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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Yes Yes okay. Whatever rocks your boat. Back to the question i asked you. Does it ever cross your mind, being the emotional person you are for the Ummah, WHY doesnt might pakistan do anything ?

To some Pakistanis and Iranians on these boards , its NEVER their fault. ;) always others .... also, weak excuse for mighty nations of 300 million+ people, eh ?

Your question reminds of the story of the king who wanted to bathe in milk and citizens in his kingdom were asked to contribute a jug of milk. When the king came for his bath the whole pool was full of water. Everyone thought if they put water in the jar then a little water in the pool of milk would make no difference. This same story applies to you Arabs and Palestine: "If I don't do something then I am sure someone else will".

If KSA want to be the rulers of Mecca then they must follow the ways of the Quran and our Prophet (PBUH) if not then they must give way to others who will.
Your question reminds of the story of the king who wanted to bathe in milk and citizens in his kingdom were asked to contribute a jug of milk. When the king came for his bath the whole pool was full of water. Everyone thought if they put water in the jar then a little water in the milk would make no difference. This same story applies to you Arabs and Palestine: "If I don't do something then I am sure someone else will".

If KSA want to be the rulers of Mecca then they must follow the ways of the Quran and our Prophet (PBUH) if not then they must give way to others who will.

so, do you ever ask yourself this question ? "why isnt my mighty pakistan doing anything for palestine and al quds ?"
To some Pakistanis and Iranians on these boards , its NEVER their fault. ;) always others .... also, weak excuse for mighty nations of 300 million+ people, eh ?

On a micro level, the state of the muslim world is due the fault of all of Muslims. We go far from Islam and so our enemies overpower us.

However you can't really expect Pakistan to do much as a state. We face already face a 1.4billion nation on one border, on the other border we have an afghan state who is openly hostile and a sectarian shia state who is bent on killing sunnis from pakistan to syrian. Our hands are pretty full.

The ayotollahs just chat rubbish about being anti-israel but most of their victims are just sunnis. So no surprise from them.

You arabs get more of a blame though. This is in your back yard. The man in your profile picture warmed up to Israel and has caused a lot of evil in the Muslim world. He even helped Assad. Yet you still have him in your picture. How can you even claim to care about Palestinians on this thread when you follow a guy who betrays the Palestinians and other Muslims? There's no point talking about aiding palestinians when you stab them in the back repeatedly.
These arab monarchists and dictators are the reason that other cant help the palestinians . I mean what can others do when the countries bordering palestine are actively pro israel and tell other regional muslim powers to not interfere in arab affairs while at the same time they pressure the palestinians and blockade those poor souls... the biggest cucks are the egyption dictator and that Jordan King.

Okay, but why doesnt pakistan just do something ? is it out of fear from Egypt and Jordan ? is it out of respect for the Ummah which Egypt and jordan are part of ? what is it ?
Yes bro I am a yahoodi agent paid by BJP Hindus, how did you know?

Everything bad said about ayotollah saab is cia, mi6, mossad, lizardmen supported. I can't believe you figured it out. Next you'll figure out that all the war crimes committed by ayotollahs are made with hollywood cameras and the pakistani and afghani terrorist who go fight for ayotollahs to kill syrians are just paid actors. With bright minds like yours, I'm sure the ummah is in safe hands.

Yes, typical response to mock as conspiracy theorist or as a nut. I have had this response from Yahuuds and their supporters most of my life and can smell a rat from their words.
so, do you ever ask yourself this question ? "why isnt my mighty pakistan doing anything for palestine and al quds ?"

how about seeing that Pakistan has its hands full dealing with india to save Kashmir. but still we are trying to do something for Palestine. still trying to organise the OIC countries better so we can make a better stand. remember the Malaysia Summit that was sabotaged by Saudi and UAE? not to mention all the Pakistan soldiers in the GCC keeping sh*ts like you safe.

wtf have UAE done? nothing for Kashmir. nothing for Palestine. nothing for Syria.

yet you sit there and kiss your country and leaders a*s 24/7.

Do you have such discourse in Pakistan where someone can say they think the palestinians are acting foolishly by storing rocks in Al Aqsa?

Why should we?
Because all I see here are robots on repeat. The same short sentences about Zionists this and that. No independent thought processes.

You're the one who wants us acting like an NPC here, trying to get us to riot cops armed to the teeth because some kids threw rocks.
reasons why Arabs cannot help palestine

because the Gulf Arabs are dayyouth, especially you. sold the deen for a pretty penny.

Shiekh mohammed bin zayed is a great man and history will show what he has done for the ummah and palestine.


this is the only thing that sums up the bullshit you wrote. yeah, he is going to be listed next to Salahuddin, and you will be right next to him.
Yes, typical response to mock as conspiracy theorist or as a nut. I have had this response from Yahuuds and their supporters most of my life and can smell a rat from their words.

Yes bro it is indeed a typical response. Our yahoodi handlers train us all in the same way so we reply to your accusations in the same way.

On a more serious note - if you don't want to be mocked as a conspiracy theorist then perhaps don't randomly accuse someone of being a "hindjew" just because they disagree with you.
Okay, but why doesnt pakistan just do something ? is it out of fear from Egypt and Jordan ? is it out of respect for the Ummah which Egypt and jordan are part of ? what is it ?
What can america do in Afghanistan without our help? Nothing ..when dictators and kingdom lovers get some honour then give the call for action..inshAllah pakistanis will be in the first row that Day...our thinking is not limited to our kings or dictators ..we are loyal to our religioun only .
how about seeing that Pakistan has its hands full dealing with india to save Kashmir. but still we are trying to do something for Palestine. still trying to organise the OIC countries better so we can make a better stand. remember the Malaysia Summit that was sabotaged by Saudi and UAE? not to mention all the Pakistan soldiers in the GCC keeping sh*ts like you safe.

wtf have UAE done? nothing for Kashmir. nothing for Palestine. nothing for Syria.

yet you sit there and kiss your country and leaders a*s 24/7.


I am prospering in my own country Al hamdulelah. I am being treated by my government according to the teachings of islam and i try my best to live my life according to islamic teachings.

where are you bro ? Bahrain ?

this is not me trying to diss pakistan at every oppurtunity. It is very unfair and unethical of you to accuse the UAE of being a failed state and not a good gov. to its people with its absolutely not true. What makes it worse is where you come from and how matters are a shit show over in pakistan.
I am prospering in my own country Al hamdulelah. I am being treated by my government according to the teachings of islam and i try my best to live my life according to islamic teachings.

yeah. Islam teaches to make friends with israel and applaud actions of leaders that backstab the ummah 24/7. yeah, cool. big reward waiting for you in jannah ya dayyouth.

this is not me trying to diss pakistan at every oppurtunity. It is very unfair and unethical of you to accuse the UAE of being a failed state and not a good gov.

stand up for your religion you shameless dog. or is your religion nothing but money?
What can america do in Afghanistan without our help? Nothing ..when dictators and kingdom lovers get some honour then give the call for action..inshAllah pakistanis will be in the first row that Day...our thinking is not limited to our kings or dictators ..we are loyal to our religioun only .

Is that not pakistan helping kufar (US) againts muslims (afghanis) though ?

Also, as a muslim i want to be in heaven and see all my brothers and sisters of islam there too. However, what is this talk about pakistanis being Allahs chosen people with places booked in the first row come from ? :P I love the emotions of pakistanis. Very genuine and innocent. Lovely mashallah
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