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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Where is the ground invasion? Israel said 24 hours ago that they have approved it.
Hezbollah will not be able to remain quiet as the days go by. People were protesting that the border already
Like i said earlier if they do remain quiet till the ceasefire then they will absolutely lose respect in the eyes of the people.

If anything, Hezbollah is earning the trust of the Lebanese people. The Lebanese people have endured enough this year. They're not ready for a war with Israel without provocation. I have Lebanese friends and I can tell you that most Lebanese people support Hezbollah out of patriotism and because it makes Lebanon safer. If Hezbollah endangers Lebanon without justification, it will lose the support of the Lebanese people. Hezbollah is a Lebanese entity first and foremost.

However, if Israel gives Hezbollah an excuse, things can turn very quickly.
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If anything, Hezbollah is earning the trust of the Lebanese people. The Lebanese people have endured enough this year. They're not ready for a war with Israel without provocation. I have Lebanese friends and I can tell you that most Lebanese people support Israel out of patriotism and because it makes Lebanon safer. If Hezbollah endangers Lebanon without justification, it will lose the support of the Lebanese people. Hezbollah is a Lebanese entity first and foremost.

However, if Israel gives Hezbollah an excuse, things can turn very quickly.
How is it patriotic to be Lebanese and support a country that’s invaded you in the past

If anything Egypt would attack Hamas the Liebig bastards
Egyptian media: the Egyptian army: The Palestinian Red Crescent cars that transport the injured from Gaza to Egypt are military vehicles belonging to us, and any exposure to them is tantamount to a direct exposure to the Egyptian army that deserves response.

How is it patriotic to be Lebanese and support a country that’s invaded you
Remaining neutral in a war that doesn't directly affect you doesn't mean that they're supporting their enemy. Lebanon is in a disastrous situation after the Beirut explosion. People have bigger worries than jumping in a war without a reason.

P.S. I just noticed my typo. I fixed it. I meant that most Lebanese people support Hezbollah out of patriotism because they think Hezbollah has made Lebanon safer. If that picture breaks, Hezbollah will lose their supporters.

If anything, Hezbollah is earning the trust of the Lebanese people. The Lebanese people have endured enough this year. They're not ready for a war with Israel without provocation. I have Lebanese friends and I can tell you that most Lebanese people support Israel out of patriotism and because it makes Lebanon safer. If Hezbollah endangers Lebanon without justification, it will lose the support of the Lebanese people. Hezbollah is a Lebanese entity first and foremost.

However, if Israel gives Hezbollah an excuse, things can turn very quickly.
Meh.. Lebanon is already destroyed. There is no functioning economy.. no job prospects.. destroyed infrastructure etc. Besides.. the resistance is one body. It does not make sense for other members of the body to get attacked while the other just sits and watches out of fear for a few Zionist Lebanese or economic developments. Hezbollah was not founded on these ideals.
Israel must be taught a ‘lesson’, Erdogan tells Putin

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has told Russian President Vladimir Putin that the international community should “give Israel a strong and deterrent lesson” over its conduct towards the Palestinians.

Is this the same Turkey that was negotiating with Israel a few months ago to resume full relationship?

ISTANBUL - Relations between Israel and Turkey could be on the verge of a breakthrough, with a Turkish presidential adviser confirming bilateral talks and that full diplomatic relations could be restored by March.

What has this wannabe hitler done for Palestinian armed groups?
Meh.. Lebanon is already destroyed. There is no functioning economy.. no job prospects.. destroyed infrastructure etc. Besides.. the resistance is one body. It does not make sense for other members of the body to get attacked while the other just sits and watches out of fear for a few Zionist Lebanese or economic developments. Hezbollah was not founded on these ideals.
Hezbollah was founded on the idea of liberating Lebanese occupied lands and defending Lebanon against Israel. It has a combination of religious and nationalistic ideologies just like the IRGC.
And it is important that Hezbollah remains a popular movement in Lebanon.
Power knocked out Be'er Sheva

Al Intaj bank in front of Shifa hospital has been dropped by IDF

If there is secondary damage to Shifa, this will make Hamas fire for central Israel no doubt
Hezbollah and IRGC both are waiting on the election day in Iran.
If Raisi takes the seat then Israel has to sing the goodbye song. It will leave IRGC's hands open to behead this illegitimate Child of west.

That is exactly what I was thinking.
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The country of the brave martyrs could not brought to us a scambag faggot coward apostate from islam and traitor worst than that zionist human toilet Mahmoud Abbas.
He is the manifestation of apostasy and kuffr and cowardness, and when all this ends he will get back to natanyahu asking for his montly paycheck.
Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi. Learn from Iran, this is how you take revenge.

I almost got cancer reading that... What kind of farce was that bro.. Do you even re-read what you are writting. Stop the BS..

First of All KSA has better Defensive systems then Israel this much is ethblished Patriots+THAADs --> Iron dome..

You claim fighting them? But remind of where you did that? I don't like empty claims bro. show me some ground work not conspircy theory.. All the countries you mentioned have better long term stragtegic plans and more capable technologically advanced.

Honestly. Israel won't dare to strike these countries, their leaders or troops. You failed at the deterence level thinking it is tactical long term planning by having your red-line crossed and then you come here online claiming you are the only one doing something against them.. Pakistan almost started a nuclear war not long ago because it's red line was crossed.. The same with Turkey.. But not you.. This also sends wrong signals to others. You have to see yourself also in the mirror and realize replying and hitting them direct is a debt owe to Iran.. I didn't even wanna bring this topic again.. But stop the delulu
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