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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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you basically destroyed your reputation on this forum IN MY EYES by doing 2 things:
1. attacking Iranians as non Muslims, so showed you are sectarian, an you're a mod, wow, i need to ignore you. and
2. you showed no sympathy for Palestinians...shame on you.

1. Nope, I dont attack Iran as non Muslim. My position is solid that I see Shiah as my brother and sisters, we are separated due to political event during Sahabah. I even have corrected my fellow Indonesian when he called Shiah non Muslim, but the thread is already eliminated because Chinese Indonesian called Daniel808 made the thread to attack me as I am critical to China treatment on Uigyur

I only call @Dariush the Great as fire worshiper since I see his anti Islam post and also he attack me when I am being critical to China about Uigyur. He is also the guy who dont care on Palestinian civilians live and make the thread for Hamas to launch rocket to Israel as retalliation to Israel attack on Iran nuclear site. He dont have high concern whether Palestinian civilian will be the victims for such attack

2. Nope, I do feel sympathy to Palestinian civilians lives as I follow Palestinian/Israeli wars since I was child, I have seen no different situation where any attack by Palestinian will be revenged by Israeli massive attack on Palestinian women and children and houses.

People like you who want to keep Hamash launch rocket to Israel that actually dont have high concern on Palestinian, you guys just want to see damage on Israel, but no care on Palestinian women and children lives that become Israeli retaliation target
yes and NOT for the love we have for israel. Israels continous reasoning and excuse for stealing and killing is attacks on them. Stop the attacks. Build Gaza into a small Monaco (roads , sewage systems , schools , universities ...etc) make them grow stronger , smarter , more powerful ...... they will be far more important in the world stage than they are now. Look at the western so called democracies ignoring their suffering.

their situation is S H I T . i see no hope in them getting out of it. So whats the next best thing ? feed their brains and stomuchs. Give them the best schools and healthcare. this alone will make israeli gov. tremble
You do realize that Palestinians weren’t the ones to “reject” good infrastructure. They elected the ones they found capable of protecting them which is Hamas. Sure no elections around, and the situation in Gaza seems to be more dictated by Hamas than ever but no one stepped up in Gaza and was like: I have a plan for change and improving the country since this would practically need support from Egypt and Israel.
Diplomats and officials in Egypt hold their noses up high whenever the word Hamas is mentioned - not Gaza. For the reason that Hamas in the eyes of the Egyptian Military is the main heart where terrorism in the Sinai is bumped from. And the Israelis would never want an Arab country to improve and westernize; as long as Israel is the most “Western” then its the Israeli POV that’s “certified” in the west. It’s also clear that any superior population would inevitably have the upper hand in a War and if it’s the case of Palestine then the land would be redominated by the Palestinians. That’s a Big No from Israel IMO.
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True religion shouldn't matter but coming with conflicting alternatives in internal talks is a matter of concern or spreading lies on purpose..

You are one of the posters I found to be indifferent perhaps you are an atheist? I can gather that from your posts and view on life. Am I right?

I am a fully fledged Muslim. But I am TOTALLY against the hypocritical practices of Pakistani Muslims that have damaged Pakistan. Also, I am NOT prepared to sell Pakistan out for non-Pakistani Muslims.
I don't wanna sound like an extremist or anything because I am not and I truly believe in freedom of all reiligions but in regards to the jews I think the ones from our countries are more hardcore I have experienced that and majority of them are zionist. Algerian jews zionists are the worst.

But that is not the point.. The point is to keep a close eye on them not only in Israel but outside of Israel. Because they have been living in fear for over 2000 years and have learned to hide their religion and gel in with other other cultures and religions. They have become masters of hiding their identity... This is the problem of hiding onself amongst people they can steal your intel.. Example Iran revealed there was high level inside jobs.. Look no further.. The jew will pray with you in the mosque on salatul Asr and attend your families wedding party and next day give away your intel
It's not fair to blame Iranian Jews for the infiltration of our security apparatus by pro-West people. There's no evidence that any of the spies or agents arrested so far for the recent sabotage incidents were Jewish. We have a fair share of traitors like all other countries in the world and they come from all backgrounds, most of them are Muslims anyway. Believe it or not, Israel has traitors too. For example, The Israeli Minister of Agriculture was charged with espionage for Iran in 2018.

Jews like all other people have good and bad people, with the exception of Israeli settlers after 1947 that knowingly are occupying other people's lands and contribute to the ongoing genocide of Palestinians. All of those f*ckers should be kicked out of Palestinian lands when the day for justice arrives.
I only call @Dariush the Great as fire worshiper since I see his anti Islam post and also he attack me when I am being critical to China about Uigyur.

Dariush the Great
He is a TROLL .. He attacked me too
Here are all the live streams so far

well disaster brings people together and gazans have been on the short end of the stick for so long i am sure total strangers will let people stay with them if they do not have relatives or friends nearby

I don't doubt your sincerity toward the Palestinians or, contrary to what trolling Pakistanis here say about Arabs and about the Arab general population about the Palestinians. I believe the Arabs are a beaten force but not by Israel/Jews: But by the United States--a power which beat had beaten Japan and Germany, no less.

But if I read in between the lines, you are suggesting is that Palestinians should better themselves by 'education' etc and eventually things will improve? There IS some truth in that except, on an ideological level, you really underestimate what the Palestinians are up-against. This is not the Europeans in North America subjugating 'The 'Savages'', even if some Israelies probably do think of the Palestinians as 'savages' or 'Untermench'. The Jews have waited centuries to come back to Palestine as 'race' and as a civilization. They have, to quote Hitler again, their own 'Lebensraum' and they see Muslims (and even Christians!) as squatters. And they want the prime land. And the prime land is, as I said above, the West Bank, Lebanon up to the Litany River, and the Golan Heights. Giving way deserts of the Sinai Peninsula and the worthless Gaza strip was always a Red Herring!
1. Nope, I dont attack Iran as non Muslim. My position is solid that I see Shiah as my brother and sisters, we are separated due to political event during Sahabah. I even have corrected my fellow Indonesian when he called Shiah non Muslim, but the thread is already eliminated because Chinese Indonesian called Daniel808 made the thread to attack me as I am critical to China treatment on Uigyur

I only call @Dariush the Great as fire worshiper since I see his anti Islam post and also he attack me when I am being critical to China about Uigyur. He is also the guy who dont care on Palestinian civilians live and make the thread for Hamas to launch rocket to Israel as retalliation to Israel attack on Iran nuclear site. He dont have high concern whether Palestinian civilian will be the victims for such attack

2. No I show sympathy to Palestinian civilians lives as I follow Palestinian/Israeli wars since I was child, I have seen no different situation where any attack by Palestinian will be revenged by Israeli massive attack on Palestinian women and children and houses.

People like you who want to keep Hamash launch rocket to Israel that actually dont have high concern on Palestinian, you guys just want to see damage on Israel, but no care on Palestinian women and children lives that become Israeli retaliation target

Brother let me intervene here, Iranian's like to observe this conflict because it is related to them too. Lots of people are observing this conflict a lot the moment. However, Iran does not direct anyone in Palestine and we are not doing anything on behalf of them. Those strikes on Iran's nuclear reactors are happening by people on the ground in Iran and these covert activities are still ongoing. Nothing that happens from Gaza will change that. US and Israel are covertly active in Iran.
in 1939-42 hitler was running concentration camps with jews


and after 1948...........barak -olmert- sharon netanyahu,-etc ,-- are running palestine open air concentration camps,,
Brother let me intervene here, Iranian's like to observe this conflict because it is related to them too. Lots of people are observing this conflict a lot the moment. However, Iran does not direct anyone in Palestine and we are not doing anything on behalf of them. Those strikes on Iran's nuclear reactors are happening by people on the ground in Iran and these covert activities are still ongoing. Nothing that happens from Gaza will change that. US and Israel are covertly active in Iran.

I'm sick of this insistence that Iran controls everything in Gaza.

Yes Iran provides financial and material support, so does Qatar apparently. That doesn't mean that every action and internal politics of Gaza is determined by Iran at all. Iran has little control over Gaza and very little in the West bank, the Israelis have worked hard to make sure the Iranians and Qataris cannot arm them.

Also FYI, for those that don't know, the covert action on Natanz appeared as an action in the supply chain of electrical parts going into Natanz. These parts were ordered from a foreign company in Europe. Clearly the company tipped intelligence services off about it and planned a detonation device inside.
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