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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Where is the ground invasion? Israel said 24 hours ago that they have approved it.
This was all a massive psyop by Israel, Israel took around 50 tanks and AFVs and made a lot of noise as if they're invading Gaza, both the Israeli citizens and Hamas bought into it, Hamas ordered its soldiers to enter a tunnel system to make ambushes against the Israeli tanks and Israel was watching all of that, Israel had 160 jets in the air at the time and drones watching the tunnel openings and once enough terrorists got inside those tunnels, Israeli jets dropped 450 ground-penetrating bombs within 30 minutes into those tunnel systems and killed hundreds of Hamas members and gunned down with helicopters, artillery, drones and special forces any Hamas snipers and ATGM units.

Truly a genius plan.
he did, he's done more for Gaza than you've done for Kashmir.
I have never claimed I am a pious, allah loving jihadi and believer in ummah chumma. My believe that the state of Pakistan should be supported and through it the solution is the political, military and economic leverage impress of Pakistan be used to the maximum. In that regard I have always here and other forum show total support to the nation state of Pakistan which I place before religion and other Muslims. To my thinking a Hindu Pakistani comes before the 1.4 billion Muslims of the world.

They call that nationalism as opposed to religion as the driver. With that in mind at every turnm when I get a chance I will try to support the Pakistani state. When I buy a product I will try to buy Pakistani. I have invested in Pakistan. I opened a foreign currency account in Pakistan which helps with the countries reserves.

So there is nothing you will find that contradicts my action with what I believe. It's all you pious Islamic jihad blah blah types who need to introspect between your bullshat and what you practice.

To me those Palestinians are victims. Just like million other victms across the globe. But to you guys their your brothers or to the extent of your feigned piety, prayers and coc tears cuz you guys arr gonna do jack sh*te about it.
Are you fuking kidding? Hamas ravished all cities in Isreal and people live in shelters.. It is dooms day level and how many impact did we see to many.. There is no comparison
That's because Israel is tiny and has no strategic depth. Read what I wrote again. Hamas is saturating the Iron Dome with cheap rockets that can be produced in thousands, even under a blockade. And Israel is small enough that those rockets can hit almost all of the Israeli territory. This tactic won't work against large enemies like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Syria, etc.
This was all a massive psyop by Israel, Israel took around 50 tanks and AFVs and made a lot of noise as if they're invading Gaza, both the Israeli citizens and Hamas bought into it, Hamas ordered its soldiers to enter a tunnel system to make ambushes against the Israeli tanks and Israel was watching all of that, Israel had 160 jets in the air at the time and drones watching the tunnel openings and once enough terrorists got inside those tunnels, Israeli jets dropped 450 ground-penetrating bombs within 30 minutes into those tunnel systems and killed hundreds of Hamas members and gunned down with helicopters, artillery, drones and special forces any Hamas snipers and ATGM units.

Truly a genius plan.
A Palestinian member on this form quickly pointed out that no ground invasion commenced when the IDF said their would be. But okay. Hamas is very well aware of Jewish tricks.
This was all a massive psyop by Israel, Israel took around 50 tanks and AFVs and made a lot of noise as if they're invading Gaza, both the Israeli citizens and Hamas bought into it, Hamas ordered its soldiers to enter a tunnel system to make ambushes against the Israeli tanks and Israel was watching all of that, Israel had 160 jets in the air at the time and drones watching the tunnel openings and once enough terrorists got inside those tunnels, Israeli jets dropped 450 ground-penetrating bombs within 30 minutes into those tunnel systems and killed hundreds of Hamas members and gunned down with helicopters, artillery, drones and special forces any Hamas snipers and ATGM units.

Truly a genius plan.

Hundreds? I'm gonna call bullshit on that.
This was all a massive psyop by Israel, Israel took around 50 tanks and AFVs and made a lot of noise as if they're invading Gaza, both the Israeli citizens and Hamas bought into it, Hamas ordered its soldiers to enter a tunnel system to make ambushes against the Israeli tanks and Israel was watching all of that, Israel had 160 jets in the air at the time and drones watching the tunnel openings and once enough terrorists got inside those tunnels, Israeli jets dropped 450 ground-penetrating bombs within 30 minutes into those tunnel systems and killed hundreds of Hamas members and gunned down with helicopters, artillery, drones and special forces any Hamas snipers and ATGM units.

Truly a genius plan.
A truly genius way of proving that you chickened and you can't handle even a small militia.
(insert chicken sound here)
This was all a massive psyop by Israel, Israel took around 50 tanks and AFVs and made a lot of noise as if they're invading Gaza, both the Israeli citizens and Hamas bought into it, Hamas ordered its soldiers to enter a tunnel system to make ambushes against the Israeli tanks and Israel was watching all of that, Israel had 160 jets in the air at the time and drones watching the tunnel openings and once enough terrorists got inside those tunnels, Israeli jets dropped 450 ground-penetrating bombs within 30 minutes into those tunnel systems and killed hundreds of Hamas members and gunned down with helicopters, artillery, drones and special forces any Hamas snipers and ATGM units.

Truly a genius plan.
Any reference link to this information will be useful.
This was all a massive psyop by Israel, Israel took around 50 tanks and AFVs and made a lot of noise as if they're invading Gaza, both the Israeli citizens and Hamas bought into it, Hamas ordered its soldiers to enter a tunnel system to make ambushes against the Israeli tanks and Israel was watching all of that, Israel had 160 jets in the air at the time and drones watching the tunnel openings and once enough terrorists got inside those tunnels, Israeli jets dropped 450 ground-penetrating bombs within 30 minutes into those tunnel systems and killed hundreds of Hamas members and gunned down with helicopters, artillery, drones and special forces any Hamas snipers and ATGM units.

Truly a genius plan.
Dude crawl back into your shelter. Your super duper army can not handle a few Palestinian homemade rockets. No one believed an invasion was imminent.. only intellectual disabled people.
A Palestinian member on this form quickly pointed out that no ground invasion commenced when the IDF said their would be. But okay. Hamas is very well aware of Jewish tricks.
There's either going to be an invasion, or there won't be an invasion. Even if a Palestinian guessed there won't be, there's only two options to guess. Hamas thought we were entering, now you have hundreds of Hamas members dead underground.
This was all a massive psyop by Israel, Israel took around 50 tanks and AFVs and made a lot of noise as if they're invading Gaza, both the Israeli citizens and Hamas bought into it, Hamas ordered its soldiers to enter a tunnel system to make ambushes against the Israeli tanks and Israel was watching all of that, Israel had 160 jets in the air at the time and drones watching the tunnel openings and once enough terrorists got inside those tunnels, Israeli jets dropped 450 ground-penetrating bombs within 30 minutes into those tunnel systems and killed hundreds of Hamas members and gunned down with helicopters, artillery, drones and special forces any Hamas snipers and ATGM units.

Truly a genius plan.
godforbid if I was a zionist pig i would celebrate this "Feel good news" if zionist swines finally manage to end Hamas! but no zionist turds are still shitting their pants!
That's because Israel is tiny and has no strategic depth. Read what I wrote again. Hamas is saturating the Iron Dome with cheap rockets that can be produced in thousands, even under a blockade. And Israel is small enough that those rockets can hit almost all of the Israeli territory. This tactic won't work against large enemies like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Syria, etc.

But you said at the below something that doesn't give anything remotely close to the reality tho.. Their cities got ravished, vital interesting points hit. Main while life is normal in the other country and always has been even bordering cities because it has 2 things going for it vast country and better defensive systems then the Iron dome
To be honest
One thing I want to salute here and acknowledge. Whether we like them or not the Iranian mullah regime is the only state that actually will do something against Israel. There is no question or doubt about this. Only the crazed, drugged sectarian zombies will deny this. Other than that we all know Pakistan, Turkey, UAE, Saudia Arabaia and all the rest will condemn, flail their arms, issue statements, talk, have meetings but will not do anything on the practical level. The only country mad enough to do that will be Iran. And in doing so it is crazy. Because only a crazy country would do this as it will be sanctioned, threatened, isolated, vilified, castrated, demonized. Wait a minute Iran is.

That explains why Iran is the favourite target of hate by Israel and the West. You guys will pay big time for this but I guess you already know that.
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