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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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It is unlikely Israel would rush into ground invasion while ceasefire efforts are taking place. They don't have enough troops at the moment. And they don't want to sacrifice troops.

More likely, they will come to understanding with the PA on Jerusalem and take unilateral ceasefire approach with Hamas.
I wonder if that was recent tech transfer from Iran or if they had it for a while and are just now unveiling it. Hamas themselves said that they have a lot of "special capabilities" they have not unveiled yet.

Well they are right to be worried about that
As far as I’m aware, Iran doesn’t make IRAMs, as they aren’t really necessary for a state military, I’ve seen Iraqi PMUs possess IRAM against ISIS which appeared indigenous so I think it’s likely they made it themselves. For the long range rocket, they certainly receive some sort of know-how or raw materials to be able to assemble them. Ayash250 is way beyond what they used to have. It’s breakthrough If they have them in numbers and intact. It allows them to open up on Eilat , drawing Iron dome batteries away from Tel Aviv or Ashkelon.
Has Lebanon been attacked?
No, and they are probably not interested unless social pressure inside Lebanon demands them too.
Have you asked the Jews or are you just expressing an opinion while the Jews hold guns and shoot innocent w3omen and children?-"
know differentiation between the Jewish faith and its millions of followers versus the government of Israel and the zionist extremism that makes up the majority of its and small percentages of jewish population worldwide."
It doesn’t matter whether I ask them or not - my prophet has guided me to not blanket hate anyone or suggest violence against women, children or old men.
Agreed. If I remember, been advocating that Zionists have nothing to do with true Jews. Infact, those Jews condemns Israel illegal state and Zionism openly. No religion shall be insulted at all.

However, if I am mistaken in any Post of mine, please redirect me and I will make necessary correction.
I tagged the modern team currently active so to keep an eye
Israeli airstrikes in Gaza city and central Gaza

This is just a perfect example of how criticism is most often done without understanding the complications of the particular situation at hand. This fella is also very well known to mostly critisize as a form of contrarianism more so than actual substance and that tweet is the perfect example.

A great reply from another twitter user to that post was absolutely perfect and showed how irresponsible that original tweet was.

This was from @mahmouedgamal44

Why Egypt will send assistance to Gaza and at the same time will delay it ? Is it logical ?! Don't you know that there are continuous Israeli strikes on Gaza, and the entry of ambulances, aid convoys must be coordinated with all parties including Israel and that takes time.

Look at the difference between the understanding of the total picture than just blasting out criticism without even checking why there are delays. Even the crew of Egyptian doctors waiting to enter Ghaza have been held up until their safety is cleared. Responsible non-combatants and aid groups don't just rush into a very dangerous situation
A home was struck in the strike on Gaza city. No casualties reported.
One week of fighting and the incompetent Israeli army still hasn't been able to prevent Hamas and PIJ from relentlessly firing rockets on Central Israel. And now that it has become clear that the factions in the small, contained Gaza Strip have managed to import all kinds of weaponry under the watchful eye of Israeli intelligence, facing a complete naval, sea and air blockade, the preposterous claim by Israel that it would be able to successfully and simultaneously operate on multiple fronts against Iran has painfully been debunked.

The IDF is the most overrated military force in the history of human warfare. They couldn't even endure more than one month of fighting against Hezbollah in 2006, failing to advance more than 6 kilometres on Lebanese territory. We are all watching the same thing happening again now with the latest flare up in Gaza.

You know when this conflict first started, the most stunning thing to me was seeing numerous Israelis claim that Netanyahu intentionally let Hamas get powerful so that he could start a war with them. I could not believe anyone was stupid enough to believe such a hot take because it is such a jaw droppingly stupid and incredibly dangerous idea from a tactical perspective. I don't remember any IDF assessment discussing Hamas could launch hundreds of rockets at TLV. They never even hinted at it, despite them knowing about it. ("No coffee in Tel Aviv")
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Egypt just like Jordan is only worried about a Arab nationalist to rise out of these wars that would present a threat to Israel. That’s why they rush for cease fires.
Oh wow..and you want to hear that it is a great analysis..No..it is not..we understand you can only think through a nationalist Iranian perspective.. there is a lot behind going for ceasefire..at least keeping the Palestinian safe by stopping the Usraeli bombings.. or do you want to see Gaza in razed to he ground and in ruins again..
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