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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Hundreds of Jordanians march towards the borders with Palestine

Akka hotel burns. Some sources are suggesting that the prominent nuclear scientist of Israel also former head of Israeli Space program and also head of Rafael defense company is among the severly burnt victims of this fire.
@Dariush the Great :sarcastic: :sarcastic:



People might not like me for saying this but only solution to Palestine problem is war. There is no peaceful solution to it. Just like there is no peaceful solution to Kashmir problem

And that final war for Palestine should be fought by all the Sunnis of the world. It is only the sunnis who can change the situation in Palestine question and win the war

I am a sunni myself and I believe till sunnis are sleeping along with their leaders then there is no hope for Gaza or Palestinians. Till sunnis are sleeping Israel has nothing to be afraid of
People might not like me for saying this but only solution to Palestine problem is war. There is no peaceful solution to it

Israel's fall has already occured and remember what they say the pen is dry.. It has written it down and inscribed into the tablet of destiny. 15-20 years max it won't even celebrate it's 93-94 anniversary. Israel was always a temporary project this is clear to everyone and his dog...
People might not like me for saying this but only solution to Palestine problem is war. There is no peaceful solution to it. Just like there is no peaceful solution to Kashmir problem

And that final war for Palestine should be fought by all the Sunnis of the world. It is only the sunnis who can change the situation in Palestine question and win the war

I am a sunni myself and I believe till sunnis are sleeping along with their leaders then there is no hope for Gaza or Palestinians. Till sunnis are sleeping Israel has nothing to be afraid of
Kashmir is our job too. As Kashmiri saying goes, Kashmir is the little Iran.
India is too weak, history has proven it. Once king Abbas took what we now call Pakistan from Indian Kingdom with small number of troops. Kashmir is easier than what you think.


Israel propaganda video playing victims

Typical Hindutva nonsense, running with Zionist propaganda, blaming the victims when the terrorist state of Israel has chosen to inflict mass casualties on the civilian population in Gaza and in Greater Palestine in order to avenge the blows that they're receiving from the Palestinian resistance who is defending their land and people. Not sure why you're even allowed to post this hateful post in this forum.
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