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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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No really, i would be glad to reply if you can make your points clearer. No offence.

if you see the history of my postings on here, you will see that i respond to everyone and everything. It seems you are quite polite so dealing with your replies will be a walk in the park ;)
do let me know which point wasnt clear?
the point that Palestine territory shrank to a few dots now, under your kind support that you are so proud of doing.
or the point of u guys accepting Israel on the pretext of resolving the issue? i am not sure wat the game plan here, it must be out of this world logic...
or that your king cant even condemn israel for wat they are doin now to Palestinians. just for the lip service third tier leadership is giving statements....

i hope it isnt hard to comprehend now by friend
Tehran at that time even left Paris behind. Yet Shah was not given any place to live in USA or any other Developed country

Yes, at the end of the day, they will throw you in the gutter as soon as they don't find you useful anymore. This was a warning. Look at the Shah of Iran, Look at Saddam...

As soon as you've used up your usefulness, they will get you killed. This goes for all leaders in this region.
Air strikes all over Gaza now, Israeli Air Force is implementing new philosophy which they have talked about before such as conducting 1,000 air strikes in one day, short but very intense.

@Surenas knows what I'm talking about, I'm sure he's read those reports .....
@Surenas Come here and explain :).
There's no Palestinian response, they don't have any capability to hurt colonist. It's a one sided slaughter.

It's one-sided because Muslims are sadly a bunch of losers who are scared of jihad and busy enjoying dunya... It should be embarrassing for everyone that a small faction in a besieged strip is standing up to Israel while they sit comfortably watching ....
It's one-sided because Muslims are sadly a bunch of losers who are scared of jihad and busy enjoying dunya... It should be embarrassing for everyone that a small faction in a besieged strip is standing up to Israel while they sit comfortably watching ....
Honestly my respect has grown thousandfold for the Palestinian fighters. Rest of the muslims are busy whoring around with materialistic stuff and scared of death. Palestinians still have honor left in them.
He's judging you by your posts on the forum, bro. Don't take it personally.

Anyway, let's stay on topic please.

I don't understand why @925boy and @Dariush the Great doing some shading on @MMM-E @Abu Dhabi, @Indos bringing debates that is unrelated to this topic or shading countries..

Example Erdogan has been ruled out as NATO or the GCC viewed to western etc etc or Indonesia as some western puppet.. While hailing Iran as some sort of second coming no shade intended but nobody is perfect. Someone actully replied that Iran is being patient because of strategy... Why don't you realize that the others also have a long term strategy plan and is working much better :coffee:
It's one-sided because Muslims are sadly a bunch of losers who are scared of jihad and busy enjoying dunya... It should be embarrassing for everyone that a small faction in a besieged strip is standing up to Israel while they sit comfortably watching ....

I don't understand why Hezbollah does not feel an immense amount of pressure to respond. This is a big mistake for them in the eyes of the Muslim world. Who will take them seriously?
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