behest of *Israel. This has been proven empirically
It is true but you don't have to say it loud for just political leverage..The current is there but not seen..There is an Arab national security trend going on but not much of an Arab nationalism..it is rather based on mutual interests..
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