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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Most likely yes in the current circumstances

As long as Hamas fires rockets into Israel, Israel has successfully changed the narrative to how Hamas is firing unguided rockets into Israeli civilians. There is no military solution here from Palestinians. The stubbornness and ego is mind blowing.

The only reason Israelis are showing restraint here and focusing on pinpoint strikes is because of the international repercussions. If that restraint is let loose, the buildings they are knocking down won't be getting prior warnings to evacuate and would simply by facing a bunker buster.

Hezbollah and IRGC both are waiting on the election day in Iran.
If Raisi takes the seat then Israel has to sing the goodbye song. It will leave IRGC's hands open to behead this illegitimate Child of west.
What about Saeed Mohammed?
But what was Hamas thinking by launching the rockets over the Al Aqsa mosque events? Wasn't it about time Israel was ready to 'mow the grass' anyway--a routine practice. Unless Hamas has some understanding with other forces in that region for a later involvement or has a stockpile of rockets to last many months to inflict painful damage, I think Hamas has over-reached. We will find out soon enough what lies ahead.
You never know man. I’m sure they are speaking to each other behind the scenes. Just don’t know what they are saying but regardless, we shall see
What about Saeed Mohammed?
He might leave the election in favor of Raisi just like Said Jalili. They won't compete with Raisi a competition that would divide the votes of Revolutionary forces.
The Revolutionary candidates might stay till the last day as a counter to people like Larijani, Zarif, Ahmadinejad, jahangiri etc, But they would eventually leave the Scene.
This situation is never-ending because the Zionist govt policy of land grabbing will never end and the West knows it very well. This is the first time we have noticed West is totally silent. Gaza population issue is getting worst and worst day by day, over 7000 people live in per sq/km area only in Gaza.
Where are all these overrating Israel in the last 2 years? I was laughed at for simply speaking reality. I am experienced and I know this things. I rated Israel perfectly prior this incident. I even said Assad's syria which is the weakest country in the region due to going thru 10 years war can overrun Israel without breaking a sweat.. Forget about Jordan, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, UAE, etc etc...

Understanding the Israelis is quite easy and someone has to learn how to separate fiction from facts. There are things that are just no possible in a conventional war all the things claimed war just not realistic. If their airforce is grounded they are done for... They don't have the manpower and their Iron dome is failure once it gets depleted it is completely gone. They will have to clash with a conventional army which they will lose to every state actor in the region except for Lebanon..

My impression has always been that Israel is like any other country, the only thing unique about it is that because it is Jewish, Europeans and Americans hype it up and exaggerate their capabilities as if being Jewish is a superpower that makes them any different.

Reality is that Jews are still humans and they have all the same flaws as any Muslim or Christian. A barrage of rockets can overwhelm any country such as Israel or even Muslim ones like Saudi. And Jewish settlers have the same lynch mob mentality as RSS mobs, they are no better than them.

Israel isn't any stronger than the countries around it just because its Jewish, although a lot of people think that. Iran has much more advanced technology than Israel, but a lot of people wrongly assume that technology in Muslim countries is inferior simply because they are Muslim or Shia.

You don't win a war by being Jewish or Muslim or Sunni or Shia, you win it by having better technology and long term strategy over decades. Iran had the long term vision over decades that neither Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt, or Saudi had and that's why today, Iran is the only country in this part of the world that is actually in a position to challenge the Israelis and is doing it. Israel, despite having done almost everything humanly possible to stop Iran with full support of US Congress and Jewish donors in their pocket has still been completely unable to stop Iran and the formation of Hamas and Hezbollah right on the doorstep of Israel's borders. This was always the nightmare scenario from Iran that they tried everything to stop and that Israel hoped they would never have to face and now it's here. Iran has quietly been waiting decades for this moment.

You want to know why Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi, Egypt and all these other countries fail in so many areas? It's because Iranians are the only people who can think long enough in decades to see the big picture and long term vision. The rest of Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi, Egypt only think in short term victories.

I cannot tell you how many times I saw Pakistanis, Turks, Egyptians, Saudis cheering and celebrating saying that Iran is weak because it didn't retaliate for Soleimani immediately or because it didn't retaliate for Fakhrizadeh the same day or because Iran didn't retaliate for the Natanz cyberattacks immediately.

Iran is not a country that does immediate or short term retaliation. They think in way longer term over decades in a way that most Pakistanis, Turks, Egyptians, Saudis are not even capable of thinking. As the saying goes, revenge is a dish best served cold. Iranians understand this saying better than all of the other countries in the rest of the world combined. You can see it shine in every aspect of their regional policy, how US fell into Iran's trap after invasion of Iraq, how Saudis looked the other way and got lured into Yemen, how Khomeini came to power in 1979 shaking the entire region like an earthquake, blindsiding imperialism and ousting the Shah from Tehran. 40 years later, the region is still shaking from that moment.

I see a lot of Pakistanis gloating and cheering about Feb 27 IAF shootdown even today which is great, but I have never seen anybody in Pakistan who is willing to acknowledge that it did nothing to make overall security situation of Kashmir better and actually made it worse. Pakistanis don't have enough patience to think in the big picture and take revenge in the long term. We are too focused on immediate success and are not ready to make short term sacrifices in order to achieve a larger revenge over many decades. Feb 27 shootdown was a short term victory and probably one of the reasons Article 370 was revoked and Pakistan may have won the battle but it lost the war in big picture.

Iran does not think this way, they have the opposite approach, they are willing to take a lot of losses and sacrifices in the short term to give the enemy the illusion of victory and false sense of security while they quietly build up over the long term. Iran let Israel do the airstrikes in Syria so that they could be distracted somewhere else while they execute the real plan.

While rest of the world was thinking that IRGC is losing people in Syria airstrikes, what they didn't notice was Hamas and Hezbollah quietly building up a huge arsenal over last 10 years right on Israel's borders.

I remember a lot of people on PDF after Soleimani assassination mocked Inteqam-e-Sakht and said Iran will never do anything. I was one of the only people on PDF who said that the true revenge for this action will come when people least expect it. 6 months went by, 1 year went by, nothing happened. People relaxed and went back to normal. Mossad decided to push their luck and see how much sabotage they could do in Iran. Israel was emboldened by small victories and the illusion of success. Then they killed Fakrizadeh, thinking surely this will have some response. Nothing happened, so they kept going deeper and deeper down this dark and dangerous path.

Then, some small protests begin in Jerusalem. Attempts were made to suppress it but those attempts ended in vain. Al Aqsa, the third holiest site of Islam, was finally raided on the 27th of Ramadan, the Night of Power. Israelis may not have known it at the time, but the fuse had now been lit and there was no going back. The stage had now been set for Iran's revenge. Many years had been building up for this moment. The land bridge from Iran to Iraq to Syria to Lebanon, decades in the making. The quiet buildup of Hamas lurking in the shadows of Gaza. Warnings from Iran not to invade Al Quds that were never heeded. Threats that were never taken seriously in the past were now about to unsheathe themselves like a sharpened knife waiting to kill. And now that moment has finally come, a moment which many doubted and few ever expected: Inteqam-e-Sakht

I can still remember when people laughed that Iran's proxies could strike Tel Aviv. I can remember when people laughed that Hamas could penetrate Iron Dome. I can remember when people laughed that a missile could make it to Dimona. I can remember when people laughed that Gaza had precision rockets. Now where are these people? They are hiding and cowering in terror. Iran's proxies have struck Tel Aviv. Hamas has penetrated Iron Dome. Missiles have made it to Dimona. Gaza now has precision rockets. This is what Inteqam-e-Sakht looks like. Life for Israel will never be the same again. Their mirage of invincibility has been shredded to dust, Tel Aviv is no longer safe and Gaza has both the will and the ability to hit back. For the first time, it is not Israel setting the new rules of engagement but Hamas. It is a reckoning unlike any other, and one that will reverberate in Israel for decades to come. Now Israel is bombing Gaza, and the revenge for this too will come when people least expect it.

Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi. Learn from Iran, this is how you take revenge.
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My impression has always been that Israel is like any other country, the only thing unique about it is that because it is Jewish, Europeans and Americans hype it up and exaggerate their capabilities as if being Jewish is a superpower that makes them any different.

Reality is that Jews are still humans and they have all the same flaws as any Muslim or Christian. A barrage of rockets can overwhelm any country such as Israel or even Muslim ones like Saudi. And Jewish settlers have the same lynch mob mentality as RSS mobs, they are no better than them.

Israel isn't any stronger than the countries around it just because its Jewish, although a lot of people think that. Iran has much more advanced technology than Israel, but a lot of people wrongly assume that technology in Muslim countries is inferior simply because they are Muslim or Shia.

You don't win a war by being Jewish or Muslim or Sunni or Shia, you win it by having better technology and long term strategy over decades. Iran had the long term vision over decades that neither Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt, or Saudi had and that's why today, Iran is the only country in this part of the world that is actually in a position to challenge the Israelis and is doing it. Israel, despite having done almost everything humanly possible to stop Iran with full support of US Congress and Jewish donors in their pocket has still been completely unable to stop Iran and the formation of Hamas and Hezbollah right on the doorstep of Israel's borders. This was always the nightmare scenario from Iran that they tried everything to stop and that Israel hoped they would never have to face and now it's here. Iran has quietly been waiting decades for this moment.

You want to know why Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi, Egypt and all these other countries fail in so many areas? It's because Iranians are the only people who can think long enough in decades to see the big picture and long term vision. The rest of Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi, Egypt only think in short term victories.

I cannot tell you how many times I saw Pakistanis, Turks, Egyptians, Saudis cheering and celebrating saying that Iran is weak because it didn't retaliate for Soleimani immediately or because it didn't retaliate for Fakhrizadeh the same day or because Iran didn't retaliate for the Natanz cyberattacks immediately.

Iran is not a country that does immediate or short term retaliation. They think in way longer term over decades in a way that most Pakistanis, Turks, Egyptians, Saudis are not even capable of thinking. As the saying goes, revenge is a dish best served cold. Iranians understand this saying better than all of the other countries in the rest of the world combined. You can see it shine in every aspect of their regional policy, how US fell into Iran's trap after invasion of Iraq, how Saudis looked the other way and got lured into Yemen, how Khomeini came to power in 1979 shaking the entire region like an earthquake, blindsiding imperialism and ousting the Shah from Tehran. 40 years later, the region is still shaking from that moment.

I see a lot of Pakistanis gloating and cheering about Feb 27 IAF shootdown even today which is great, but I have never seen anybody in Pakistan who is willing to acknowledge that it did nothing to make overall security situation of Kashmir better and actually made it worse. Pakistanis don't have enough patience to think in the big picture and take revenge in the long term. We are too focused on immediate success and are not ready to make short term sacrifices in order to achieve a larger revenge over many decades. Feb 27 shootdown was a short term victory and probably one of the reasons Article 370 was revoked and Pakistan may have won the battle but it lost the war in big picture.

Iran does not think this way, they have the opposite approach, they are willing to take a lot of losses and sacrifices in the short term to give the enemy the illusion of victory and false sense of security while they quietly build up over the long term. Iran let Israel do the airstrikes in Syria so that they could be distracted somewhere else while they execute the real plan.

While rest of the world was thinking that IRGC is losing people in Syria airstrikes, what they didn't notice was Hamas and Hezbollah quietly building up a huge arsenal over last 10 years right on Israel's borders.

I remember a lot of people on PDF after Soleimani assassination mocked Inteqam-e-Sakht and said Iran will never do anything. I was one of the only people on PDF who said that the true revenge for this action will come when people least expect it. 6 months went by, 1 year went by, nothing happened. People relaxed and went back to normal. Mossad decided to push their luck and see how much sabotage they could do in Iran. Israel was emboldened by small victories and the illusion of success. Then they killed Fakrizadeh, thinking surely this will have some response. Nothing happened, so they kept going deeper and deeper down this dark and dangerous path.

Then, some small protests begin in Jerusalem. Attempts were made to suppress it but those attempts ended in vain. Al Aqsa, the third holiest site of Islam, was finally raided on the 27th of Ramadan, the Night of Power. Israelis may not have known it at the time, but the fuse had now been lit and there was no going back. The stage had now been set for Iran's revenge. Many years had been building up for this moment. The land bridge from Iran to Iraq to Syria to Lebanon, decades in the making. The quiet buildup of Hamas lurking in the shadows of Gaza. Warnings from Iran not to invade Al Quds that were never heeded. Threats that were never taken seriously in the past were now about to unsheathe themselves like a sharpened knife waiting to kill. And now that moment has finally come, a moment which many doubted and few ever expected: Inteqam-e-Sakht

I can still remember when people laughed that Iran's proxies could strike Tel Aviv. I can remember when people laughed that Hamas could penetrate Iron Dome. I can remember when people laughed that a missile could make it to Dimona. I can remember when people laughed that Gaza had precision rockets. Now where are these people? They are hiding and cowering in terror. Iran's proxies have struck Tel Aviv. Hamas has penetrated Iron Dome. Missiles have made it to Dimona. Gaza now has precision rockets. This is what Inteqam-e-Sakht looks like. Life for Israel will never be the same again. Their mirage of invincibility has been shredded to dust, Tel Aviv is no longer safe and Gaza has both the will and the ability to hit back. For the first time, it is not Israel setting the new rules of engagement but Hamas. It is a reckoning unlike any other, and one that will reverberate in Israel for decades to come. Now Israel is bombing Gaza, and the revenge for this too will come when people least expect it.

Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi. Learn from Iran, this is how you take revenge.
Learn what from Iran? Do you know that collateral damage is not accepted/allowed in the deen of Masoomeen (as)? And Iran is aware of it. Hitting Israel is not an achievement, coming out alive after hitting them hard will be.
Hezbollah will not be able to remain quiet as the days go by. People were protesting that the border already
Like i said earlier if they do remain quiet till the ceasefire then they will absolutely lose respect in the eyes of the people.
as long as the Zionist guard dogs that are Mahmood Abbas and his party are present then Al Quds can never be liberated.
the so called "Palestinian authority" was aiding the Israeli forces in arresting Palestinian resistance forces.

The Israeli occupation’s announcement of the role of the Palestinian Authority’s security services in arresting the perpetrator of the Za'tara military checkpoint operation sparked widespread anger in the Palestinian street, amid calls for an end to security coordination with the occupation.
On Wednesday evening, the Israeli police announced the arrest of Montaser Shibli (44 years), who is believed to have carried out the shooting attack near the Za'tara military checkpoint, in the northern occupied West Bank, last Sunday, which resulted in the death of an Israeli and the injury of other settlers.

The Israeli occupation forces arrested members of the Shibli family, including his son Ahmed, and threatened his wife, during a raid on the family's home in Turmus Aya, Monday / Tuesday night, to kill her husband, Muntasir, if he did not turn himself in.

In statements to Palestinian media, Sanaa Al-Shibli said that, before the Israeli occupation forces stormed her house in the town of Turmus Aya, Ramallah district, members of the [Palestinian] Authority's security forces stormed her home, and interrogated her about the operation that injured three Israelis a few days ago.

She pointed out that she was expecting the occupation forces to storm her house, but elements of the authority preceded them to that, and tried to lure her into speaking, despite her lack of awareness of the matter.

She pointed out that after the security forces' investigation, the occupation forces raided the house, searched it, broke its contents, interrogated the people of the house, and arrested her son Ahmed.

In another interview, Sanaa Shibli accused the Palestinian Authority of colluding with the occupation and providing it with security information.

She pointed out that she had expelled the authority’s security forces from her home, adding: "A failed authority, which only wants to receive money and positions."

Lebanon border

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