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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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These arab monarchists and dictators are the reason that other cant help the palestinians . I mean what can others do when the countries bordering palestine are actively pro israel and tell other regional muslim powers to not interfere in arab affairs while at the same time they pressure the palestinians and blockade those poor souls... the biggest cucks are the egyption dictator and that Jordan King.
Very well said sir.
Iran could arm Hamas and Islamic Jihad of Palestine thanks to Mediteranean sea. But how can we do the same in west bank while having Jordan guarding Israel? . One more problem with west bank is that its led by UAE puppet Abbas who doesn’t believe in arming Palestinians. That's why Israel can easily advance in west bank but when they do anything wrong to Gazans, Hamas gives them a bloody nose and makes Jews eat their own shit.
I Remember a Palestinian mother who named her new born Fajr. Hamas bombed Israeli cities with Iranian supplied Fajr rockets.

Arab monarchs under American leadership have Agreed to destroy Palestine gradually and their plan for 2 state Resolution is a cover up for their plans.

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yeah. Islam teaches to make friends with israel and applaud actions of leaders that backstab the ummah 24/7. yeah, cool. big reward waiting for you in jannah ya dayyouth.

stand up for your religion you shameless dog. or is your religion nothing but money?

you know you are losing when you resort to this sort of language :) I guess whatever i am saying is really having a huge impact on your reality. Sorry , did not mean to go hard on you.
so, do you ever ask yourself this question ? "why isnt my mighty pakistan doing anything for palestine and al quds ?"

Our first step was to neutralise their nuke superiority which we have successfully done Our next step is to liberate Kashmir then we will deal with Israeli apartheid and their Zion poodles in the middle East, Inshallah.
Our first step was to neutralise their nuke superiority which we have successfully done Our next step is to liberate Kashmir then we will deal with Israeli apartheid and their Zion poodles in the middle East, Inshallah.

Inshallah Mashallah
I am of the opinion that bigger and military strong muslim nations should work together on all fronts , especially technologie and economic front for a decade orso and when they have some decent tech and economy just go in and invade these stupid Tiny arab dictators and kingships and install pro muslim parties there ..there can never be unity on any issue when a lone King or dictator has all his interest connected with enemies of islam.
I am well aware of why Pakistan cannot do anything. I was just directing the question to people who list a bunch of reasons why Arabs cannot help palestine and the ummah and never care to mention the failed state of pakistan and the very akward situation it is in.

Shiekh mohammed bin zayed is a great man and history will show what he has done for the ummah and palestine. There is a huge media campaign againts him and the UAE and it is sadly a lovely pass time for many pakistanis. Bitter ones at that.

what I find strange is that the Arabs spent so much money in getting the Russians kicked out of Afghanistan and if they had put a fraction of that into fighting the Israeli apartheid regime then Israel would have changed its ways long time ago. Words cannot describe the state of Arab strategies.
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@Abu Dhabi

why dont you kiss this guys a*s too? he is the UAE ambassador to israel, and not a peep out of his about Quds. not a f*cking word. i thought you said by making relations with israel the uae will do better at protecting the rights of palestinians and raising their voice. what happened now? cat your mofo-ing tongue?

absaloutely not. Do you honestly think it will be an easy ride for the UAE diplomacy to achieve everything within a year ? This is the UAE first and last aim, Make things better for palastenians even if Jews make it hard for us.
absaloutely not. Do you honestly think it will be an easy ride for the UAE diplomacy to achieve everything within a year ? This is the UAE first and last aim, Make things better for palastenians even if Jews make it hard for us.

you are either a fool, or choose to be one.
fu*k you

i bet Prophet Muhammed would approve of the Gulf Arabs actions with befriending israel. this one is also from the Quran and Sunnah.

bullshit. you still kiss your leaders backside and make excuses. not a word from the UAE ambassador to israel. not a freaking word.

Calm down Pakistanibahraini. There is no need to lose all your hasanat over a forum discussion. assuming that you actually care.

Also, the UAE GOV. did issue a statement when things first happened. Did you happen to see it ?
Yes Yes okay. Whatever rocks your boat. Back to the question i asked you. Does it ever cross your mind, being the emotional person you are for the Ummah, WHY doesnt might pakistan do anything ?

To some Pakistanis and Iranians on these boards , its NEVER their fault. ;) always others .... also, weak excuse for mighty nations of 300 million+ people, eh ?

Firstly we are a nation of 200 Million people, secondly when we have traitor Arabs protecting Israel it is quite difficult to supply Palestine. When Israel attempted to Pak Nuke sites with collusion from India Pakistan took active interest in Israel and the Palestinian cause. From targeting Israeli nuke sites to active intelligence cells in Israel were all successes of ISI.
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
Mr.Khan is failing pakistanis on so many fronts and you still choose to stand with him.

which fronts?

why call me a fool when my leaders grant us the best life in the UAE AND help others including palestinians ?

all you emiratis are the same. bought out by money. shameless dogs.
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