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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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toilet cleaning jobs in jeopardy for them

They’ve been given the contract to keep the toilets of the emirates and Israelis clean .
They are partners in Genocide and help and advise each how to perfect the crimes against humanity.
Breaking: Another Palestinian martyred in the West Bank(Hebron), raising West Bank death toll to 8 today.

Breaking: Israeli settlers open fire on Palestinian residents in Shiekh Jarrah

Israeli airstrikes targeting homes in Khan Yunis.
Message for fellow members:

1. Do not insult each other. Learn to respect difference of opinion (and evidence). If an argument is not getting anywhere, leave it be. Put those emoticons to good use if necessary. Political criticism is acceptable. Tag Mods if (or when) things gets out of hand.

2. Do not make off-topic posts. This is/was one of the bigger issues of this thread. Flow of discussion should remain on track.


You have my utmost respect for keeping your posts professional, to-the-point and factual in this thread. My prayers for SAFETY of your loved-ones in Palestine as well.
Do you know what’s even odder? The inability to accept what zionists are doing is pure evil...
Yadda, yadda.
And consistent with my belief in self interest I am glad Pakistan will adopt a pragmatic, self interest driven policy designed to massage the masses but not do anything that might entail a reaction -
"Massaging" as in keeping the masses in thrall by hyping race- and sectarian hatred, rather than encouraging peace and brotherhood.

Well, the Emiratis and others tried that for a few generations and decided to abandon it. It was holding their countries back. Pakistan could choose to do the same. Nobody is forcing Pakistan to hate Israel or perceive "what zionists are doing is pure evil" other than Pakistanis themselves, right? Have you thought of how much Pakistan could regain and advance if it embraced Israel? Not tomorrow, but today? Even during the current conflict?
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i want to thanks many non Muslim specially Jews who came out to support the PALESTINE



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