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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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I have been saying this for quite some time. Israelis know time of their Mechiach is near. They can't wait no more. They will increase this in an escalating/compounding manner. They will not allow this to be brought out in world media. But now their next step is taking over Masjid Al Aqsa. After that demolish it and build beit hamikdash i.e 3rd temple.

Interesting that you think so. Could you explain why Al Aqsa went from looking like this under Arab control


To this after Israeli control took over?


Why was it dilapidated with weeds growing and then Israel cleaned it up?


  • al-aqsa-mosque-minaret-on-the-temple-mount-in-the-old-city-section-HH0ABC.jpg
    162.8 KB · Views: 37
I have been saying this for quite some time. Israelis know time of their Mechiach is near. They can't wait no more. They will increase this in an escalating/compounding manner. They will not allow this to be brought out in world media. But now their next step is taking over Masjid Al Aqsa. After that demolish it and build beit hamikdash i.e 3rd temple.

These are things they openly talk about on local Hebrew media. But it is kept under strict wraps and is not revealed to the world media.

Arabs and Palestinian are stupid fools to engage in racism and arab superiority. The rich Arab looks at the poor Arb with arrogance and thinks of himself as his master. The poor Arab looks at the ajam as his slave. While both are screwed in distinct ways by Western non muslims. If this is not stupidity. What is?
1800 OIC or 1800 ARAB LEAGUE. Israeli will do what they have to do. Arab neighbors !!!!!!! sleeping as usual.
This also serves the purpose of Bibi trying to win back the right wing and some of the moderate voters and prove his worth to Israel deep state.
To this after Israeli control took over?
Its ran by the Jordanian waqf and the various wealthy donors who donate. Nice try though I'll give you that.
This also serves the purpose of Bibi trying to win back the right wing and some of the moderate voters and prove his worth to Israel deep state.

Its ran by the Jordanian waqf and the various wealthy donors who donate. Nice try though I'll give you that.
So before the 1967 war, the Jordanian waqf let the weeds grow and building become run down.

And after 1967 they magically made it all pretty. Nothing to do with Israel taking over and actually caring for the sacred ground.

Not like the streets of Jerusalem started to improve the day after Israel took over either. That must be a coincidence too.
There was a time when Muslim armies would be ready to march and raise capitals to the ground for Quds. Today they have left it all alone for the infidels to loot and plunder. What a fall from grace!

If they don't care about Kashmir, we don't care about Palestine.
There was a time when Muslim armies would be ready to march and raise capitals to the ground for Quds. Today they have left it all alone for the infidels to loot and plunder. What a fall from grace!

You want a multi-national war against a nuclear power because some palestinians were throwing rocks from the Al Aqsa compound and got the crap kicked out of them by security forces?

LOL. You 14 year old Pakistani kids in Lahore talking tough are at least funny. I genuinely laughed at this comment, so thanks for the entertainment. :laugh:
That's rich coming from a breed that lost to a moth eaten Israel in 6 days, be-careful who you insult Arab even with all of our limitations we are still holding back a facist state hell bent on our destruction which is 5 times in size in land mass and 7 times in population, at the end of the day when the Jews and or Iranians will be killing you left, right and centre, it will be us who you will be calling to save you from your inevitable genocide.

@Aslan are these the kind that you want Pakistan to waste time fighting for?, I say to hell with them Pakistan first.
You do realize you are wasting your time, with either a Morrocan Jew or at best an atheist. Woh apnay mulk ka saga nahi hai, kisis aur ka kya ho ga.
Why are Muslims of the world so stupid?

Our leaders everywhere rip Muslims off every day, abuse their power, steal public assets, seize private property through land mafias and trample on human rights habitually. But not one of them misses the chance to grandstand on a faraway 'fashionable' Muslim issue like Palestine. 4 family homes have been encroached here, FOUR. More land theft happens in Karachi or Dhaka in 1 hour of any day.

Muslims are being kept whipped up and preoccupied with this neverending, disproportionate matter, while they are robbed blind right in front of their noses!
The issue is still unresolved because the so called leaders of the ummah don't believe in ummah at all. Imagine being 1.6 billion, 53 country strong and still be unable to convince world powers that snatching Palestinian land is illegal and it should be stopped. Muslims have chosen the wrong leaders.

What are these pictures supposed to prove? is it just cheap propaganda you're trying to create here? I can post riots from dozens of countries including Pakistan. It proves nothing. It doesn't prove who the aggressor is, it doesn't tell us anything about what's going on.


Also I like how this picture slipped in. The Israelis are so bad, that a Muslim woman in the middle of a riot can go up to an Israeli policeman and physically touch him. You better edit that one out quickly :laugh:
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