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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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With Jordan, Lebanon border violence Israel faces 4-front conflict

Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas coordinated messaging on Quds Day on May 8, claiming Israel could be defeated in one large tactical operation.

Lebanese protesters, likely urged on by Hezbollah, tried to breach an area of a border fence in northern Israel on Friday near Metulla. In Lod Israel continued a curfew after nights of violence that had the city looking like it is suffering a civil war.

In Gaza the IDF struck another Hamas anti-tank squad, one of a half dozen such units targeted in recent days. On the Jordan border demonstrators supporting the Palestinians tried to break through the border to reach Israel and the West Bank. Israel is now facing a four-front conflict, the internal strife, Gaza, Lebanon, Jordan and possibly more violence in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

It all began in April as Ramadan began and attacks on Jews were filmed on Tik Tok. Then far-right rallies in Jerusalem and clashes and police closures of Damascus Gate led to further tensions. By early May the tensions grew more. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had to hand back his mandate to form a government and President Reuven Rivlin handed the mandate to Yair Lapid on May 4.

Four days later Israeli police battled with Palestinians in Al-Aqsa mosque. Bahrain, the UAE, Jordan and other states expressed concern about the Al-Aqsa clashes and Israeli police actions were condemned.

Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas coordinated messaging on Quds Day on May 8, claiming Israel could be defeated in one large tactical operation. Shooting incidents in the West Bank had increased and one Israeli died of his wounds. Israel beefed up forces in the West Bank.

On Monday, May 10 clashes in Jerusalem took place amid Jerusalem Day and Hamas decided to launch rockets at Jerusalem in solidarity with Sheikh Jarrah and Al-Aqsa. This was the beginning of the Hamas rocket war which saw 2,000 rockets fired in 72 hours.

By Friday a major conflict was developing on the border of Gaza. Israel carried out massive airstrikes. Israel said that “throughout the night [May 13-14], approximately 160 IDF aircraft from 12 squadrons struck over 150 underground targets in the northern Gaza Strip.

Parallel to the Air Force strikes, ground forces, artillery and armored troops deployed along the border and fired hundreds of artillery shells and dozens of tank shells against targets in the Gaza Strip.”

In Lod the mayor said Jews faced a pogrom, synagogues were attacked and the Border police were called up and redeployed to the town from the West Bank. Suddenly the war had moved to Israel’s streets.

Lynchings took place, route 65 and other major roads were closed as rioters from Rahat to Umm al-Fahm targeted traffic, Jews attacked an Arab driver in Bat Yam. In other cities from Haifa to Nazareth, Nahariya, Ramla and Jaffa there were. Clashes. Mobs roamed the streets. Police were unable to control the chaos. Israel’s media said anarchy had come to many towns and cities in Israel.

Then on May 14, as Ramadan had ended, the conflict shifted to Jordan and Lebanon. In Lebanon on May 13 a Palestinian group fired several rockets, apparently out to sea, but warning Israel. In Jordan demonstrators came to the border to try to break through.

Israel’s chilly relations with Jordan and Netanyahu’s terrible relations with the King, likely led to Jordan enabling the demonstrators. Hezbollah runs half of Lebanon and encouraged the demonstrators to target the border area. Hezbollah has long planned to attack Israeli communities and sieze them in time of war. Iran watched closely and noted that the region has now pivoted and the balance has shifted against Israel.

A week after the IRGC head Hossein Salami had predicted Israel could be beaten in one operation, it appeared his multi-front war strategy was coming true. Airlines cancelled flights to Israel. Rockets were raining down, most intercepted by Iron Dome, but Israel’s military strategists, high command and Netanyahu had no answer to the massive and increasing rocket threat.

Buried in the sand dunes and with longer ranges than in the past, Hamas was purposely targeting infrastructure, cities and Iron Dome, it said. Meanwhile it unleashed anti-tank teams along the border to threaten Israeli vehicles.

By May 13 Naftali Bennett, who had claimed he would form a government with Lapid on May 4, had thrown in the towel and said no change in government was possible. Netanyahu, in power for more than a decade, was watching the borders burn with protesters assaulting the border fences, Israeli cities in flames as mobs attacked people and border police had to be called from the West Bank, clashes in the West Bank and Gaza, and calls in the US to end military aid to Israel.

Israel’s multi-front war had exploded in its face with no strategy to confront it and years of ignoring issues, such as Jordan’s Kingdom, coming back to haunt Jerusalem.

If Hezbollah doesn't join then I'd call it a Hamas folly to escalate to this level facing a depletion of men and weaponry which would take years to rebuild--if even the little bit would be allowed next. Israelis are hellbent on allowing another Hezbollah in Gaza.
But if there is going to be lasting peace in the region, it will only come when there is justice in the region. A credible deterrence against future Israeli landgrabs and expulsions could only be established through wars. There is no going around that sad conclusion.
Indeed, frankly, lasting peace comes in the region when their are enough dead Israelis for them to come to the negotiating table
So boys how is the jihad going? Have the occupiers suffered the wrath of the pious? Erdogan Ghazi army on the way? Expected ETA? Gen Raheel Sharif leading the Islamic Army from Saudia Arabia with MBS showing his fist? Which reminds me where is that little turd Saad Rizvi who was burning Pakistan few weeks back?

Has he unleashed his TLP on the Yahoodi's?

i realy miss adolF - H........ NOW
It’s the reality you know, why come to the negotiable table when it’s a one sided punching bag, they want to brink Hamas to its knees before speaking.
Depending on how much equipment it has and how well entrenched
Indeed, frankly, lasting peace comes in the region when their are enough dead Israelis for them to come to the negotiating table

But what was Hamas thinking by launching the rockets over the Al Aqsa mosque events? Wasn't it about time Israel was ready to 'mow the grass' anyway--a routine practice. Unless Hamas has some understanding with other forces in that region for a later involvement or has a stockpile of rockets to last many months to inflict painful damage, I think Hamas has over-reached. We will find out soon enough what lies ahead.
Hezbollah and IRGC both are waiting on the election day in Iran.
If Raisi takes the seat then Israel has to sing the goodbye song. It will leave IRGC's hands open to behead this illegitimate Child of west.
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