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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Hitting a area inside base will be easier as it will be large in area size, although well defended, but if few rockets got through and hit runway or hangers or any other place then it will be moral booster as it will mean engaging the attacking force.
The CEP of these rockets is probably in the range of kilometers. Fajr-5, for example, is estimated to have a CEP of 3-5 kilometers when fired at its maximum range.

That's why it's important to wait and see if Hamas will deliver their promise and hit the Moshe Tower in Tel Aviv or not. It can be a game changing moment.
I think they said they are using a ballistic missile for this strike, not sure which missile exactly, some said it would use control system of Fajr-5C

Yes, Fajr-5C is the guided version of Fajr-5, but we don't know if Hamas has them already or not.
If they do, hopefully, Israel will be in trouble.
Sir why the U-turn on Kashimir? why now?

Pakistani military could have escalated situation in Kashmir and make things worse for Occupying forces after India abolished article 370 and made Kashmir a jail, but it didnt happened, we let our so called jugular vein in hands of enemy, no one allows its jugular vein in enemies hand even if price is very heavy to pay for getting it free.
You go through a lot of mental gymnastics as defensive mechanism for your cowardice, your narrative change every hour, I am putting you on ignore. Don't bother quoting me.
They are few Muslim countries that stayed true to Palestinian’s cause and among those Iran..Hamas got his missile technology and the training from Iran..It was under Slimani the ex commander of the Iranian national guards, that Assad was forced as well Hizbollah to provide the Kornet anti tank missile to Hamas. It was that missile that kept the Israelis forces from invading Gaza Strip.
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