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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Im afraid their grip over America will get much stronger in the future. funny you mention the NY times. Do you know who the chairman and CEO is and the head publisher? And the Board members? It reads like a guest list for a Jewish wedding.
Grip on politics is strong, but they are losing people. And the politics will shift when people begin turn on Israel which is already happening more and more very year
hamas , should take crash courses from the talibans .
with suicide bombing,
IDF , SECURITY SOLIDERS, are sitting ducks in street on patrol,
IDF are hiding outside Gaza in their tanks and won't venture inside. Like Nazi Germany bombing of Stalingrad they just intend to bomb it into rubble and set the Palestinians back another 20 years of development and then sell them Cement and other building materials.
UAE demands Hamas stop rockets attacks or face halt in investments

good move Hamas must be stopped or everyone is doomed

Another indication that Israel is desperate for a ceasefire and Hamas and the rest of the Palestinian factions are adamant of Israel meeting with all of their conditions. It seems Israel doesn't want to commit to all of the conditions, so they're trying to use its allies in the Gulf Ara. Biden calling Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Egypt should be understood in this context.
Just some friendly advice, you should really read up on the history of this conflict before making such comments. Not to take anything away from the Palestinian bravery, but in 1973 Egypt and Syria combined killed almost 9,000 Israeli soldiers and I bet you that count is low. So really, before blasting out crazy comments like that, just google, even if it's wiki. Other sources point to a larger number mostly killed on the Egyptian front.

I'm aware of the high casualties that Israelis suffered in October 1973 war, but I was referring to the strategic objectives achieved. Neither Egypt nor Syria was able to liberate militarily the Sinai nor Golan Heights. Sinai was only achieved thru peaceful negotiations.

Now, come to Palestinian resistance in Gaza and take into the account the conditions that they're under - where they're blockaded from land, sea, and air. Under these conditions, they were able to free Gaza from Israel's hands. Not only do they kick them out, but today out of the more than 50 Muslim countries in this globe, they're the only one standing up to Israel's transgressions against Al-Aqsa mosque and in Al-Qudus. So I would advise you and others to look at their conditions. They literally have to bring the materials they need to build rockets through tunnels. No airport, seaport, or land-port is operating for them. So when you combine all of that, you would be able to see their achievements.

Why Hamas not attacking IDF air bases??
Lack of precision most probably. Honestly, I'm surprised that they say they will target the Moshe Tower. It seems hard to imagine that they can target a tower with their current arsenal. Unless they have things that they haven't revealed yet.
Red alert Sirens blare in occupied territories as Hamas rocket lands in Ramat Gan
Saturday, 15 May 2021 11:36 AM [ Last Update: Saturday, 15 May 2021 1:56 PM ]


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The site of a rocket strike in Ramat Gan, Israel, that left one person dead, on May 15, 2021 (Photo by Times of Israel)
Rocket sirens blare throughout Tel Aviv and central occupied territories as Hamas says it fired dozens of rockets at Israel in response to the killing of a Palestinian family of 10, including eight children.
Israeli media reported that a rocket has exploded in central Ramat Gan, with footage from Ramat Gan showing a car burning and damage to nearby buildings.
Sirens were heard in Tel Aviv, Rishon Lezion, Holon, Bat Yam, Ashdod, Yavne, Rehovot, Givatayim, Petha Tikva, Kiryat Ono and more.
A man aged around 50 was killed in the rocket strike in Ramat Gan and several people were injured. Police later said two rockets hit the city.

According to reports, one of the rockets fired from Gaza exploded in the Arab town of Taibe, northeast of Tel Aviv, and another hit near the Israeli settlement of Karnei Shomron.
The residents of Taibe gathered to celebrate Palestinian resistance at the scene of the rocket strike.
They denounced the Israeli regime’s violence against Palestinians at Jerusalem al-Quds’s al-Aqsa Mosque and shouted “With spirit, with blood, we’ll redeem al-Aqsa!”
Hamas’ military wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, said it launched dozens of rockets at the occupying regime in response to a pre-dawn airstrike by Israeli warplanes against al-Shati refugee camp, which killed eight children and two women from the Abu Hatab family and injured 15 others.
Israeli police and rescue personnel at the scene of a rocket strike in Ramat Gan that left one person dead, on May 15, 2021.
Israel bombs Al Jalaa tower in Gaza
The Israeli military destroyed the Al Jalaa tower in Gaza after sending a “roof-knocking” missile as a final warning to leave.

Israel had reportedly warned occupants of the building, which houses certain media outlets such as Al Jazeera, the Associated Press, along with Arab and local press, to evacuate. The regime had said the building would be bombed within an hour.

Following the warning, Al Jazeera aired a phone call between the building’s owner and an Israeli intelligence officer asking to be given more time to evacuate equipment from the offices, but the Israeli officer declined the request.

Disregarding the outrage caused by its earlier warning, Israel bombed the tower.
Meanwhile, Abu Ubaida, a spokesman for the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, said that they fired a rocket-propelled grenade at Tel Aviv in response to the threat.
He also said the Palestinian resistance is ready for six consecutive months of Tel Aviv’s bombardment, hinting at the six consecutive days since the beginning of Israel’s onslaught against Gaza.
Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh said earlier that the Israeli regime’s massacre of Palestinians in al-Shati refugee camp shows the regime’s “desperation” and “defeat” in the face of Palestinian resistance.
“The massacre demonstrates the extent of impasse that the occupiers are experiencing against the grandeur of resistance,” he said. “We hold the cruel occupying [regime] fully responsible for targeting civilians and we stress that resistance will continue to defend the proud people of Palestine and that it will emerge victorious.”
Palestinians condemn Israel, celebrate resistance
Meanwhile, Palestinians on Saturday took to the streets in the occupied West Bank to protest against the Israeli regime’s occupation and the ongoing bombardment of Gaza.
The rallies marked Nakba Day or the day the occupation of Palestine began 73 years ago, 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their lands with the aim of creating the illegitimate state of Israel.
The death toll from the Israeli regime’s relentless aerial bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip, which continued for its sixth consecutive day, has so far killed at least 139 Palestinians, including 39 children and 22 women, while leaving 950 others wounded.

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