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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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I don't think speech will be related to ceasefire, Israeli's are still striking, asking people to evacuate multiple homes and from some police stations.

There are airstrikes, naval shelling, and artillery shelling all occurring right now .

I'd be very surprised if they call for some sort of Jihad or military aid/intervention.
Please post it, I can't believe MSM will criticise the Jewish lobby.
The english version videos are embedded and require subscription to that web site to open, but found the desi version below:
If that is how it would go then today is 3rd day (time from attack on Masjid Al Aqsa). If it is taken from first strike then its only day 2. Things moving in direction that in 3 days Gaza will be destroyed completely. $th day the Muslims would finally decide to avenge.

Before all this there is supposedly Ghazwa e hind and Imam Mehdi not to mention once Tul Dajjal comes then 7 days or 7 years till end of time.
Only Allah knows best.

In Hadith it's like this 1st day Muslims of Shaam and jews will fight, None will win, All or almost all of the fighting Muslims will get Shahada. 2nd day it will be the same, Muslims will fight jews, No one will win, all or almost all the fighting Muslims will get Shahada. 3rd day will be the same as well, Muslims vs jews, No one will win and all or almost all the fighting Muslims will get Shahada. On 4th Day Muslims will have Some sort Victory but this will make them (Jews and their Allies) unleash the full force.

I think Ghazwa e Hind will be after the start of Al-Malhama Al-Kubra. In Ghazwa e Hind at first round of battle great numbers of Muslims will get Shadah and there will deaths on large scale. At start Muslims will seem to be loosing but after the first round and large scale deaths, the remaining Muslims will fight and over come the Kuffars and will Win. Simultaneously Imam Mehdi will be chosen as the leader after the start of War and This Army who have won the Ghazwa e Hind will meet up with Imam Mehdi. Hazrat Eesa ibn Maryam will be part of the Army kf Imam Mehdi as well.

Be Cautioued: That's all, a bit of my knowledge. I don't claim to know all the things or claim to be an Alim. Please see towards the authorities of Islam regarding this and have Sabar.

But we should ask for Panah of ALLAH PAK from the Fitnah Tul Dajjal.
Please recite Surrah Kahaf and Dua of Prophet (SAAW).
Biden says he spoke with Netanyahu, affirmed Israel's right to defend itself, and hopes this ends as soon as possible.

I'd be very surprised if they call for some sort of Jihad or military aid/intervention.

I wouldn't mind it tbh .... My initial impression was that they would say they did their part for Jerusalem and will intervene again if Jerusalem is attacked and leave the ball in Israel's court ....
Biden says he spoke with Netanyahu, affirmed Israel's right to defend itself, and hopes this ends as soon as possible.

I wouldn't mind it tbh .... My initial impression was that they would say they did their part for Jerusalem and will intervene again if Jerusalem is attacked and leave the ball in Israel's court ....
That sounds like the most probable course of action.
Then let the Quran and Sunnah (and seerat) guide me as they have so far and may it do the same for you.
My are Prayers are with you my Brother and for all the Muslims of this world as well.
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Biden says he spoke with Netanyahu, affirmed Israel's right to defend itself, and hopes this ends as soon as possible.

I wouldn't mind it tbh .... My initial impression was that they would say they did their part for Jerusalem and will intervene again if Jerusalem is attacked and leave the ball in Israel's court ....
Israel doesn't seems to be in mood of accepting peace. Maybe they want to go in for final kill and end hamas for once and for all
Israel's are bombing roads/streets(they are literally firing missiles at various roads), is there any military reason for this? It seems like delegations in Gaza are pressuring Hamas to accept submission while allowing Israel to severely escalate before midnight.
Zionists Jews and Zionists Christians want these wars. But the world will not label these as religious wars. It has always been and will be until the end.
Yeah there is no ceasefire, they are doing dozens of air strikes and artillery strikes. A home was just struck in central Gaza and injuries are reported.

Another home in Gaza city struck, injuries reported as well.
Call for intervention will fall on dead ears because most Muslim leaders are begherats of highest order
Hamas wont call for intervention of puppet weak incompetent ARab National leaders- Hamas will call on Houthis and Iraqi PMU if and when things get too bad in Gaza...i dont believe Israel can secure a real win here..they will lose eventually...actually they already lost, hence why they've gone bezerk.
Please post it, I can't believe MSM will criticise the Jewish lobby.

It takes a Jew himself to criticize Israel in America and still able to survive. Here is one. What Beinart is describing is plain and simple ethnic-cleansing. And yet there are the shameful apologists for this Apartheid regime. Well, at least the PDF Indians have learned from the past to not cheer Israel on PDF this time; they were quite happy when the Turkish Flotilla was attacked by Israel some years ago.

" The Nakba, or “catastrophe” in Arabic, need not refer only to the more than 700,000 Palestinians who were expelled or fled in terror during Israel’s founding. It can also evoke the many expulsions that have occurred since: the about 300,000 Palestinians whom Israel displaced when it conquered the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967; the roughly 250,000 Palestinians who could not return to the West Bank and Gaza after Israel revoked their residency rights between 1967 and 1994; the hundreds of Palestinians whose homes Israel demolished in 2020 alone. The East Jerusalem evictions are so combustible because they continue a pattern of expulsion that is as old as Israel itself. "
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