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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Egyptian media: the Egyptian army: The Palestinian Red Crescent cars that transport the injured from Gaza to Egypt are military vehicles belonging to us, and any exposure to them is tantamount to a direct exposure to the Egyptian army that deserves response.

if this is true then Kudos to Egypt, personaly I have always been a supporter of SiSi, he is a good man, it's true that he is an ally of the Gulfis but he genuinely cares about Arab causes in the region and the Palestinian cause is one of them.

some people (including many regular Egyptian people) have a great misconception about SiSi and actually have no idea how he thinks, he is not a follower of Saudi Arabia or the UAE, he does not follow any one.

he only has two priorities the first one is his country and the second one is resisting America's imperialism in the region while trying his best not to antagonize America because he realizes that Egypt cannot live in peace in a world controlled by the US. meaning if there is something that he may do to resist American imperialism that would damage Egypt then he will not do it, that is why he always walks a tight rope. he always leans towards the east while trying his best not to worsen relations with America and that is why he became allied with the KSA, because the KSA is an ally of America so he thought if he becomes allied with the Saudis they will convince the Americans not to harm Egypt in any significant way.

he is not really as anti Iran as some may think, Sisi was the one who took out the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and prevented them from sending their terrorists to Syria. he is not an ally of Assad as a person ofcourse but he supports the SAA because if the SAA is defeated then the muslim brotherhood will rule Syria, he said it clearly that he supports the "national army of Syria and Iraq against the terrorists", while some people may want to lie to themselves and to others by saying Sisi supports the Syrian opposition not the SAA however if that was the case then he could have just said "I support the free Syrian army against butcher Assad and Russia".
But you said at the below something that doesn't give anything remotely close to the reality tho.. Their cities got ravished, vital interesting points hit. Main while life is normal in the other country and always has been even bordering cities because it has 2 things going for it vast country and better defensive systems then the Iron dome
Yemenis have hit Aramco and Saudi infrastructure multiple times so far. And they didn't fire thousands of missiles. Only a handful of missiles and most of them went through. Anyway, let's not go off-topic. I want to stay focused on Israel. But believe it or not, the Iron Dome is no joke, Israel is a joke because it is too small to have any strategic depth.
here’s the thing our friend Benny here doesn’t understand.
We especially Lebanese’s and Palestinians are very well aware of Jewish tricks. Zionists are experts at lies, deceit and deception. No one believes the IDF Twitter account much less anything stated from them until empirically proven.

they employ these tactics much more than anyone else
Israel is a joke because it is too small to have any strategic depth.

That thing came from Iraq my man it was from a different entity and they themselves denied claim.. The only thing they hit was the top of a jeddah oil storage, car and plus making few claims that never got verified or without prove.. But other then that their drones got nullified..

I agree lets stay on topic
One thing I want to salute here and acknowledge. Whether we like them or not the Iranian mullah regime is the only state that actually will do something against Israel. There is no question or doubt about this. Only the crazed, drugged sectarian zombies will deny this. Other than that we all know Pakistan, Turkey, UAE, Saudia Arabaia and all the rest will condemn, flail their arms, issue statements, talk, have meetings but will not do anything on the practical level. The only country mad enough to do that will be Iran. And in doing so it is crazy. Because only a crazy country would do this as it will be sanctioned, threatened, isolated, vilified, castrated, demonized. Wait a minute Iran is.

That explains why Iran is the favourite target of hate by Israel and the West. You guys will pay big time for this but I guess you already know that.

Iran embraced what every other country in the region feared: The power of their people. That is why they don't fear any other country and will not allow the will of US, Israel, or Saudi to be imposed on them.
Other than that we all know Pakistan, Turkey, UAE, Saudia Arabaia and all the rest will condemn, flail their arms, issue statements, talk, have meetings but will not do anything on the practical level.
And consistent with my belief in self interest I am glad Pakistan will adopt a pragmatic, self interest driven policy designed to massage the masses but not do anything that might entail a reaction from the west. This is the smart and right thing to do. Without doubt this is eactly what Pakistan, Turkey, UAE, Saudia will do.

On the contrary Iranians will continue to do the dumb thing. So they contnue being sanctioned. I guess there is no chance of cheap gas and oil from you Iraniam neighbours eh???
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