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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Yup, but Saudi and Iran keep fighting to each other in Yemen. Egypt is in the hand of Sisi who jailed Muslim Brotherhood activist despite MB get majority support of Egyptian in previous fair election. Turkey and Pakistan are currently under economic difficulty.
You do need to realize that in the first round of elections Morsi was one of the 2 most voted for, yet under 40% voted for him and it’s was only in the second round when he won the elections marginally. Add to that; the elections were rather urged because the intern council was hell that no clear visions were offered with sufficient time before the elections. No one told us they were going to tear the Egyptian society into good muslims, bad muslims and Copts. So please, enough with the MB.
And the Israelis would never want an Arab country to improve and westernize; as long as Israel is the most “Western” then its the Israeli POV that’s “certified” in the west. It’s also clear that any superior population would inevitably have the upper hand in a War and if it’s the case of Palestine then the land would be renominates by the Palestinians. That’s a Big No from Israel IMO.

I am not saying what i am proposing is realistic or achievable or easy. I am saying what i hope happens, and i only have come to this conclusion because i see no way out for Gazans.

Israel has won (for now). It is a fact. Israel is strong and is backed up by super powers. Fact.

So while all this shit takes place , i see a mother worrying about food. Worrying about her kids education. Worrying she cannot afford the next dosage of medicine ...etc

This is my personal system in life. When i am faced with problems and everything seems hopeless. I always make the best out of the situation.

now building on what another member said about having muslims troops in gaza for peacekeeping, we go with that and also have major developers with decades of experience in construction (aldar, emaar ..etc) to come in and slowly rebuild gaza to start with.

1- home for every single person (with a bunker)
2- Best schools and uneversities and colleges

you get the idea. ZERO attacks on israel. ZERO politicians on t.v threatining israel. stop it all while we build a strong palestinian generation. How many rich palestinians abroad will invest and move back ?

it sounds like a dream i know, it might as well be.
I am not saying what i am proposing is realistic or achievable or easy. I am saying what i hope happens, and i only have come to this conclusion because i see no way out for Gazans.

Israel has won (for now). It is a fact. Israel is strong and is backed up by super powers. Fact.

So while all this shit takes place , i see a mother worrying about food. Worrying about her kids education. Worrying she cannot afford the next dosage of medicine ...etc

This is my personal system in life. When i am faced with problems and everything seems hopeless. I always make the best out of the situation.

now building on what another member said about having muslims troops in gaza for peacekeeping, we go with that and also have major developers with decades of experience in construction (aldar, emaar ..etc) to come in and slowly rebuild gaza to start with.

1- home for every single person (with a bunker)
2- Best schools and uneversities and colleges

you get the idea. ZERO attacks on israel. ZERO politicians on t.v threatining israel. stop it all while we build a strong palestinian generation. How many rich palestinians abroad will invest and move back ?

it sounds like a dream i know, it might as well be.

We're going a bit off topic.
Honestly, it's Qatar and UAE money that can really develop the region. I don't think it's a conspiracy at the moment to say the West would very much NOT like a developed Arab country because it is fundamentally a threat to Israel. The whole reason why Americans are debating selling F-35s to UAE, instead of just doing it is because they want to make sure one day they will not be used against them.

This is the situation they created with Iran. They sold us F-14s, the most advanced fighter jet in existence at the time, and no other country in the world received this model. But we weren't Arab, little did they realize, we were Muslim lol.
as always İran terrorize Palestine to give reasons to İsrael for attacking Palestinians and Al Aqsa mosque

PLO is recognized as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian People by over 100 States
and PLO has enjoyed observer status at the United Nations since 1974

Neither PIJ nor HAMAS are members of the PLO.

The second most powerful armed organization in Gaza, Islamic Jihad backed by Iran, is carrying out rocket attacks on Israel

İran and ASSAD Regime are major financial supporters of the PIJ
and İran backed HEZBOLLAH also support PIJ financial, militarily and morally
Hi man,

Please don't criticize any country. All Muslim countries are the reason of the current problems of Palestinians.

Focus on the current war only.
I proposed gaza become developed which is the right of every human to have
but doesnt this come after Israel and Palestine SETTLE THEIR DECADES LONG CONFLICT??? its like you're skipping steps, like the way ISrael does - "lets just develop gaza, " like that stupid narcissistic devil Kushner--- SETTLE YOUR HISTORICAL ISSUES 1st!

talking about developingment, your friend ISrael doesnt even let gaza get developed..what aout all the money Qatar sent Gaza that ISrael is holding? i have 0 respect for you, Iran will continue to mop you weak a$$es up in Yemen.
The Muslim world buys 342 billion worth of weapons annually to condemn Israel.


The Muslim world is actually fighting to each other in Middle East and Central Asia (Afghan). Thanks God, Muslim nations in South East Asia are friends to each other.
There IS some truth in that except, on an ideological level, you really underestimate what the Palestinians are up-against.

I agree they are againts not only Israel, but super-powers and traitors that are leeching off this whole situatuion. However, i remain hopeful because for whatever reasons that are stopping israel from totally eliminating every Arab in palestine, it will be even harder for them when palestinians suddenly become rich, educated and demand their right in courts or w/e democratic means.

yes we have seen shameless things from israel but would they really be able, lets say in 30 years, to start bombing, rich, unarmed, educated people who are un-armed and have not fired a bullet or missile for 3 decades ?
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