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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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at the end of the day when the Jews and or Iranians will be killing you left, right and centre, it will be us who you will be calling to save you from your inevitable genocide.
Hey, don't drag us into this.
Technically - that is not anyone’s problem since per beliefs the owner of that house will protect it. However, if he so wishes it has been destroyed in the past and attacked some 50 years ago so it may be again in the future.
That's rich coming from you. "Technically" your home, life, family shouldn't be your problem as well as the owner of you, your family, your home will protect you. Hell why shouldn't we extend it to Pakistan as well and "Technically" disband the army as well because the protector of everything should be able do it as he taught us he is one who does it.

As for Al-Aqsa -most muslims aren't mentally and emotionally strong enough not have an iota of morals or care for each other and fellow human that would represent them as muslims - hence they cannot do jack about it. Until they are that state, the best they should do is pray.

Bro you are quite Technical, you can replace hind with whatever you want.
Good luck with your passive praying 👍🏽.
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That's rich coming from a breed that lost to a moth eaten Israel in 6 days, be-careful who you insult Arab even with all of our limitations we are still holding back a facist state hell bent on our destruction which is 5 times in size in land mass and 7 times in population, at the end of the day when the Jews and or Iranians will be killing you left, right and centre, it will be us who you will be calling to save you from your inevitable genocide.
Iran kills daesh and other terrorist groups because they are loyal foot soldiers of zionists.


Are we going to ignore Prophets Prophecies? Things will fall apart for Muslims before the arrival of Mehdi, I mean seriously Jews are having a time of their life after a long long time, they will do things much worse that will only seal their fate by the hand of their Creator, Remember it the nation that betrayed Moses Pbuh, Killed many Prophets and tried to kill Jesus Aka ESA A.S, they are living on borrowed time and so are we, At the end of the day things will progress in the way as Prophet told us about 1400 years ago, no country, organization or alliance can stop that, Its Allah's plan and its already in motion.
You forgot Turkey OH sorry, I just remembered the hypocrisy. What do you expect these three countries you hate so much to do besides condemn the action and impose some type of economic and diplomatic stoppage? You want us to go to war with them for the 4th time 3 of those were just defending our own territory from their invasion and occupation. What is your solution to what those 3 countries should do (excluding Turkey, of course?)

@500 , @DavidSling , any opinions from either of you Israeli members on what your government is doing with these horrible ethnic cleansing acts and barbarism?
The least you guys can do is open the Gaza border, oh wait HYPOCRISY I mean hammas is there.

No ones asking for a war, you guys, and all of us have our priorities shifted to the other side.

But you have more clout then others, and you and Jordan can use your leverage but wont.
You are asking the oppressor why they oppresses. I am sure they both have their names in the waiting list to steal a Palestinian home in the name of whatever fake privilege these european crusaders think they have.
The prophecy will come true in due time, at the end all your riches will amount to nothing.

Everything comes to an end in this short life. It is what you do in this time that counts. Did you treat people with respect and give what you have to the poor ? did you go about life with a bitter heart towards people who have more than you ?

you get the drift ..
The so-called "attack" is a response to rioting by 'palestinian' terror entity incited by Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.

As for Al Aqsa, the 'palestinians' desecrate it all the time by turning it into a space for launching attacks and firing fireworks from inside as well as storing mountains of rocks inside the mosque.

They don't care one bit for the Mosque they just use it so gullible people like you becoming angry and frothing at the mouth.
Absolute rubbish

Only a knuckle dragging savage believe it's justified to turn a Mosque into a terror centre.

This is a post of hyperbole nonsense. Just propaganda slogans.

I can point out the murder of Israeli civilians by palestinians who then celebrate it like it's some kind of achievement to stab an old lady to death or shoot a kid at a bus stop.

I will never be on the side of such savages, I'll leave that to you.
More rubbish

Very much so, yes.

You're obviously an uninformed moron. Let me help you understand.

The palestinians started to riot. It has been known for a couple of weeks in Israel that they were planning a riot. They do this almost every Ramadan.

Sheikh Jarrah is Jewish owned land. The Jewish owners have legal title deeds to the land. This land was stolen from the Jewish owners in 1948 by Jordan. Jordan moved 28 Arab families onto this land.

The Jewish owners agreed to let the Arabs continue to live on their land, as long as they pay rent. The decedents of the original inhabitants from 1950 now refuse to pay rent and are being evicted.

I know they don't teach you any facts in Bahrain, so hopefully this will help you.

Openly lying now ?

From 1948, Sheikh Jarrah was on the edge of a UN-patrolled no-man's land between West Jerusalem and the Israeli enclave on Mount Scopus. A wall stretched from Sheikh Jarrah to Mandelbaum Gate, dividing the city.

As permanent ownership transfer was illegal under the Fourth Geneva Convention, the area was placed under the jurisdiction of the Jordanian Custodian of Enemy Property.

During the Six-Day War of 1967, Israel captured East Jerusalem, including Sheikh Jarrah.
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Can you please list the sources of your facts? I can bet you that I can list the sources with facts from the inception of this conflict...btw did you went through the video I posted in my previous reply to you.

not one fact pure fiction he wrote
It’s laughable really if this situation wasn’t so dire

But hey it takes a certain sort to fabricate lies on a poor suffering peoples .

During the Six-Day War of 1967, Israel captured Sheikh Jarrah.
Let me help you understand, as you appear a bit slow.

Jews buy this land

Jordan invades and captures the land

Jordan moves Arab families onto this Jewish owned land

Jordan does not provide these Arabs with title deeds.

In 1967 Israel wins the land back

The Jewish owners agree to let the Arabs stay as long as they pay rent

The Arabs agree and everything is fine until the next generation refuse to pay rent

The Jewish owners petition the courts to evict the squatters

After court hearings, the Arabs are notified of their eviction for non payment of rent over 30 years or so.

The world cries over palestinan lies
I have been saying this for quite some time. Israelis know time of their Mechiach is near. They can't wait no more. They will increase this in an escalating/compounding manner. They will not allow this to be brought out in world media. But now their next step is taking over Masjid Al Aqsa. After that demolish it and build beit hamikdash i.e 3rd temple.

These are things they openly talk about on local Hebrew media. But it is kept under strict wraps and is not revealed to the world media.

Arabs and Palestinian are stupid fools to engage in racism and arab superiority. The rich Arab looks at the poor Arb with arrogance and thinks of himself as his master. The poor Arab looks at the ajam as his slave. While both are screwed in distinct ways by Western non muslims. If this is not stupidity. What is?
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