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Israeli forces raid Al-Aqsa Mosque, over 150 Palestinians injured

meanwhile the treacherous :-


palestinians love Al Aqsa so much, that's why they use it as their rioting base. I can't think of a more morally bankrupt people than the palestinians. Of course we know what they did to Joseph's tomb a few days ago and who could forget what they did to the Church of the nativity. They're a sick people and it's time Muslims called them out on this savage anti-religion behaviour.

Take you Israeli crap to an Israeli forum
You can search yourselves. You will see hundreds of people throwing stones from inside the mosqe and use hamas flag. The palastines don't have respect to holy sites

one example of isis mentality of the palastines
Surrender Israeli, you are living in a sick apartheid state despised by the world and just like South African apartheid your time will surely end in illegal occupation.

As per the original plans Jerusalem should be administered by the UN isreali police should not be able to operate in the city. Apartheid and preventing one portion of the population from worshipping is utterly disgusting.
No one prevent anyone to warship. Otherwise when Muslim control the city they refuse to let jews to pray in Jerusalem. Thank god it changed

Surrender Israeli, you are living in a sick apartheid state despised by the world and just like South African apartheid your time will surely end in illegal occupation.

The sick people is the one that believe in jihad and think they will get flowers. As i said you guys can't stand Israelis and in your jihad maind you think you can destroy and kill us but it's not 1930 any more. Attacking the jews will have hard response and you cry from this hard response. Peace will answer with peace terror will be answered by war. It's the palastines choice.. we are not going anywhere and we will not move a inch
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And as for "your time will come" this treat is empty words. We are not afraid from islamists with extreme view. We have the capacity to defande ourselves from islamists fascists views
When some members her praise the terrorist attack inside Israel 2 weeks ago i told that Israel will respond hard.. and i am happy about it.
When you use your holy site for throwing rocks and Molotov Israel have every right to enter and arrested the terrorists..
If you don't want to be shoot don't kill don't provoke the police and don't do terrorist attack inside Israel because the response will always be 100 time harder.
Every Ramadan the "palastines" try to drag Israel to respond (they use propaganda that we are going to destroy al aqsa) and when we response they cry.
Same old "palastines" lies.
Israeli talking about terrorists, does these names ring a bell, Haganah, Irgun Zvai Leumi, Stern gang.

You guys have been using all kind of human bombs since ever.
I don't like palestinians. I don't like their backstabbing ways towards the Arab world. They turn on you from one day to the next. They go where the most money is. One day they are best friends of Turks, then it's Qatar, then Iran and they keep switching allegiances. They rejected aid and goods from the people of the UAE because it came through Israeli ports.

They have been a drain on the Arab world. Financially and emotionally. Much of the Arab world would have progressed faster were it not for palestinians. There has been enough money poured into Gaza to build a Dubai there. But we see nothing. They spend it on Hamas millionaire lifestyles, tunnels and rockets.

They supported the invasion of Kuwait. They caused havoc in Lebanon and sparked the civil war. They tried to overthrow Jordan. All these countries supported them for years yet palestinian put a knife in their back.

It astounds me that Pakistanis support them because palestinians don't give two hoots about Pakistan. When do they even show a hint of support for Kashmir?

I support Israel for these reasons. I also admire their achievements. They progress rapidly. Arab world has been stagnant, but I'm glad to see the UAE really flourish and turn into a tech hub.

Says by a Moroccan Jew who is an Israeli citizen.,,,,You aint folling any of us.
Okay so I’m not a Hindu.
Doesn't matter. You're not a Muslim that the matter.
India has tons of religions that make up the nation.
India has Abrahamic religions as minority and paganism as majority. There are no tons of religions...
As an individual I have my own points of view
Yah, thats way you expressed it.
However, my points of view here are really just based on factual evidence.
So called facts coming from apartheid thief israel. As an indian you will peddle their propaganda as usual. You folks love anything against muslims.
Sleep well.
You too...

Israel isn't stoping anyone only terrorist
Lol man, israel was born using terrorism. You are a terror product... :-)
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Apartheid is what we can say about the arab county's that have zero respect for other relegations / woman and minority
We aren't talking about Arab issues.
not Israel
As usual the denial...
The problem is semple you hate us and think you can destroy Israel or remove us ( i know mentally issues) and you can't so you cry like little girls.
lol, lots of people though the same but, look we are here, growing and they went extinct.
You should invest in teach schools and hospital but instead you riots terrorize and and learn the Young generation to hate
We always took what we want...
No one prevent anyone to warship
You israelis do...
Otherwise when Muslim control the city they refuse to let jews to pray in Jerusalem
We never did that. But, I believe we should have banned non muslims from entering Jerusalem. May be in future...
Thank god it changed
It will change...
The sick people is the one that believe in jihad and think they will get flowers.
You know nothing about Jihad. And the days of calling us jihadi, terrorist are gone. Nobody gives a flying f...
As i said you guys can't stand Israelis and in your jihad maind you think you can destroy and kill us but it's not 1930 any more.
So what? 2030 will come, 2130 will come and so on...
Attacking the jews will have hard response and you cry from this hard response. Peace will answer with peace terror will be answered by war. It's the palastines choice
Lool man, you are sweating to control Palestinian who dont even represent 1% of us. And our noice is for future excuses.
we are not going anywhere and we will not move a inch
You dont have to.
And as for "your time will come" this treat is empty words. We are not afraid from islamists with extreme view. We have the capacity to defande ourselves from islamists fascists views
Lol, last crusader euro state of Jerusalem though the same. You are just another crusader state. enjoy your time...
So what? 2030 will come, 2130 will come and so on...

Lool man, you are sweating to control Palestinian who dont even represent 1% of us. And our noice is for future excuses.

You dont have to.

Lol, last crusader euro state of Jerusalem though the same. You are just another crusader state. enjoy your time...

Loo keep counting while we keep building Israel 🤣. Empty words from delusional jihadi
Loo keep counting while we keep building Israel 🤣. Empty words from delusional jihadi
Keep it up. Just like the last delusional crusaders Mr land thief israeli... :p:
Loo keep counting while we keep building Israel 🤣. Empty words from delusional jihadi

Stealing someones land is hardly a holy act
What Hi-Tech exactly? 🤣 When oil will be replaced by green energy the arabs will be in big trouble. Your mentality and little girl emotions will bring you only distraction and poor economy.
Tell that to your sugar daddy america
Tell that to your sugar daddy america
The Suger daddy buy technology from us..
Even Arabs are in line to buy our technology. On the other hand (no offense) What thier is to buy from Pakistan or Arabs? Except turkey from some degree no one buy anything except something that comes from the ground
The Suger daddy buy technology from us..
Even Arabs are in line to buy our technology. On the other hand (no offense) What thier is to buy from Pakistan or Arabs? Except turkey from some degree no one buy anything except something that comes from the ground
Yaah if sugar daddy takes away their donation you will fall flat on your face like a pancake. BTW we call lesbians pancake in Fiji
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