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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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If Hezbollah doesn't join then I'd call it a Hamas folly to escalate to this level facing a depletion of men and weaponry which would take years to rebuild--if even the little bit would be allowed next. Israelis are hellbent on allowing another Hezbollah in Gaza.
But if there is going to be lasting peace in the region, it will only come when there is justice in the region. A credible deterrence against future Israeli landgrabs and expulsions could only be established through wars. There is no going around that sad conclusion.
If Hezbollah doesn't join then I'd call it a Hamas folly to escalate to this level facing a depletion of men and weaponry which would take years to rebuild--if even the little bit would be allowed next. Israelis are hellbent on allowing another Hezbollah in Gaza.
But if there is going to be lasting peace in the region, it will only come when there is justice in the region. A credible deterrence against future Israeli landgrabs and expulsions could only be established through wars. There is no going around that sad conclusion.
Hamas did not do this for fun.. it was a response to European settlers invasion of Palestinian homes and lands.
No, it was Hamas who shot many Kornets at Israeli Merkavas and failed. You are being arrogant, and that is not a good look on you.

Dude, do you not know what the Trophy system is? Please look it up before talking.

Salvo of RPG-29 with ATGMs will work against any APS on tanks.

RPG 30 is specifically designed to defeat APS.

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So boys how is the jihad going? Have the occupiers suffered the wrath of the pious? Erdogan Ghazi army on the way? Expected ETA? Gen Raheel Sharif leading the Islamic Army from Saudia Arabia with MBS showing his fist? Which reminds me where is that little turd Saad Rizvi who was burning Pakistan few weeks back?

Has he unleashed his TLP on the Yahoodi's?
Rocket alert at Hatzerim airbase in Beer Sheva

You have any family over there bro?

Of course ....
Reported for this shixt.. You are derailing the thread with off-topic irrelevant stuff stay on topic or just leave

Report him and Indus Pakistan. I'm on it as well.

I'll message mods if they don't stop. The song Hong guy is a false flagger.
Only long term solution is for all the Palestinians to leave, Hopefully the Muslim countries would regroup, and then attack Israel with 100% full force, knowing only Jews are left
Be honest. Do you approve Israeli conduct at Al Aqsa?

  • Friday, May 14, 2021
  • user.png
    Elder of Ziyon
100,000 Arabs somehow allowed into Al Aqsa by the intolerant Israelis - for an anti-Israel rally

Even during a war....

What do you think?
You are a Pakistani that supports a settler colonial state. That’s why. It’s shameful . I can understand if you were white or European but not this
I am not a Pakistani. I'm an American.
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