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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Why not just youtube videos and you'll see rock throwing and fireworks.

This was planned for weeks. Israeli media have been reporting about upcoming Ramadan riots since April.
LOL Fireworks is rioting, we are doing the same especially last week of RAMADAN (in Pakistan), last week of RAMADAN is holist weeks of RAMADAN for Muslims, especially last 5 odd nights
Muslim world needs someone to lead them.
Erodagan or imran khan they dont hve the guts to fight.
Pakistan is just a piece of lands where muslims live...our priority is n always should be islam.whether arabs dnt follow the same.every individual will be questioned by Allah
Ummah needs Imam e mehdi a.s
The average Pakistani has more in common with an Indian than palestinians.

palestinians know nothing about Pakistan, never mention it, don't visit there. Nothing. There is no connection.
The average Pakistani has more in common with an Indian than palestinians.

palestinians know nothing about Pakistan, never mention it, don't visit there. Nothing. There is no connection.
The average Pakistani has more in common with an Indian than palestinians.

palestinians know nothing about Pakistan, never mention it, don't visit there. Nothing. There is no connection.
As a Muslim we support them it doesn't matter if common people of Palestine doesn't know about Pakistan its a Muslim issue, so who are you to dictate them and us
As a Muslim we support them it doesn't matter if common people of Palestine doesn't know about Pakistan its a Muslim issue, so who are you to dictate them and us
Laudable, but does being co-religionists mean never criticising and blindly accepting the narrative?
For example, many American Jews criticise Israeli Jews and vice versa.

Do you have such discourse in Pakistan where someone can say they think the palestinians are acting foolishly by storing rocks in Al Aqsa?

Because all I see here are robots on repeat. The same short sentences about Zionists this and that. No independent thought processes.
Everything comes to an end in this short life. It is what you do in this time that counts. Did you treat people with respect and give what you have to the poor ? did you go about life with a bitter heart towards people who have more than you ?

you get the drift ..

thats it? what about doing what you can for the ummah, instead of kissing the a*s of leaders that do nothing but backstab the ummah?
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The average Pakistani has more in common with an Indian than palestinians.

palestinians know nothing about Pakistan, never mention it, don't visit there. Nothing. There is no connection.
So you want Pakistan and Pakistani's do lick Israel's as* like Morocco?
Laudable, but does being co-religionists mean never criticising and blindly accepting the narrative?
For example, many American Jews criticise Israeli Jews and vice versa.

Do you have such discourse in Pakistan where someone can say they think the palestinians are acting foolishly by storing rocks in Al Aqsa?

Because all I see here are robots on repeat. The same short sentences about Zionists this and that. No independent thought processes.
LOL and you're independent LOL, you gain 8 negative ratings in just 2 days you're here only for abusing/insulting Islam and Muslims, and i ma 100% tha rock throwing started when Zionists forces trying to stop Muslim prayers in Al-Aqsa
Those Muslim armies and nations had worked every moment to be in a position to do so. They did not constitute the worlds most corrupt, self-serving, and impotent loudmouths.

Or ask others for protection. Those in the past, leaders didn't fear their own people as the current lot of cowards.
"Hypocrisy?" I don't think you know what that means. The individual I used that term for listed only the 3 Arab countries he's well known for years to hate and despise with a passion but didn't include Turkey which has more affiliation with Israel than all the other 3 countries combined!!!! Now do you understand the definition of hypocrisy?

As to your usual "open the border stuff" that we hear all the time, what the heck does that have to do with this issue in the WB and Jerusalem? NOTHING, so nice try. Actually it was a weak attempt at deflecting blame but you're not dealing with someone who's not very familiar with the situation. Opening our border for them will not help them in any way except flee to Egypt and that is EXACTLY what Israel wants. Understand all the political angles before angrily and blindly shooting from the hip.

Political and diplomatic pressure along with media exposure are the firsts step to show the world the atrocities they're commiting over what, a couple of rocks thrown at their barbaric police? Then the pressure from heads of state at especially the US and the EU. They are the only ones with the real clout you're trying to impose on Arabs. That is how you leverage Israel and the damage that Trump did with his ignorant announcement of Jerusalem becoming Israel's capital that has led to this. Short of that, the only other alternative is WAR. There is no in-between as this has been going on for more than half a century incase you didn't know. If Jerusalem has become the capital of Israel and no diplomatic pressure for an amicable solution that protects Palestinian rights to access to prayers in the two big Masjids and the stoppage or the removal of Palestinian homes AND the return of the homes already destroyed and stoln, then the only other alternative is war.

That's right, I'm asking them why they're doing that to get the PDF Israeli perspective. Don't let that concern you with all due respect, it's none of your business. The fact that they haven't replied is a big indication already. Don't jump into things you don't understand.

You do realize pressure is only applied if you have force to back it up. None in the Arab world has that you've been applying this for last 70+ years no one in US/EU even cared. What Trump did was already well understood in the State Department they always believed Jerusalem to be Israeli Capital (I have friends in the State Department who attested to it), they feared a strong reaction, Trump took the risk and said it loudly and lo and behold nothing happened. The other issue you have all your Eggs in US/EU basket your stuck and can't' do anything.
You want a multi-national war against a nuclear power because some palestinians were throwing rocks from the Al Aqsa compound and got the crap kicked out of them by security forces?

LOL. You 14 year old Pakistani kids in Lahore talking tough are at least funny. I genuinely laughed at this comment, so thanks for the entertainment. :laugh:

Please arrange for oxygen. Your country needs it bad.
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