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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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A part of a synagogue has collapsed on orthodox worshippers in Jerusalem injuring dozens. Too many people on a structure at once it appears.

It's already past 7
, they are shelling numerous areas since then. I believe they did use it but haven't released footage yet.
Just saw a video of the collapse. Theirs probably gonna be some deaths. The upper half of the bleachers just collapsed
Alright guys, I am out permanently again after 925boy latest post. I am not okay with these people continue using my people blood to promote Iran,

One can say you are the one that continue using the blood of the people in Gaza to promote Hamas.

Unlike you i do not think yet another round of violence would do good to any side involved. I do not see any side rising victorious or better off , when this round is over.

I do not encourage my people for more attacks and sacrifices from the safety stetting behind my computer screen. ..

Seems some here are very brave in prescribing " a strong stand " for others , when they and their families are not those that would pay the price.

In recent years Gaza managed somehow to survive due to the relative quiet . But now they have been taken years back and I do not see how is that good to anyone,

As it is clear to the Israel side too , that the living conditions and the humanitarian situation must be improved in order for us to have some peace and quiet.

But at the moment the Palestinians in Gaza have been forced into a conflict they did not choose and are practically held hostage by Hamas in this war,


Why Egyptians are not mobilizing their Army to at least put some pressure on Israel to stop the bombings? They are powerful enough to take on anyone as per Arab members here on PDF, they mock every Muslim country that doesn't have access to the modern military as they do, but what is that Military for when they can't even protect their neighbors who are ruthlessly being bombed by their Enemy?
@The SC Where is that modern, well-equipped Egyptian Army? Now before you bring Pakistan or Turkey, Egypt shares borders with Palestine and, Aren't they are Powerful to take on Israel as many members made us believe? @Gomig-21

I don't want to ignore your post for fear it will lead into an off-topic discussion about the Egyptian military and not the topic at hand even though I can sense you're trying to correlate the two together. And since @PakSword and the other mods left it, it must be ok with them to at least offer an answer.

Are you aware of the conditions of the peace treaty signed in 1979? Sinai is separated into 3 sectors militarily. Dived the peninsula in 3 sectors starting at the canal zone and the central part and the third at the Israeli border. Starting with the first sector, only a certain amount of defensive weapons are allowed and as sectors get closer to Israel, it becomes nearly only military outpost and a boarder guard patrol. In the treaty, the same applies to Israel's side and all this done for Israel's protection. Ask me if I agree with that and I'll tell you no, of course not, but that's what Sadat, Begin and Carter agreed to in that treaty.

On top of that is the major reason why no mobilization of any of our "fancy" and modern military will be undertaken to the border because it is clearly agreed in the treaty that such an act (for whatever reason, will be considered an ACT OF WAR provocation and the US will respond in kind at its full disposal.) Call it what you like, cowardice, zionist stooges whatever, it doesn't matter to me. The leadership has abided by the treaty and will continue to do it because our intentions (also defined in the treaty) is that Israel NEVER enters the Sinai militarily. It's not for supporting this unfortunate cause as much as it pains me to say that. But there is your answer and I hope it makes sense. No one at this time including the great superpowers like Chine and Russia would want a full military escalation with the US and NATO. Would you?

Egypt has been very aggressive on the diplomatic front with the UN of first getting a cease fire so no more Palestinians are ravagely killed. They've tried 3 times already between Israel and Hamas and are being very aggressive with Israel. Right now, diplomacy is our only choice and we are pushing as hard as possible. You might not like El Sisi and that's fine, but you can't just pack up your forces and threaten war against the US. Please be reasonable. Sorry @Falcon29 bas lazem a2oulu el haga de so more of the young folks here with high passion for the destruction of Israel understand the limitations and consequences.
I don't want to ignore your post for fear it will lead into an off-topic discussion about the Egyptian military and not the topic at hand even though I can sense you're trying to correlate the two together. And since @PakSword and the other mods left it, it must be ok with them to at least offer an answer.

Are you aware of the conditions of the peace treaty signed in 1979? Sinai is separated into 3 sectors militarily. Dived the peninsula in 3 sectors starting at the canal zone and the central part and the third at the Israeli border. Starting with the first sector, only a certain amount of defensive weapons are allowed and as sectors get closer to Israel, it becomes nearly only military outpost and a boarder guard patrol. In the treaty, the same applies to Israel's side and all this done for Israel's protection. Ask me if I agree with that and I'll tell you no, of course, but that's what Sadat, Begin and Carter agreed to in that treaty. On top of that is the major reason why no mobilization of any of our "fancy" and modern military will be undertaken to the border because it is clearly agreed in the treaty that such an act (for whatever reason, will be considered an ACT OF WAR provocation and the US will respond in kind at its full disposal. Call it what you like, cowardice, zionist stooges whatever, it doesn't matter to me. The leadership has abided by the treaty and will continue to do it because our intentions (also defined in the treaty) is that Israel NEVER enters the Sinai militarily. It's not for supporting this unfortunate cause as much as it pains me to say that. But there is your answer and I hope it makes sense. No one at this time including the great superpowers like Chine and Russia would want a full military escalation with the US and NATO. Would you?

Egypt has been very aggressive on the diplomatic front with the UN of first getting a cease fire so no more Palestinians are ravagely killed. They've tried 3 times already between Israel and Hamas and are being very aggressive with Israel. Right now, diplomacy is our only choice and we are pushing as hard as possible. You might not like El Sisi and that's fine, but you can't just pack up your forces and threaten war against the US. Please be reasonable. Sorry @Falcon29 bas lazem a2oulu el haga de so more of the young folks here with high passion for the destruction of Israel understand the limitations and consequences.

Thank you for explaining this, did not know about it to be honest. It does explain a lot about Egypt's role here.
The Israelis that couldn't have kept the war going for more than a week or currently can't risk of invading Gaza can't take Sinai from Egpt. The Egyptian army is a huge army with modern weapons. In the event Egypt and Israel go to war and nukes aren't deployed, Israel will need America to save them.

I Truly think you are mistaken. I would stake my life on the fact that Egyptian army is the most useless and ineffective army in the region or anywhere for that matter. They are easily corruptible, they have millions and millions of people who are no loyal to their country. And dont have technical skills or interest in making good soldiers. Against Israeli soldiers they have no chance. They should try to just keep the Egyptian border as it is. Don't risk Sinai.

I base this on many facts that may be off topic here.
I don't want to ignore your post for fear it will lead into an off-topic discussion about the Egyptian military and not the topic at hand even though I can sense you're trying to correlate the two together. And since @PakSword and the other mods left it, it must be ok with them to at least offer an answer.

Are you aware of the conditions of the peace treaty signed in 1979? Sinai is separated into 3 sectors militarily. Dived the peninsula in 3 sectors starting at the canal zone and the central part and the third at the Israeli border. Starting with the first sector, only a certain amount of defensive weapons are allowed and as sectors get closer to Israel, it becomes nearly only military outpost and a boarder guard patrol. In the treaty, the same applies to Israel's side and all this done for Israel's protection. Ask me if I agree with that and I'll tell you no, of course not, but that's what Sadat, Begin and Carter agreed to in that treaty.

On top of that is the major reason why no mobilization of any of our "fancy" and modern military will be undertaken to the border because it is clearly agreed in the treaty that such an act (for whatever reason, will be considered an ACT OF WAR provocation and the US will respond in kind at its full disposal.) Call it what you like, cowardice, zionist stooges whatever, it doesn't matter to me. The leadership has abided by the treaty and will continue to do it because our intentions (also defined in the treaty) is that Israel NEVER enters the Sinai militarily. It's not for supporting this unfortunate cause as much as it pains me to say that. But there is your answer and I hope it makes sense. No one at this time including the great superpowers like Chine and Russia would want a full military escalation with the US and NATO. Would you?

Egypt has been very aggressive on the diplomatic front with the UN of first getting a cease fire so no more Palestinians are ravagely killed. They've tried 3 times already between Israel and Hamas and are being very aggressive with Israel. Right now, diplomacy is our only choice and we are pushing as hard as possible. You might not like El Sisi and that's fine, but you can't just pack up your forces and threaten war against the US. Please be reasonable. Sorry @Falcon29 bas lazem a2oulu el haga de so more of the young folks here with high passion for the destruction of Israel understand the limitations and consequences.
Is their an expiration date or anything of the sort for the treaty where Egypt will be allowed full control over the demilitarized zones.
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