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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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They hit buildings on the Palestinian side of the crossing, that's for sure.

I think it's the debris that landed in Egyptian territory that is confusing things, possibly. They need to stay away from the border as it is open to receive all the wounded to be treated in Egypt,

Can I ask you a tough question? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, it's just for my own curiousity since I see the repercussion of Hammas' action is mostly on Palestinian civilians despite the claims that Hammas is within them. But in your opinion or knowledge of the situation being these are people of your nationality, and even thought they elected Hamas to control Gazha, what do you think is the percentage of current Palestinians in Ghaza who still or have renewed their support of Hamas despite the suffering they are taking being underpowered. I know they are proud of fighting like heroes and taking massive disproportional blow, do you think that will change some of their support of Hamas? Can you throw a percentage guess IYO? It must be high because all I've seen from just a few interviews on that particular subject is they fully support Hamas, although these were Palestinian from the WB.
That ”why“ sound, might by a word in Hebrew, I’ve heard others say it.

I didn't think of that and you would very well be right. Kinda like What the @#$^ in Hebrew slang.

I highly doubt Israelis will try to evict again again after this mess

You think? I hope you're right as we all know this is THE ROOOT of this conflict and the settlements in East Jerusalem as long as Netanyahu holds his seat as PM, he might have no choice. I hope you're right.

It is actully haram hitting Syangague.. It is not a house of shirk or temple where there are status. It is a place where Allah is mentioned and prayed for..

I don't think that was a target either but it was an accident... it is clearly haram and forbidden in Islam from touching Syangagues.. They have impunity in Islamic law
Alright guys, I am out permanently again after 925boy latest post. I am not okay with these people continue using my people blood to promote Iran, or to insult/trash me and try to make me slave for Iran. I will check back tonight to see if these kinds of people are thread banned or not. I will come back on at night if they are. If they aren't, than I will be out for good. Thanks to everyone for support of Palestinian people during these difficult times.

We Pakistanis deal with swarms of Indians attacking us every time one of us makes a single post. It's basically an integral part of the internet experience. Just ignore someone if they're bothering you.
Don't try spinning it, we have problem with people here using Palestinian blood to promote Iran. And trying to impose status quo of master slave relationship on everyone here. With Iran being master and rest slave worshippers to Iran. People of region do not worship Iran nor accept notion of Iran domination of region. People who want this can discuss about it Iranian section of forum. This is about Palestinian conflict right now.
Maybe you should divert that anger more towards the oppressors. Pakistan support taliban against occupation of Afghanistan? So is Pakistan using taliban and Afghan blood for it’s purpose or is Pakistan supporting taliban for the rights of Afghan people? So what’s the difference? Palestinians are denied basic human needs so they can’t even fight back for the rights of their children? If you can’t fight for them at least morally support their cause.

Stop this hypocrisy and give credit where it’s due and I give credit to Iran who are under sanctions from west, and economy shattered and still manage to have a spine to support Gaza on ground to fight back apartheid state. And if you personally got anything against Iran keep it to yourself don’t impose it on others. Islam needs unity not division and Iran supporting Sunnis is a great step and demonstration towards Muslim unity which will shake our enemies spine.
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It is actully haram hitting Syangague.. It is not a house of shirk or temple where there are status. It is a place where Allah is mentioned and prayed for..

I don't think that was a target either but it was an accident... it is clearly haram and forbidden in Islam from touching Syangagues.. They have impunity in Islamic law
**** the bastard who are so called scholars
These mofo have made resistance haram.
They violate musjid...we must hit their places of worship. These bastrds don't understand otherwise
You are delusional of u think they will respect musjids
It is actully haram hitting Syangague.. It is not a house of shirk or temple where there are status. It is a place where Allah is mentioned and prayed for..

I don't think that was a target either but it was an accident... it is clearly haram and forbidden in Islam from touching Syangagues.. They have impunity in Islamic law

Oh please, you still sucking their balls dry.
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