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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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There was a time when Muslim armies would be ready to march and raise capitals to the ground for Quds. Today they have left it all alone for the infidels to loot and plunder. What a fall from grace!

Those Muslim armies and nations had worked every moment to be in a position to do so. They did not constitute the worlds most corrupt, self-serving, and impotent loudmouths.
What are these pictures supposed to prove? is it just cheap propaganda you're trying to create here? I can post riots from dozens of countries including Pakistan. It proves nothing. It doesn't prove who the aggressor is, it doesn't tell us anything about what's going on.

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Also I like how this picture slipped in. The Israelis are so bad, that a Muslim woman in the middle of a riot can go up to an Israeli policeman and physically touch him. You better edit that one out quickly :laugh:
Do moroccans lately like to lick israelis feet? here u can come to Egypt i will take u to sinai where u can lick an israeli feet.
Do moroccans lately like to lick israelis feet? here u can come to Egypt i will take u to sinai where u can lick an israeli feet.
I, unlike you, deal in facts.

If Israel is to blame for something, I will blame them.

I cannot blame them in this case for RESPONDING to riots. They did not instigate it. They didn't decide to stroll over to Al Aqsa and randomly beat people. They were attacked by moron palestinians and reacted with riot control methods like any country would.

You can believe your fairy tales if you want.
I, unlike you, deal in facts.

If Israel is to blame for something, I will blame them.

I cannot blame them in this case for RESPONDING to riots. They did not instigate it. They didn't decide to stroll over to Al Aqsa and randomly beat people. They were attacked by moron palestinians and reacted with riot control methods like any country would.

You can believe your fairy tales if you want.
your comment is not important same as your country not important.
The least you guys can do is open the Gaza border, oh wait HYPOCRISY I mean hammas is there.

"Hypocrisy?" I don't think you know what that means. The individual I used that term for listed only the 3 Arab countries he's well known for years to hate and despise with a passion but didn't include Turkey which has more affiliation with Israel than all the other 3 countries combined!!!! Now do you understand the definition of hypocrisy?

As to your usual "open the border stuff" that we hear all the time, what the heck does that have to do with this issue in the WB and Jerusalem? NOTHING, so nice try. Actually it was a weak attempt at deflecting blame but you're not dealing with someone who's not very familiar with the situation. Opening our border for them will not help them in any way except flee to Egypt and that is EXACTLY what Israel wants. Understand all the political angles before angrily and blindly shooting from the hip.
No ones asking for a war, you guys, and all of us have our priorities shifted to the other side.

But you have more clout then others, and you and Jordan can use your leverage but wont.

Political and diplomatic pressure along with media exposure are the firsts step to show the world the atrocities they're commiting over what, a couple of rocks thrown at their barbaric police? Then the pressure from heads of state at especially the US and the EU. They are the only ones with the real clout you're trying to impose on Arabs. That is how you leverage Israel and the damage that Trump did with his ignorant announcement of Jerusalem becoming Israel's capital that has led to this. Short of that, the only other alternative is WAR. There is no in-between as this has been going on for more than half a century incase you didn't know. If Jerusalem has become the capital of Israel and no diplomatic pressure for an amicable solution that protects Palestinian rights to access to prayers in the two big Masjids and the stoppage or the removal of Palestinian homes AND the return of the homes already destroyed and stoln, then the only other alternative is war.

You are asking the oppressor why they oppresses. I am sure they both have their names in the waiting list to steal a Palestinian home in the name of whatever fake privilege these european crusaders think they have.

That's right, I'm asking them why they're doing that to get the PDF Israeli perspective. Don't let that concern you with all due respect, it's none of your business. The fact that they haven't replied is a big indication already. Don't jump into things you don't understand.
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You'll be going thirsty soon in that dusty country of yours due to Ethiopia's great dam.

You'll probably ask Israel for water.

I think they should say no.
Don't worry about us , even in ur dreams( we go thirsty) we still have underground water for at least 1000 years .. you should worry about Algeria kicking ur *** or spain which controls msot of your island ( 3 islands in the north) , ceuta , melila , canary islands etc .. you people have no dignity? your land under foreign control.
I, unlike you, deal in facts.

If Israel is to blame for something, I will blame them.

I cannot blame them in this case for RESPONDING to riots. They did not instigate it. They didn't decide to stroll over to Al Aqsa and randomly beat people. They were attacked by moron palestinians and reacted with riot control methods like any country would.

You can believe your fairy tales if you want.
lol prove us the palestinain are rioting in Al-Aqsa Mosque, you only can rants all day along without any proofs and beating women and girls is disgusting and condemnable act lol you're reported for your blabbering
Let me help you understand, as you appear a bit slow.

Jews buy this land

Jordan invades and captures the land

Jordan moves Arab families onto this Jewish owned land

Jordan does not provide these Arabs with title deeds.

In 1967 Israel wins the land back

The Jewish owners agree to let the Arabs stay as long as they pay rent

The Arabs agree and everything is fine until the next generation refuse to pay rent

The Jewish owners petition the courts to evict the squatters

After court hearings, the Arabs are notified of their eviction for non payment of rent over 30 years or so.

The world cries over palestinan lies

Look who we got here. The Zionist bootlicker.

You must feel proud how the Zionists are attacking Palestinian worshippers.
Look who we got here. The Zionist bootlicker.

You must feel proud how the Zionists are attacking Palestinian worshippers.
This is the level of intellect Pakistan has.

The same post regurgitated over and over again. The same false claims, the same catchphrases.

Don't you get tired of posting the same dribble as the rest of your countrymen? ever considered having an original thought? ever considered reading opposing views? ever considered reading Israeli news and watching videos and really digging into stories instead of walking around with your unibrow saying "zionist" over and over as you drag your knuckles.
lol prove us the palestinain are rioting in Al-Aqsa Mosque, you only can rants all day along without any proofs and beating women and girls is disgusting and condemnable act lol you're reported for your blabbering
I have already posted videos and photos from previous acts of palestinians rioting and using Al Aqsa Mosque as a weapons storage facility.
This is the level of intellect Pakistan has.

The same post regurgitated over and over again. The same false claims, the same catchphrases.

Don't you get tired of posting the same dribble as the rest of your countrymen? ever considered having an original thought? ever considered reading opposing views? ever considered reading Israeli news and watching videos and really digging into stories instead of walking around with your unibrow saying "zionist" over and over as you drag your knuckles.
Give me the proofs/backup of your claims that's Innocent palestanians rioting in place of their worship (Al-Quds)

@waz @krash @The Eagle @LeGenD can we banned this Zionist bootlicker on this thread named @Trench Broom thanks
Don't you get tired of posting the same dribble as the rest of your countrymen? ever considered having an original thought? ever considered reading opposing views? ever considered reading Israeli news and watching videos and really digging into stories instead of walking around with your unibrow saying "zionist" over and over as you drag your knuckles.
All will be well. Prime Minister Imran Khan is in Saudia Arabia with the custodian of the Holy cities bahadur Mohammed Bin Salman. We just need Sultan Erdogan to meet them and then surely Pakistan, Saudia Arabia, UAE, Turkey will give Israel 24 hours.

Or we send out Thunders ....
Give me the proofs/backup of your claims that's Innocent palestanians rioting in place of their worship (Al-Quds)

@waz @krash @The Eagle @LeGenD can we banned this Zionist bootlicker on this thread named @Trench Broom thanks
Why not just youtube videos and you'll see rock throwing and fireworks.

This was planned for weeks. Israeli media have been reporting about upcoming Ramadan riots since April.
All will be well. Prime Minister Imran Khan is in Saudia Arabia with the custodian of the Holy cities bahadur Mohammed Bin Salman. We just need Sultan Erdogan to meet them and then surely Pakistan, Saudia Arabia, UAE, Turkey will give Israel 24 hours.

Or we send out Thunders ....
You sound like a child. Stop embarrassing yourself with this.
Muslim world needs someone to lead them.
Erodagan or imran khan they dont hve the guts to fight.
Pakistan is just a piece of lands where muslims live...our priority is n always should be islam.whether arabs dnt follow the same.every individual will be questioned by Allah
Ummah needs Imam e mehdi a.s
That's rich coming from you. "Technically" your home, life, family shouldn't be your problem as well as the owner of you, your family, your home will protect you. Hell why shouldn't we extend it to Pakistan as well and "Technically" disband the army as well because the protector of everything should be able do it as he taught us he is one who does it.

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Bro you are quite Technical, you can replace hind with whatever you want.
Good luck with your passive praying 👍🏽.
While your emotional outburst tried all the usual tangents, I don’t own the Kaaba, it isn’t my property nor did I call it my house. Hence, the being whose primary responsibility it is will guard it better than any F-15SA or let it be destroyed as he sees fit. If he sent Ababeel to destroy Abraha’s army and let flooding destroy it during the prophet’s time it was his will.

As for being able to pray in New Zealand which supported Israeli creation in 1947 and cowered down even to pass bills supporting the Palestinians - that’s rich coming from you too.

Stick to being muslims that turn a blind eye to corruption and injustice in their country of origins while posting lofty goals like being able to do anything about Al-Aqsa. After all, how much cash have you donated to the cause? Or written to your government representative?
Or decided to take a one way ticket to Israel to join the intefada?

If you haven’t done so, there is always PDF to beat your chest.
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