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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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I'm a private, I'm not qualified to fight anyone yet. It's Friday and I got home for the weekend.

Good to know

Bro, these are not sources, they take what the IDF claims and repeat them. These news orgs. Have no on the ground research capability right now to prove it. This is what you call psy ops.
Time will tell if it is true

Western media reporting on Gaza is atrocious, I was reading some of it this morning for comedy purposes and it was even worse than I thought
Do you have any info on what exactly they hit on Hatzerim/Nevatim airbase and Ben Gurion/Ramon airport? Was it runway hit or infrastructure hit?

There were no impacts reported by Israeli media in Ben Gurion airport, but they closed the airport to incoming flights. There could have been some impacts on the runways. It is economic damage and the point is to end activity at the airport. The military airbase in Beer Sheva was most certainly hit and damaged but IDF has policy to not discuss anything related to sensitive military installations. Hamas fired a lot of rockets towards it. They could probably repair things quickly , but it is still a hit.
One Lebanese protestor has died of his wounds after being hit with Israeli gunfire earlier in the morning at the border demonstration.

Israeli soldier injured in yesterday's anti-tank missile strike has succumbed to his wounds. Making it two Israeli soldiers taken out during the hit and raising Israeli death toll to 9.

One of the Israeli APC's has been hit my mortar fire from Gaza, damage reported but no casualties.

Israeli airstrikes continue on homes all over Gaza.
Iran embraced retardness. Look at the state of the country. With all the oil/gas wealth Iran could have been the South Korea of West Asia.

South Korea will implode tonight if US decided to slap some sanctions on them.

Iran has the most sanctions on them of any country in the world and while economic situation is not perfect, it is better than many countries in the region but they are still a sovereign nation. Can't say that about South Korea or Saudia.
Promoting ethnic cleansing
To any non-muslim and to a Hindu especially, this op and comments are an eye opener in terms of hypocracy of Muslims.

Hindus needs to show same passion in India as shown my Muslims here and get rid of all Mosques from the Ancient Hindu Lands.

godforbid if Muslims did the same Cnn,bbc,dws etc would fill the rivers with their tears and end the droughts!

if this is not a wake up call for Muslim world i dont know what is and if we dont unite now we deserve to become jews slave!
Our Prophet Muhammad alai salam said that nations will descent upon us as one goes to a feast. This is what we're seeing
So now, Israel is almost at war on 5 fronts ?

- Gaza
- Riots in Israel proper
- Riots in West Bank
- Masses of Jordanians marching, gunfire with Jordan
- Masses of people from Lebanon marching, Hezbollah preparing
Not just worse than hamas. But worse than the entire Arab states and militias combined...
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