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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Israel won't reach a ceasefire until they stop the rocket attacks and don't want to see Hama rearmed with even more missiles and advance ones at that. Probably keep on bombing til then. Only way Hamas can win its to get Hezbollah and Iran involved directly.
Palestinian Islamic Jihad: "The guns that we use to shoot at the Israeli enemy, those who use these guns were trained by our brothers in the #IRGC. We say this loud and clear!"

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Official Ramez Al-Halabi said that the rockets used by the faction to target Tel Aviv have the signature of Iran and Qasem Soleimani on them. He made his remarks in an interview that aired on Al-Ahd TV (Iraq) on May 7, 2021. Al-Halabi said that the axis between Jerusalem and Tehran is a victorious one. He added that faction members were trained by the IRGC and that Iranian money was used to buy weapons for the armed factions in Gaza and Lebanon. Al-Halabi continued to state that every home in Gaza has a picture of Qasem Soleimani, and he said: “They are the ones who support us with weapons, money, and food.”
Show me where I did or said that or you just want to justify your complex.. and sickness dumb boy..
You are blabering too much BS in Every Arab related thread,, not only here..So we already know about your subjectivity and idiocy.. topped by ignorance of these subjects.. so why don;t you go troll somewhere else..

From all your talk you are proving to everyone here you are maybe the crossdresser..that is very childish and uneducated talk..Out of context and off topic..
Bro you are only making Egypt look more careless about Palestine you realize that?
A UAE religious figure condemned Hamas and described them as being terrorists, Israel's Avichay adraee retweeted him and agreed with him.

No one in a dictatorship like the UAE speeks without permission or guidance from the country's leadership so this "muslim preacher" has definitely recieved the blessings from the UAE leadership.
@Abu Dhabi do u agree ???? Should Muslim not slaughter ur leaders and religious kaffirs
It looks like Israel has decided to level the entire Gaza, I mean seriously I can't believe that common Israeli civilians haven't come out to pressure their Govt to stop this brutal bombing, how brainwashed they are?
Just this sentebce from you last post.. sold your sick soul.."they mock every Muslim country that doesn't have access to the modern military as they do, "

I've never herd any Arab or Egyptian say that.... you pull it from your behind to troll..

China and Russia for other vital things to them .. no Palestine.. but you seem to dumb to understand even that..

Just out this in your chickpea brain .. no one can touch Usrael or it'll be war with the US..

The Arabs are powerful.. yes indeed,, but they don't match the US and don't have 10 000 nukes to counter it..

You are dying from jealousy..HaHaHa

LOL we are not jealous. There is nothing to be jealous of. Absolutely nothing.

It is a collective shame for Arabs who have left the Palestinians high and dry. More than us, this will impact you directly. The Israelis will come for more land. Greater Israel contains more Arab land including KSA. If not today, the Zionists will come one day and make the same ludicrous claims.

Pakistan and other non-Arab Islamic nations have their fair share of weaknesses etc. We are not perfect, but we know how to fight for our cause. We also have sellouts among us, but greater wisdom often prevails. At the end of the day the Arabs have only shot themselves in the foot. You claimed that accepting Israel would bring peace. That was your argument. Where is the peace? I cannot see it.
The Ministry of Health in Gaza: 174 persons dead, including 47 children and 29 women, and 1,200 injured with various injuries, and the number is still expected to increase. Ambulance crews and civil defense are still carrying out searches under the rubble in Gaza City

Over 200 fighter jets of the Israeli Occupation's air force plus naval bombardment from their allies have participated in last night's attack against Gaza.

Meanwhile, no one is coming to help our beleaguered brethren in Gaza, No one. May Allah (swt) help them out. They have no one else to turn to.

May Allah (swt) hasten the demise of the most brutal regime on earth - Israel - and its allies.


Narrated Zainab bint Jahsh (ra):
The Prophet (ﷺ) got up from his sleep with a flushed red face and said, "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah. Woe to the Arabs, from the Great evil that is nearly approaching them. Today a gap has been made in the wall of Gog and Magog like this." (Sufyan illustrated by this forming the number 90 or 100 with his fingers.) It was asked, "Shall we be destroyed though there are righteous people among us?" The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Yes, if evil increased."

What happened to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine should be understood in the context of that hadith.
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