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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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The American neoconservatives and the European Israeli lackeys would say unfortunate collateral damage.
as long as the Zionist guard dogs that are Mahmood Abbas and his party are present then Al Quds can never be liberated.
the so called "Palestinian authority" was aiding the Israeli forces in arresting Palestinian resistance forces.

The Israeli occupation’s announcement of the role of the Palestinian Authority’s security services in arresting the perpetrator of the Za'tara military checkpoint operation sparked widespread anger in the Palestinian street, amid calls for an end to security coordination with the occupation.
On Wednesday evening, the Israeli police announced the arrest of Montaser Shibli (44 years), who is believed to have carried out the shooting attack near the Za'tara military checkpoint, in the northern occupied West Bank, last Sunday, which resulted in the death of an Israeli and the injury of other settlers.

The Israeli occupation forces arrested members of the Shibli family, including his son Ahmed, and threatened his wife, during a raid on the family's home in Turmus Aya, Monday / Tuesday night, to kill her husband, Muntasir, if he did not turn himself in.

In statements to Palestinian media, Sanaa Al-Shibli said that, before the Israeli occupation forces stormed her house in the town of Turmus Aya, Ramallah district, members of the [Palestinian] Authority's security forces stormed her home, and interrogated her about the operation that injured three Israelis a few days ago.

She pointed out that she was expecting the occupation forces to storm her house, but elements of the authority preceded them to that, and tried to lure her into speaking, despite her lack of awareness of the matter.

She pointed out that after the security forces' investigation, the occupation forces raided the house, searched it, broke its contents, interrogated the people of the house, and arrested her son Ahmed.

In another interview, Sanaa Shibli accused the Palestinian Authority of colluding with the occupation and providing it with security information.

She pointed out that she had expelled the authority’s security forces from her home, adding: "A failed authority, which only wants to receive money and positions."

This Mahmoud Abbas is definitely an obstacle to peace. A good for nothing leader. A total waste of space. What have these old men ever done for the Palestinian cause? They can't even present nor articulate their narrative. Talk about double bad luck for the Palestinians
First of All KSA has better Defensive systems then Israel this much is ethblished Patriots+THAADs --> Iron dome..
Going to be honest here. These systems serve different functions. They are complimentary not replacements. Patriot is not better then Iron dome because they are of completely different class of air defense systems. This is a bad comparison
This Mahmoud Abbas is definitely an obstacle to peace. A good for nothing leader. A total waste of space. What have these old men ever done for the Palestinian cause? They can't even present nor articulate their narrative. Talk about double bad luck for the Palestinians

Yeah how the hell is Abbas still there only Allah (SWT) knows. Haniyeh speaks like the head of a resistance front because he is.
Going to be honest here. These systems are serve different functions. They are complimentary not replacements. Patriot is not better then Iron dome because they are of completely different class of air defense systems. This is a bad comparison

Patriots+THAADS they serve different things I didn't only mention patriots. I knew Iron dome was a scam prior this event.. It can obviously intercept things but not as good as these two other systems this much is ethblished something I knew on before hand..

Also something important to keep in mind is no defensive system is perfect... Such thing doesn't exist.. But they have better defensive systems..
The country of the brave martyrs could not brought to us a scambag faggot coward apostate from islam and traitor worst than that zionist human toilet Mahmoud Abbas.
He is the manifestation of apostasy and kuffr and cowardness, and when all this ends he will get back to natanyahu asking for his montly paycheck.
Tell me what is the differance between Abbas and you?

Not seen @Zarvan around. Just wondering has gone of to do his part as a Muslim and join the fight in Gaza?
Patriots+THAADS they but serve different things I didn't only mention patriots. I knew Iron dome was a scam prior this event.. It can obviously intercept things but not as good as these two other systems this much is ethblished something I knew on before hand..
To be honest, the Iron Dome is one of the most impressive air defense systems in the world. The videos on here show how impressive it is. If we want to be fair, the Iron Dome has saved many Israeli lives so far. It's the massive number of rockets fired by Hamas that is causing the Iron Dome to saturate and perform worse than expected. A tactic that is possible only because Israel has no strategic depth and basic "kitchen-made" rockets can fly all over their airspace and hit the furthest part of their territory.

If I want to compare the performance of the Israeli AD with the Saudi performance against Yemen, there is no doubt that Israel has done much better than the Saudis, particularly when it comes to suicide drones and loitering munitions. If Houthis were close enough to launch massive rocket attacks on Saudi cities, nearly all of those rockets would've passed through the Saudi air defense systems. Houthis have done more substantial damage to Saudi Arabia than Hamas will do to the Israelis.
To be honest, the Iron Dome is one of the most impressive air defense systems in the world. The videos on here show how impressive it is. If we want to be fair, the Iron Dome has saved many Israeli lives so far. It's the massive number of rockets fired by Hamas that is causing the Iron Dome to saturate and perform worse than expected. A tactic that is possible only because Israel has no strategic depth and basic "kitchen-made" rockets can fly all over their airspace and hit the furthest part of their territory.

If I want to compare the performance of the Israeli AD with the Saudi performance against Yemen, there is no doubt that Israel has done much better than the Saudis, particularly when it comes to suicide drones and loitering munitions. If Houthis were close enough to launch massive rocket attacks on Saudi cities, nearly all of those rockets would've passed through the Saudi air defense systems. Houthis have done more substantial damage to Saudi Arabia than Hamas will do to the Israelis.

Iron Dome works but it is one of the most expensive AD systems in the world. It is not going to last for a 60 day war if that is what Hamas has in mind.
To be honest, the Iron Dome is one of the most impressive air defense systems in the world. The videos on here show how impressive it is. If we want to be fair, the Iron Dome has saved many Israeli lives so far. It's the massive number of rockets fired by Hamas that is causing the Iron Dome to saturate and perform worse than expected. A tactic that is possible only because Israel has no strategic depth and basic "kitchen-made" rockets can fly all over their airspace and hit the furthest part of their territory.

If I want to compare the performance of the Israeli AD with the Saudi performance against Yemen, there is no doubt that Israel has done much better than the Saudis, particularly when it comes to suicide drones and loitering munitions. If Houthis were close enough to launch massive rocket attacks on Saudi cities, nearly all of those rockets would've passed through the Saudi air defense systems. Houthis have done more substantial damage to Saudi Arabia than Hamas will do to the Israelis.

Are you fuking kidding? Hamas ravished all cities in Isreal and people live in shelters.. It is dooms day level and how many impact did we see to many.. There is no comparison..
Iron Dome works but it is one of the most expensive AD systems in the world. It is not going to last for a 60 day war if that is what Hamas has in mind.
No, it won't. We all knew that Hamas can do that. And we all know that Hezbollah can do much worse to Israel. But you have to remember that rockets fired by Hamas are an effective tactic only because Israel is small. You can't use them against large enemies like Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey or Iran.
The drone called Shahaab is making news in this conflict and as per Jerusalem post Iran is behind it:
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