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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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You do realize pressure is only applied if you have force to back it up. None in the Arab world has that you've been applying this for last 70+ years no one in US/EU even cared. What Trump did was already well understood in the State Department they always believed Jerusalem to be Israeli Capital (I have friends in the State Department who attested to it), they feared a strong reaction, Trump took the risk and said it loudly and lo and behold nothing happened. The other issue you have all your Eggs in US/EU basket your stuck and can't' do anything.

Not only did they fear a strong reaction, they never officially announced it just to appeal to their base that they kept their campaign promise, and that's what Trump did which gave Netanyahu the green light for this. Look at all the embassies that shifted to Jerusalem almost immediately after that terrible announcement.

Most US presidents would say they believed and even supported all of Jerusalem to be Israel's capital only during their campaign runs. It was an election strategy to appease the strong and powerful Jewish contingency here in the United States to earn their votes. BUT, they NEVER followed through with it once elected because they were smart enough and surrounded themselves with the best advisors whom told these newly elected presidents that it's not a good idea and that Jerusalem should remain the way it is until a two-state solution is created because that city is a huge part of creating a two-state solution or it would create either a 3rd intifada or some form of violence and here we are. So the US is ultimately responsible.

There are ways to put pressure on both the US and the EU but getting an entire batch of Muslim & even non-Muslim nations to form a true alliance that can put enough pressure economically and diplomatically on those two entities is a practical impossibility as there is too much infighting already between us. But that's the diplomatic solution or, Turkey, Egypt, Saudiya, the UAE, Jordan, Pakistan, Sudan, Algeria, all unite in a coalition and bomb the daylights out of Israel's military and suffer the huge consequences. Anything else will only exacerbate the current situation or make it worst.
There is no difference between Palestine, Yemen, Bahrain Kashmir, etc except one, Palestine being frontline of Islam against the strongest enemy (USA) makes it gain the place of top priority. Hence changing Palestine's position among Muslims' priorities is a treason to Islam and its principles. It is a treason to destabilize Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan etc. It was a treason to make fitna among Muslims, but unfortunately an specific group belonging to a tyrant monarchy is dividing Muslims by their race, sect and nationality.

Yes bro the ayotollahs will pay for helping destabilize syria, yemen, afghanistan & Pakistan. They help Assad kill Muslims, they help the americans invade both iraq and afghanistan, they encouraged the houthis to start a war in yemen and they recruit terrorist militias in Pakistan and train them to assassinate scholars in Pakistan. It's not a monarchy though but you right about the other things.

When Salahuddin retook Jerusalem, he took out the fatamids beforehand. Likewise the Muslims today must take out the ayotollahs beforehand because they keep attacking Muslims in the back. We have got plenty of tyrant rulers but insha'Allah they will be gone too when the average Muslim betters himself.
Yes bro the ayotollahs will pay for helping destabilize syria, yemen, afghanistan & Pakistan. They help Assad kill Muslims, they help the americans invade both iraq and afghanistan, they encouraged the houthis to start a war in yemen and they recruit terrorist militias in Pakistan and train them to assassinate scholars in Pakistan. It's not a monarchy though but you right about the other things.

When Salahuddin retook Jerusalem, he took out the fatamids beforehand. Likewise the Muslims today must take out the ayotollahs beforehand because they keep attacking Muslims in the back.
Its not that hard to invert the Truth.

Iran didn't arm Wahabi fanatics in those countries who blow their filthy body among innocent Syrians and Iraqis. The only goal of these Saudi supported suicidal savages is destabilizing the Muslim world. Its the most successful way to divert the attentions from Palestine and the Jewish problem in west Asia.

Moreover Assad's policemen, Army backbone all the security related orgs are consisting of Sunni people. What you say is the Saudi repeated BS over and over again.

If you mean that Iran has been on defensive mode against these Wahabi fanatics, i must say that you are right. When they pick a fight against us, we will respond.

Yemen-Saudi conflict dates back to tens of years ago which in nature has had nothing to do with Iran. Sauds won't tell the people that loyal sunnis of Yemen are helping Houthis and the Army of Yemen under the Banner of Ansraullah to overcome British planted monarchy in the Islamic world.

What you said, killing scientists and other accusations is a wahabi/Jewish tradition. It backfires to accuse someone else of something that you have been doing for years.
Salahuddin was a kurd from Persian origins. Don't forget that you are proud of a Persian individual.
Yes bro the ayotollahs will pay for helping destabilize syria, yemen, afghanistan & Pakistan. They help Assad kill Muslims, they help the americans invade both iraq and afghanistan, they encouraged the houthis to start a war in yemen and they recruit terrorist militias in Pakistan and train them to assassinate scholars in Pakistan. It's not a monarchy though but you right about the other things.

When Salahuddin retook Jerusalem, he took out the fatamids beforehand. Likewise the Muslims today must take out the ayotollahs beforehand because they keep attacking Muslims in the back. We have got plenty of tyrant rulers but insha'Allah they will be gone too when the average Muslim betters himself.
The Arab states kill and Iran is accused of destabilizing role…That’s Arabs for you..Palestinians are fighting alone to preserve Al Qods…and all the Arabs are on their4 legs waiting for their actions to be adulated by the West and Israel..Poor Arabs..the lifeless wonders!
There was a time when Muslim armies would be ready to march and raise capitals to the ground for Quds. Today they have left it all alone for the infidels to loot and plunder. What a fall from grace!
The Arab states kill and Iran is accused of destabilizing role…That’s Arabs for you..Palestinians are fighting alone to preserve Al Qods…and all the Arabs are on their4 legs waiting for their actions to be adulated by the West and Israel..Poor Arabs..the lifeless wonders!

This is not a good opinion because the reality is that 1) gulf arab rulers of Saudi & Uae are tyrants and 2) Iran has called massive chaos and helped kill 100,000s of Muslims. Bin Salman and Bin Zayed are enemies of Muslims but so is ayotollah khamenei. The case is not that just iran is bad or that just gulf arab leaders are bad.

The Iranian above was deluded and trying to blame everything on somebody else (unsurprisingly his political opponents) so I thought a little bit of truth was necessary.
The Apartheid Israeli Ethnic cleansing of native Palestinians in Palestine, still no action by cowardly Arabs:-

thats it? what about doing what you can for the ummah, instead of kissing the a*s of leaders that do nothing but backstab the ummah?

The UAE does plenty for the Ummah Al hamdulelah. So does KSA. Actions speak louder than words and its actions are well documented and readily available on the web. It is funny that due to a few political steps taken by the UAE you choose to ignore all the good the UAE has done for the ummah , starting with Pakistan and still is.
The Apartheid Israeli Ethnic cleansing of native Palestinians in Palestine, still no action by cowardly Arabs:-

Right. So much emotions here. Does it sometimes cross your mind "why doesnt pakistan do anything ?"
Yes bro the ayotollahs will pay for helping destabilize syria, yemen, afghanistan & Pakistan. They help Assad kill Muslims, they help the americans invade both iraq and afghanistan, they encouraged the houthis to start a war in yemen and they recruit terrorist militias in Pakistan and train them to assassinate scholars in Pakistan. It's not a monarchy though but you right about the other things.

When Salahuddin retook Jerusalem, he took out the fatamids beforehand. Likewise the Muslims today must take out the ayotollahs beforehand because they keep attacking Muslims in the back. We have got plenty of tyrant rulers but insha'Allah they will be gone too when the average Muslim betters himself.

Thanks for your hindjew appraisal. Syria was fermented by CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD. The leaders of the Syrian opposition al-Nusra Front are on the payroll of these agencies and quietly melted away after leading Syria into a deadly civil war. We knew Syria was going to be a target because it is a front line state against Israel and we know who the rebels were armed and trained by and who financed them. The enemies of Islam have been fermenting sectarian and social media strife through agents like you but no matter how hard you try the outcomes will be the same victories for Muslims no matter how many are murdered. Just like the South African apartheid the Israeli apartheid days are numbered. 10 Million Jews are nothing compared to 10000 real Muslims no matter how many trillions you put into your arms industries and wars.
The UAE does plenty for the Ummah Al hamdulelah. So does KSA. Actions speak louder than words and its actions are well documented and readily available on the web. It is funny that due to a few political steps taken by the UAE you choose to ignore all the good the UAE has done for the ummah , starting with Pakistan and still is.

Right. So much emotions here. Does it sometimes cross your mind "why doesnt pakistan do anything ?"

Whatever actions UAE/KSA take are insignificant and waste of time and resources because the results are the same.
Right. So much emotions here. Does it sometimes cross your mind "why doesnt pakistan do anything ?"
What can Pakistan do after all, when you have that custodian of Qods guarding Israel against Muslims? Jordan is the very reason why residents of west bank are still unarmed.
Whatever actions UAE/KSA take are insignificant and waste of time and resources because the results are the same.

Yes Yes okay. Whatever rocks your boat. Back to the question i asked you. Does it ever cross your mind, being the emotional person you are for the Ummah, WHY doesnt might pakistan do anything ?
What can Pakistan do after all, when you have that custodian of Qods guarding Israel against Muslims? Jordan is the very reason why residents of west bank are still unarmed.

To some Pakistanis and Iranians on these boards , its NEVER their fault. ;) always others .... also, weak excuse for mighty nations of 300 million+ people, eh ?
The UAE does plenty for the Ummah


oh yeah? like what?

WHY doesnt might pakistan do anything ?

we are. its not UAE that fights for Kashmir. we are constantly raising our voice for Kashmir and Palestine, trying to help Turkey organise the few Muslim countries willing to become a more cohesive group that can take actions to defend the Ummah. what does UAE do?
Thanks for your hindjew appraisal. Syria was fermented by CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD. The leaders of the Syrian opposition al-Nusra Front are on the payroll of these agencies and quietly melted away after leading Syria into a deadly civil war. We knew Syria was going to be a target because it is a front line state against Israel and we know who the rebels were armed and trained by and who financed them. The enemies of Islam have been fermenting sectarian and social media strife through agents like you but no matter how hard you try the outcomes will be the same victories for Muslims no matter how many are murdered. Just like the South African apartheid the Israeli apartheid days are numbered. 10 Million Jews are nothing compared to 10000 real Muslims no matter how many trillions you put into your arms industries and wars.

Whatever actions UAE/KSA take are insignificant and waste of time and resources because the results are the same.

Yes bro I am a yahoodi agent paid by BJP Hindus, how did you know?

Everything bad said about ayotollah saab is cia, mi6, mossad, lizardmen supported. I can't believe you figured it out. Next you'll figure out that all the war crimes committed by ayotollahs are made with hollywood cameras and the pakistani and afghani terrorist who go fight for ayotollahs to kill syrians are just paid actors. With bright minds like yours, I'm sure the ummah is in safe hands.
What can Pakistan do after all, when you have that custodian of Qods guarding Israel against Muslims? Jordan is the very reason why residents of west bank are still unarmed.
These arab monarchists and dictators are the reason that other cant help the palestinians . I mean what can others do when the countries bordering palestine are actively pro israel and tell other regional muslim powers to not interfere in arab affairs while at the same time they pressure the palestinians and blockade those poor souls... the biggest cucks are the egyption dictator and that Jordan King.
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